
热度 1 诸平 2024-8-24 15:11
新研究揭示了糖尿病可能导致阿尔茨海默病的原因 诸平 Fig. 1 Research from Umeå University shows that type 2 diabetes impedes the elimination of Alzheimer’s-related proteins, suggesting a higher cognitive risk, highlighting the importance of diabetes management. Fig. 2 ...
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热度 1 诸平 2024-8-23 15:54
下一个前沿: DNA 成为数据存储和计算的引擎 诸平 A new technology using DNA for data storage and computing has been unveiled by researchers from NC State and Johns Hopkins. This innovative approach includes creating dendricolloids to enhance data density and storage life, paving the way f ...
个人分类: 新科技|4687 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
诸平 2024-8-20 19:23
创新化合物利用新机制杀死癌细胞 诸平 Fig. 1 A Bochum team created a substance that induces ferroptosis in cancer cells, potentially paving the way for new treatments. Further research is required to refine its targeting. Credit: SciTechDaily.com Fig. 2 A team headed by Joh ...
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热度 1 诸平 2024-8-18 16:10
原子控制开启单分子光电子学新时代 诸平 Scientists have achieved a significant breakthrough in nanoscale optoelectronics, enabling precise control over single-molecule switching using localized surface plasmons. This development opens new possibilities for creating more efficient and ada ...
个人分类: 新科技|3893 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
诸平 2024-8-16 15:17
革命性的电池技术:螺旋聚合物开启新一代固态电解质 诸平 Artistic representation of a helical peptide polymer electrolyte with the macrodipole indicated by an arrow with positive and negative charges. Credit: The Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaig ...
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诸平 2024-8-14 19:29
肽硼酸:免疫学的新前景 诸平 Figure 0 Illustration, process for producing peptide boronic acids Figure 1 Strategies for the incorporation of boronic acids in peptide side chains. A–D) Previous work: A) Direct incorporation of boronoalanine in SPPS. B) Copper ‐ catalyzed bo ...
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诸平 2024-8-12 21:01
在中国登月任务的月球土壤样本中发现了神奇材料石墨烯 诸平 Fig. 1 A recent study found thin layers of graphene in soil from the moon, suggesting that volcanic activity and solar winds might help create this material. This discovery could lead to more cost-effective ways to produce graph ...
个人分类: 新科技|4344 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 诸平 2024-7-15 19:27
零场核磁共振首次测量四极核 诸平 Researchers utilize nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to determine molecular structures and nuclear interactions, employing both traditional high-field methods and innovative zero-field techniques, which simplify experimental setups and expan ...
个人分类: 新观察|3642 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
诸平 2024-6-14 09:42
量子隐形传态刚刚成为现实:在噪音中实现90%的保真度 诸平 Fig.1 High-fidelity quantum teleportation has been achieved by research team using a new hybrid entanglement technique that counters environmental noise, with a success rate nearing 90%. Credit: SciTechDaily.com Fig. 2 ...
个人分类: 新科技|3903 次阅读|没有评论
诸平 2024-6-11 20:35
突破性的研究实现了前所未有的数据传输速率 诸平 Researchers have developed an innovative technique that combines nonlinear predistortion and digital resolution enhancement to significantly improve data transmission rates and efficiency in data center interconnects, potentially revolution ...
个人分类: 新科技|3292 次阅读|没有评论

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