
Food Regime: From Ketogenic Diet to Yeast Extract
徐斌 2024-5-27 12:29
Food Regime: From Ketogenic Diet to Yeast Extract Introduction After Dr. Elliott Joslin recorded Diabetes in 1893, He had conjured the original concept of sugar intake limitation since then. Dr. Rollin Woodyatt noted that under conditions of starvation and a low carbo ...
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Yeast protein Weighs Global Food
徐斌 2024-2-17 23:11
Yeast protein Weighs Global Food Climate change poses challenges as a fait accompli as the decreasing arable land, water scarcity, and increasing greenhouse gas emissions, so that the threat of food deficiency has happened in the area now and then. Published data by Concern and Welthungerhilf ...
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Making Artificial Meat by Depurine Yeast Whole Protein
徐斌 2023-8-20 02:07
Feasibility to Produce Fiber Textural Protein b y Using Depurine and Non-degradable Yeast Protein The industrial production of fiber textural protein with high moistureis the core technology of the development of artificial meat industrialization and reflects the technological ...
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我请一位华人教授对“攻克生物酶法脱嘌呤技术瓶颈 力争实现中国肉类缺口由酵母蛋白替代的战略目标”提出评价
徐斌 2023-8-15 01:40
本人请我的一位华人教授给“ Replacing China\'s Meat Gap with Yeast Protein ”写出评价意见,我在公开出来。目标是邀请各方专业人士及其他对此领域感兴趣的人士,共同推进酵母蛋白作为新蛋白(替代蛋白)的产业化进程。 中文翻译使用的百度翻译,特此注明。 Reading done with the pretty written in bil ...
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徐斌 2023-8-15 01:08
高水分拉丝蛋白工业化制造是人造肉产业化发展和体现人造肉科技水平的核心技术。目前使用的原料包括大豆分离蛋白,谷朊粉及豌豆蛋白(这个作为人造肉原料更好)等。豆类蛋白异味及含有植物雌激素等给人造肉企业带来挑战。例如,在用植物蛋白配制食品时,通常会出现苦味、涩味等。另外,我国目前我国大豆进口依赖严重,进口 ...
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热度 1 徐斌 2023-8-13 12:15
使用脱嘌呤及无降解酵母全蛋白制造拉丝蛋白可行性分析 高水分拉丝蛋白工业化制造是人造肉产业化发展和体现人造肉科技水平的核心技术。目前使用的原料包括大豆分离蛋白,谷朊粉及豌豆蛋白等。豆类蛋白异味及含有植物雌激素等给人造肉企业带来挑战。例如,在用植物蛋白配制食品时,通常会出现苦味、涩味等 ...
个人分类: 新蛋白技术|1499 次阅读|8 个评论 热度 1
RNA and DNA from Yeast Protein are Degraded by Nuclease
徐斌 2023-8-6 10:16
The N ucleic A cid C ontained in Y east W hole P rotein was D egraded by S pecific N ucleases and A nalyzed by E lectrophoresis , and F urther D iscussion Is Welcomed . Note: 1. DNA stand ...
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Replacing China\'s Meat Gap with Yeast Protein
徐斌 2023-8-2 00:17
Overcome the Bottleneck of Reliable Depurine Technology by a n Enzymatic Processing and Strive to Achieve the Strategic Goal of Replacing China's Meat Gap with Yeast Protein 攻克生物酶法脱嘌呤技术瓶颈 力争实现中国肉类缺口由酵母蛋白替代的战略目标 Abstra ...
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徐斌 2023-7-31 23:59
注释:1、DNA 标准分子量。2、酵母全蛋白未加酶处理。3、酶1处理。4、酶2处理。5、酶3处理。 6、酶4处理。从左—右为1—6. 酵母全蛋白样品处理方法:100-200g(离心得到湿酵母菌体)悬浮于1L合适缓冲液,物理法破菌。取1ml 破菌液加1ul相应核酸酶,合适条件下酶降解1h。取5ul 相应酶解液电泳分析。 可以直观看 ...
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攻克生物酶法脱嘌呤技术瓶颈 力争实现中国肉类缺口由酵母蛋白替代的战略目标1
徐斌 2023-7-31 11:53
攻克生物酶法脱嘌呤技术瓶颈 力争实现中国肉类缺口由酵母蛋白替代的战略目标 摘要: 依靠 工业生物技术人才集成创新,建立高效生物酶法脱嘌呤(脱核酸)生产工艺,即只脱核酸,同时避免蛋白组分酶降解,制备食品安全级酵母蛋白产品,应用于替代蛋白制造领域,满足我国肉类市场缺口的需求。同时 ...
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