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2024-6-14 09:42
量子隐形传态刚刚成为现实:在噪音中实现90%的保真度 诸平 Fig.1 High-fidelity quantum teleportation has been achieved by research team using a new hybrid entanglement technique that counters environmental noise, with a success rate nearing 90%. Credit: SciTechDaily.com Fig. 2 ...
个人分类: 新科技|3878 次阅读|没有评论
热度 3 2024-6-13 20:24
植物性超加工食品与心血管疾病风险较高有关 诸平 Fig. 1 Some ultraprocessed foods Fig. 2 Many ultraprocessed foods are plant-based, but that does not make them healthy, experts say. carlosgaw/iStockphoto/Getty Images/ FILE Fig. 3 Search query: (ultra-processed foods) OR (U ...
个人分类: 健康生活|4322 次阅读|46 个评论 热度 3
2024-6-12 20:54
令人不安的后果 : 发现纳米颗粒对未出生的孩子有神秘的影响 诸平 Fig. 1 Scientists are studying how nanoparticles, which are omnipresent in our environment and suspected of causing developmental issues in unborn children, interact with the placental barrier. Their research has revealed ...
个人分类: 健康生活|3027 次阅读|没有评论
2024-6-11 20:35
突破性的研究实现了前所未有的数据传输速率 诸平 Researchers have developed an innovative technique that combines nonlinear predistortion and digital resolution enhancement to significantly improve data transmission rates and efficiency in data center interconnects, potentially revolution ...
个人分类: 新科技|3266 次阅读|没有评论
2024-6-11 18:35
科学家们解决了雷诺兹的世纪流体流动之谜 诸平 Fig. 1 Osborne Reynolds’ 1883 experiments demonstrated the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in water, which raised fundamental questions in fluid mechanics. Decades later, researchers led by Nigel Goldenfeld and Björn Hof app ...
个人分类: 新观察|1582 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 2024-6-10 21:03
自旋秘密解锁:自旋电子学的新里程碑可能彻底改变电子学 诸平 Fig.1 Spintronics is a promising field aimed at surpassing conventional electronics by leveraging the electron’s intrinsic spin, aiming to control spin currents for reduced power usage and faster, non-volatile operations with ...
个人分类: 新观察|4096 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 2
2024-6-10 08:30
流行的无糖甜味剂与心脏病发作和中风有关 诸平 Fig. 1 A recent study by Cleveland Clinic has linked high xylitol levels to increased cardiovascular risk, including heart attacks and strokes. The study suggests that xylitol enhances clotting abilities, leading to a higher risk of thrombos ...
个人分类: 健康生活|1198 次阅读|没有评论
热度 4 2024-6-9 21:02
中国的科学仍有发展的空间 诸平 据 2024 年 6 月 5 日上线的《自然·增刊》 “2024 自然指数 - 中国 ”( Nature Index 2024 China )报道 ,即使在自然指数( Nature Index )去年扩展到包含 60 多种医学期刊之后,中国也位居该数据库榜首。但是,中国的科学仍有发展的空间( Chinese science still has ...
个人分类: 新观察|4496 次阅读|9 个评论 热度 4
热度 1 2024-6-9 13:55
挑战以前的理解:物理学家提出了一种基于波的热传输理论 诸平 Fig. 1 Researchers from the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Cracow have applied the Doppler effect and the telegraph equation to explore heat transport in complex systems like biological tissues. Their findings suggest that hea ...
个人分类: 新观察|4370 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 2024-6-8 08:53
高血压 患者 如何保持认知能力和降低痴呆风险 诸平 Fig. 1 A study by Wake Forest University School of Medicine found that vigorous physical activity at least once a week can reduce the risk of cognitive impairment in individuals with high blood pressure. Fig. 2 Richard Kazibw ...
个人分类: 健康生活|3204 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 1

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