
2019 FM 枯草芽孢杆菌种群中的伊枯草菌素脂肽多样性--植物病害生物防治应用中的重要抗真菌剂
王敬敬 2024-5-11 16:01
原文链接: Frontiers | Iturinic Lipopeptide Diversity in the Bacillus subtilis Species Group – Important Antifungals for Plant Disease Biocontrol Applications (frontiersin.org) Iturins and closely related lipopeptides constitute a family of antifungal compounds known as iturinic lipopeptides ...
个人分类: 生物农药|739 次阅读|没有评论
2021 CSB 合成肠道微生物组:进展与挑战
热度 1 王敬敬 2024-5-10 18:33
原文链接: Synthetic gut microbiome: Advances and challenges - PMC (nih.gov) Abstract An exponential rise in studies regarding the association among human gut microbial communities, human health, and diseases is currently attracting the attention of researchers to focus on human gut microbiom ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|875 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1
2023 FEMS MR 人类肠道的合成微生物群落(SynComs):设计、组装和应用
王敬敬 2024-5-10 18:18
原文链接: Synthetic microbial communities (SynComs) of the human gut: design, assembly, and applications | FEMS Microbiology Reviews | Oxford Academic (oup.com) Abstract The human gut harbors native microbial communities, forming a highly complex ecosystem. Synthetic microbial communities (Sy ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|907 次阅读|没有评论
2022 ISME 通过展现最小微生物组的生态特性确定人类肠道微生物的动态代谢相互作用和营养角色
王敬敬 2024-5-9 16:08
原文链接: Dynamic metabolic interactions and trophic roles of human gut microbes identified using a minimal microbiome exhibiting ecological properties | The ISME Journal (nature.com) Abstract Microbe–microbe interactions in the human gut are influenced by host-derived glycans and diet. T ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|841 次阅读|1 个评论
2024 NPJ-SBA 从大型微生物群落设计特定功能的的最小微生物组
王敬敬 2024-5-9 15:02
原文链接: Designing function-specific minimal microbiomes from large microbial communities | npj Systems Biology and Applications (nature.com) Abstract Microorganisms exist in large communities of diverse species, exhibiting various functionalities. The mammalian gut microbiome, for instanc ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|681 次阅读|没有评论
2021 NC 设计合成人类肠道微生物组的组装和丁酸产量
王敬敬 2024-5-9 14:30
原文链接: Design of synthetic human gut microbiome assembly and butyrate production | Nature Communications Abstract The capability to design microbiomes with predictable functions would enable new technologies for applications in health, agriculture, and bioprocessing. Towards this goal, we ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|771 次阅读|没有评论
2021 NC 合成微生物群落的自动化设计
王敬敬 2024-5-8 18:52
原文链接: Automated design of synthetic microbial communities | Nature Communications Abstract Microbial species rarely exist in isolation. In naturally occurring microbial systems there is strong evidence for a positive relationship between species diversity and productivity of communities. ...
个人分类: 工程微生物组|838 次阅读|没有评论
2024 AMB 贝莱斯芽孢杆菌的模块化代谢工程,实现高水平的绿色生物表面活性剂iturin A生产
王敬敬 2024-5-8 10:38
原文链接: Modular metabolic engineering of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens for high-level production of green biosurfactant iturin A | Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (springer.com) Abstract As a kind of biosurfactants, iturin A has attracted people’s wide attentions due to their featur ...
个人分类: 生物农药|753 次阅读|1 个评论
2023 BBB 热纤梭菌工程菌株的乙醇耐受
王敬敬 2024-4-26 10:02
原文链接: Ethanol tolerance in engineered strains of Clostridium thermocellum 摘要 热纤维梭菌是一种原生的纤维素分解细菌,是纤维素生物燃料生产的理想候选菌种,能以高产率(理论产率的 75-80%)生产乙醇,但迄今为止生产的乙醇滴度太低,无法进行商业应用。在几株为提高乙醇产量而改造的热纤维菌株中,乙醇 ...
个人分类: 秸秆微生物降解|880 次阅读|没有评论
2022 NC 宏蛋白质组学揭示厌氧微生物组在高固体含量下维持木质纤维素解构的酶策略
王敬敬 2024-4-25 17:15
原文链接: Metaproteomics reveals enzymatic strategies deployed by anaerobic microbiomes to maintain lignocellulose deconstruction at high solids | Nature Communications 摘要 经济可行的生产纤维素生物燃料需要在高固体装载条件下运行,通常在15%的重量百分比水平上。为此,我们表征了厌氧 产 甲烷微生 ...
个人分类: 秸秆微生物降解|864 次阅读|没有评论

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