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Earth-Science Reviews 2篇;GSA Bulletin 5篇;QSR 10篇

已有 821 次阅读 2023-11-29 17:04 |系统分类:科研笔记

Earth-Science Reviews 2篇;GSA Bulletin 5篇;Quaternary Science Reviews 10

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队



Appraisal of Asian monsoon variability in the Indian subcontinent and East Asia through the Quaternary using diatom records


Earth-Science Reviews


A late Ediacaran ice age: The key node in the Earth system evolution


Earth-Science Reviews


Intra−Neo-Tethyan subduction initiation inferred from the Indawgyi mafic rocks in the Central Ophiolite Belt, Myanmar


GSA Bulletin


Grain-size variability in debris flows of different runout lengths, Wenchuan, China


GSA Bulletin


Magnetotelluric insights into the formation and reactivation of trans-crustal shear zones in Precambrian basement of the eastern U.S. Midcontinent


GSA Bulletin


How does weathering influence geochemical proxies in Paleoproterozoic banded iron formations? A case study from outcrop samples of 2.46 Ga banded iron formation, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia

风化如何影响古元古代铁建造的地球化学指标?西澳大利亚哈默斯利盆地2.46 Ga条带状铁组露头样品研究

GSA Bulletin


Mammalian faunal change of the Miocene Dove Spring Formation, Mojave region, southern California, USA, in relation to tectonic history


GSA Bulletin


BrGDGT-based quantitative reconstructions of paleotemperature in lakes: Regional vs. site-specific calibrations


Quaternary Science Reviews


The aggradation of alluvial fans in response to monsoon variability over the last 400 ka in the Hajar Mountains, south-east Arabia

阿拉伯东南部哈贾尔山脉冲积扇对过去400 ka季风变率的响应作用研究

Quaternary Science Reviews


Multidecadal-to-interannual modulations of Late Holocene climate variations reconstructed from oxygen isotope ratios of a 237-year-long lived fossil coral in Kikai Island, southwestern Japan


Quaternary Science Reviews


Winter determines the annual:seasonal temperature change of Asia temperate monsoon region since mid-Holocene


Quaternary Science Reviews


The change in convection over the Indo-Pacific warm pool in the mid-Holocene and its influence on South Asian precipitation


Quaternary Science Reviews


Human-environment interactions in the Mesolithic – The case of site Paliwodzizna 29, a lakeside site in central Poland

中石器时代人类与环境的相互作用——以波兰中部湖滨遗址Paliwodzizna 29为例

Quaternary Science Reviews


3D morphometry of De Geer Moraines and Crevasse-Squeeze Ridges: Differentiating between pushing and squeezing mechanisms from remotely sensed data

De Geer冰碛和裂缝挤压脊的三维形态测量:从遥感数据中区分推动和挤压机制

Quaternary Science Reviews


Revision of the Quaternary calcareous nannofossil biochronology of Arctic Ocean sediments


Quaternary Science Reviews


Deglaciation of the north American ice sheet complex in calendar years based on a comprehensive database of chronological data: NADI-1


Quaternary Science Reviews


Climate remained a major driving factor of vegetation dynamics over the past 600 years in Huangshan Mountain, Southeast China


Quaternary Science Reviews




上一篇:Lithos 19篇;Journal of Petrology 3篇;CMP 9篇
下一篇:AG 18篇;JGE 6篇;JAES 23篇
收藏 IP: 222.85.214.*| 热度|


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