
The second quantum revolution 第二次量子革命
热度 24 文小刚 2014-10-8 08:53
Physics, in particular, condensed matter physics, is a very old field. Many people are thinking that the exciting time of physics has passed. We enter the begining of the end of physics. The only important things in physics are its engineering applications, such as optical fiber and blue LED. Howe ...
个人分类: 科普|24890 次阅读|46 个评论 热度 24
A new discovery: 1D topological order beyond FQH states
热度 9 文小刚 2014-10-4 20:46
http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/majorana-particle-matter-and-antimatter/ This is an exciting discovery. However, I must point out that the new discovery here is not a new “Majorana particle”, but the two-fold topological ground state degeneracy (see http://en.wikip ...
个人分类: 科普|12272 次阅读|12 个评论 热度 9
Category theory for dummies (范畴学是关系学)
热度 10 文小刚 2014-4-12 22:16
Usually, when we try to understand an object, we like to divide the object into smaller pieces (or more basic components). If we can do that, we say that we gain a better understanding of the object. This is the reductionist approach. But there is another way of understanding. We do not think abo ...
16613 次阅读|15 个评论 热度 10
专科 vs 民科 科学 vs 宗教 (expert vs crackpot)
热度 28 文小刚 2014-2-18 00:47
In Science, it is meaningless to ask questions or make statements that can not be measured/tested by experiments 在科学中,只有能被实验检验对错的论述,才有意义。只有答案能被实验检验对错的问题,才有意义。 I feel that a meaningful scientific question should satisfy the following condition: Th ...
14539 次阅读|81 个评论 热度 28
Have a physics/math question in your research? Just ask!
热度 13 文小刚 2014-2-18 00:37
I found physics.stackexchange a very instereting place. It is a place that you can ask physics questions and some one will answer them. Some questions that look simple actually touch some deep issues. Some questions can motivate research projects. Here are some sampl ...
12952 次阅读|25 个评论 热度 13
黑洞根本不存在? Black hole does not exist?
热度 12 文小刚 2014-1-30 01:39
Recently, there is a lot of news (see http://www.weibo.com/2803301701/AtOdsz2ON ) about black hole does not exist , due to Hawking's recent paper ( http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.5761 ) . The credibility of Science is on the line: Stephen Hawking’s Blunder on Black Holes Shows D ...
个人分类: 科普|9098 次阅读|13 个评论 热度 12
“擦肩而过” -- Missed opportunity
热度 17 文小刚 2014-1-22 15:22
In science, many researchers have experienced missed opportunity of big or small discoveries. You may share some of yours here. 1) Masaki Oshikawa told his story in facebook: I'm bit surprised to see the recent increase of citations to my very first scientific paper published in ...
12498 次阅读|23 个评论 热度 17
道德经和厄里斯魔镜 (Tao and the Mirror of Erised)
热度 42 文小刚 2013-11-4 20:50
A translation of 道德经 (tao-te-ching or dao-de-jing) into another language (or even the same language) represent a particular understanding of 道德经。道德经 is like the Mirror of Erised in Harry Potter movie. When we try to understand/translate 道德经, it shows the inner understanding of th ...
15455 次阅读|87 个评论 热度 42
有时要等八年十年 Some times, we need to wait 8-10 years
热度 20 文小刚 2013-10-29 09:27
有时,我们要很有耐心。要等八年十年,工作才被认可。 我们还要很有自信,这样才能继续作下去。 这是科学工作者对待科研的一种心态。 走自己的路,坚持自己对美的认知和追求,欣赏自己的工作,使得我们能保持这种心态。 Sometimes , we need to be patient. We need to wait for 8-10 years before our work ...
9642 次阅读|31 个评论 热度 20

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