
My comments in the old version of sciencenet blog(I)
邱敦莲 2011-1-18 00:13
I am afraid one day the old version of blog will be finally closed. So I save here some comments from the old version of blog. _____________________________ 评论人: waterlilyqd 标题:翻译 : Reason, season or lifetime   评论内容: This artitlce ...
个人分类: Life and Fun|2790 次阅读|没有评论
Christmas PPT to the members of the JMS editorial board
邱敦莲 2010-12-28 10:32
Each year before the Christmas, one important thing for the editorial board is sending Christmas cards to the members of the editorial board around the world to show our thanks for their support to the JMS. Just making a one page card is easy. But it can't express what we want to say. It's n ...
个人分类: Work record|4459 次阅读|没有评论
Summary on the training course in Beijing in 2003
邱敦莲 2010-8-21 09:46
Summary on the training course on Electronic Production of Agricultural Documents and Bibliographic Database Management in Beijing A 7-day training course, sponsored by the FAO Waicent ( http://www.fao.org/waicent ) and organized by the Literature and Information Centre ...
个人分类: 信息分析|3855 次阅读|没有评论
翻译: 自然地理学和人文地理学
热度 1 邱敦莲 2010-8-9 16:29
Geography consists of at least two different sub-fields of knowledge with similar methodology: Physical geography and human geography . The following table also helps to make the differences between these two types of geography more apparent. This table ...
个人分类: 翻译实践|10398 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 1
邱敦莲 2010-7-30 00:34
(按影响因子排列) 期刊名 ...
个人分类: 收录引用|4257 次阅读|没有评论
A very useful pdf editor 非常有用的PDF编辑器
邱敦莲 2010-2-26 11:51
Today, I read an article about how to read literature, of which the author told hisexperience that he marked the read papers on the pdf file, then he could know next time that papers had been read. Then I download one pdf editor ( FoxitPdfReader )from th ...
个人分类: IT知识|4404 次阅读|2 个评论
邱敦莲 2010-2-25 11:16
How to prepare for meetings? 翻译:邱敦莲(英译中) From: http://www.knowledgebase-script.com/demo/article-236.html If there is one activity that unites professionals from different occupations all over the world, it is meetings. Executives, m ...
个人分类: 翻译实践|6068 次阅读|1 个评论

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