
翻译:No longer to say "see you"
邱敦莲 2010-7-24 16:50
I have read some poems written by Gu Cheng and like the scenes created in his poems. But sometimes I can't grasp their true meaning. Maybe different people can have quite different feelings or different understanding when reading them. I quote one of his poems and try to tra ...
个人分类: 翻译实践|5094 次阅读|没有评论
Brief introduction on the e-book The Science of Getting Rich
邱敦莲 2010-2-26 15:21
No one doesnt want to get rich. Many dream of getting rich and try various ways to get rich but in the end they are still in poverty. One accidental chance, I read this book The Science of Getting Rich and found it has some salt in it although its a little d ...
个人分类: Life and Fun|3779 次阅读|1 个评论
The Lagoon 礁湖
邱敦莲 2010-2-4 18:21
翻译(英译中):邱敦莲 也许你听说过靠近澳大利亚北海岸的大堡礁,该礁石从新几内亚向澳大利亚延伸近 1800 英里 。导游一般都会带游客去看这里的礁石。在一次游览过程中,一位游客问了导游一个有趣的问题:我注意到,礁湖这边看起来暗淡无光,毫无生气,而海洋这边却色彩斑斓,充满活力。这是为 ...
个人分类: 翻译实践|5087 次阅读|没有评论
邱敦莲 2009-12-21 12:03
Note: some readers hope to read the translated version. But till now, I haven't got it yet. I'll try to translate them part by part --Waterlilyqd. The Thomson Reuters Journal Selection Process 汤森路透集团的选刊过程 &n ...
个人分类: 收录引用|9123 次阅读|2 个评论

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