
熊蕾 2010-1-4 09:59
打开今天的google网页,出现了一束果子,还有果子掉下来。那果子太小,初以为是樱桃,于是纳闷今天是什么日子。 原来1月4日是伊萨克牛顿的生日。 牛顿在科学上的贡献,不是我这个外行所能评价的。但是他从树上掉下苹果这个自然现象发掘出一个伟大的科学定律,却几乎是地球人都知 ...
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Justice for all at Copenhagen
熊蕾 2009-12-13 20:13
The receding snow line of the Himalayas is perhaps the best indicator of the ill effects of global warming. I flew over the world's highest mountain range twice, in February and November, this year. The towering peaks of the range, including its highest, Mount Qomolangma, were hardly c ...
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熊蕾 2009-7-29 22:12
认识程向阳好几年了,知道他一直在写一本记录他们那个艾滋村的书。 相信他记录的真实。但是仍然没有想到,这记录是这样震撼,而又这样冷静。 《岁月艾滋村十六年的磨砺》,不过270页。但是它承载的历史,承载的多少人生的血泪,却是那样厚重。 知道卖血能赚钱养家的那年, ...
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What should be the price of flu antidote?
熊蕾 2009-5-5 12:28
As the world is hit by yet another public health crisis, the old question is back to the fore: Will the pharmaceutical giants holding the patents of the allegedly effective antivirals for the swine flu virus cut their profit margins for the benefit of those who need the drugs but cannot afford the ...
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What a year!
熊蕾 2008-12-31 11:24
Thisisthelastdayof2008. Whatayearwehavehad! Itisayearofsorrow,ayearofsuffering,ayearofweeping,andayearoflosin ...
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