程京德(Jingde Cheng)的博 ...分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/JingdeCheng 相关逻辑,软件工程,知识工程,信息安全性工程;自强不息,厚德载物。



已有 3104 次阅读 2017-7-22 00:42 |个人分类:相关逻辑|系统分类:论文交流



这是本人及学生 2002 年到 2008 年的四篇论文,开创了“规范相关逻辑及其应用”这一新研究方向,是笔者研究室在这一研究方向上所有工作的初始基础。现将四篇论文存放于此,一方面留作保存记录,另一方面提供给听课学生和有兴趣者获取。


KES-08 论文: “为了在法律信息系统中表达和推论各种法律,法律规则和判例,我们需要一个正确的基础逻辑系统,为我们提供法律推理的逻辑有效性标准,以及一个形式化表达和规格描述语言。本文讨论了为什么经典数理逻辑、其经典保存扩张、或其非经典替代不是该基础逻辑的合适候选者,并且展示,规范相关逻辑是我们需要的基础逻辑的更有希望的候选者。”

J. Cheng, “Deontic RelevantLogic as the Logical Basis for Representing and Reasoning about Legal Knowledge in Legal Information Systems,” in I. Lovrek, R. J. Howlett, and L. C. Jain (Eds.),“Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 12th International Conference, KES 2008, Zagreb, Croatia, September 3-5, 2008, Proceedings, Part II,” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5178, pp.517-525, Springer, September 2008.

Abstract:“To represent and reason about various laws, legal rules, and precedents in legal information systems, we need a right fundamental logic system to provide us with a logical validity criterion of legal reasoning as well as a formal representation and specification language.  This position paper discusses why classical mathematical logic, its classical conservative extensions, or its non-classical alternatives are not suitable candidates for the fundamental logic, and shows that deontic relevant logic is a more hopeful candidate for the fundamental logic we need.”

PDF: DRL_KES08LNAI5178.pdf

JCKBSE-08 论文: “求工程本质上涉及发现或预测软件系统的目的和目标。为了发现/预测、分析、获取、描述和推论软件系统的各种需求,我们需要一个正确的基础逻辑系统,为我们提供推理的逻辑有效性标准以及形式化表达和规格描述语言。本文简要地表明,规范相关逻辑是我们所需要的基础逻辑的有希望的候选者。”

J. Cheng, “Deontic Relevant Logic in Knowledge-based Requirements Engineering,” in M. Virvou and T. Nakamura (Eds.), “Knowledge-based Software Engineering: Proceedings of the Eighth Joint Conference on Knowledge-based Software Engineering,” Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 180, pp. 97-102, IOS Press, August 2008.

Abstract:“Requirements engineering is inherently concerned with discovering and/or predicting purposes, goals, and objectives of software systems.  To discover/predict, analyze, elicit, specify, and reason about various requirements of software systems, we need a right fundamental logic system to provide us with a logical validity criterion of reasoning as well as a formal representation and specification language.  This short position paper briefly shows that deontic relevant logic is a hopeful candidate for the fundamental logic we need.”


ARES-06 论文: “为了描述、验证和推论信息安全性和信息保证性,我们需要一个正确的基础逻辑系统,为我们提供规范推理的逻辑有效性标准,以及形式化表达和规格描述语言。该基础逻辑必须能够支持在条件句意义下保真和相关推理、扩展推理、凖完全推理、凖一致推理和规范推理。本文讨论了为什么经典数理逻辑、其经典保存扩张、或其非经典替代不是基础逻辑的合适候选者,并且展示,规范相关逻辑是我们需要的基础逻辑的更有希望的候选者。”

J. Cheng and J. Miura, “Deontic Relevant Logic as the Logical Basis for Specifying, Verifying, and Reasoning about Information Security and Information Assurance,” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, pp. 601-608, Vienna, Austria, IEEE Computer Society Press, April 2006.

Abstract:“To specify, verify, and reason about information security and information assurance, we need a right fundamental logic system to provide us with a logical validity criterion of normative reasoning as well as a formal representation and specification language.  The fundamental logic must be able to underlie truth-preserving and relevant reasoning in the sense of conditional, ampliative reasoning, paracomplete reasoning, paraconsistent reasoning, and normative reasoning. This paper discusses why classical mathematical logic, its various classical conservatives extensions, or its non-classical alternatives are not suitable candidates for the fundamental logic, shows that deontic relevant logic is a hopeful candidate for the fundamental logic we need.”


PRICAI-02 论文: “在本文中,我们提出了一种强相关逻辑方法来解决规范逻辑悖论的问题。由于规范逻辑中的悖论与传统(弱)相关逻辑中的悖论具有相同的形式,这些悖论被强相关逻辑所拒绝。我们展示,新的一族逻辑,称为规范相关逻辑,可以通过将规范算子及其相关公理以及推理规则引入强相关逻辑来得到,使得那些规范逻辑悖论被规范相关逻辑所拒绝。”

T. Tagawa and J. Cheng, “Deontic Relevant Logic: A Strong Relevant Logic Approach to Removing Paradoxes from Deontic Logic,” in M. Ishizuka and A. Sattar  (Eds.), “PRICAI 2002: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan, August 18-22, 2002. Proceedings,” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2417, pp. 39-48, Springer, August 2002.

Abstract:“In this paper, we propose a strong relevant logic approach to solve the problems of deontic logic paradoxes. Since the paradoxes in deontic logic have the same form as the paradoxes in traditional (weak) relevant logic, which have been rejected by our strong relevant logic, we show that a new family of logic, named deontic relevant logics, can be established by introducing deontic operators and relative axioms and inference rules into strong relevant logics such that those deontic logic paradoxes are rejected by deontic relevant logics.”



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