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The Plant Cell:白花菜基因组揭示WGD作用于C4光合作用的演化
2023-1-27 15:30
The Gynandropsis gynandra genome provides insights into whole-genome duplications and the evolution of C 4 photosynthesis in Cleomaceae ...
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2023-1-26 20:33
Stigma receptors control intraspecies and interspecies barriers in Brassicaceae ...
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2023-1-25 23:09
Genome editing in plants using the compact editor CasΦ ...
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Plant Communications:非编码RNA SVALKA常温下负调控CBF1,作用于生物量积累
2023-1-24 18:59
The non-coding RNA SVALKA locus produces a cis- natural antisense transcript that negatively regulates the expression of CBF1 and biomass production at normal temperatures ...
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Nature Biotechnology:通过嫁接快速创制不含转基因株系的基因编辑体系
2023-1-23 23:44
Heritable transgene-free genome editing in plants by grafting of wild-type shoots to transgenic donor rootstocks ...
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New Phytologist:玉米YUC2/4通过生长素合成介导气生根角度和根倒伏抗性调控
2023-1-22 20:50
Local Auxin Biosynthesis Regulates Brace Root Angle and Lodging Resistance in Maize ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|1936 次阅读|没有评论
Journal of Experimental Botany:萝卜CLE22a通过生长素信号转导相关通路调控主根生长
2023-1-20 21:25
RsCLE22a regulates taproot growth through an auxin signaling-related pathway in radish ( Raphanus sativus L.) ...
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Plant Biotechnology Journal:萝卜高质量基因组揭示基因组演化和抽薹时间调控机制
2023-1-19 23:41
A chromosome-level genome assembly of radish ( Raphanus sativus L.) reveals insights into genome adaptation and differential bolting regulation ...
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2023-1-18 23:45
PCPR5-mediated nucleo-cytoplasmic localization of IAA12 and IAA19 controls lateral root development during abiotic stress 第一作者:Heejae Nam 第一单位:韩国浦项科技大学 通讯作者:Ildoo Hwang ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|1886 次阅读|没有评论
Plant Journal:苹果MYB305-bHLH33-MYB10调控果实中的糖和花色苷平衡
2023-1-17 19:57
MdMYB305-MdbHLH33-MdMYB10 regulates sugar and anthocyanin balance in red-fleshed apple fruits ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|1874 次阅读|没有评论

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