
热度 11 文小刚 2015-2-5 00:20
(上) 我的宇宙观,自然观:真空是有长程纠缠的量子比特海 http://weibo.com/p/1001603801068218780388 (中)学习的目的不仅是为了掌据知识,更重要的是积累问题,激发猜想, 来感知不知道的未知世界。 http://weibo.com/p/1001603803891027345124 (下) 追求自己认知的美,相信别人也会欣赏 ...
14234 次阅读|20 个评论 热度 11
The second quantum revolution 第二次量子革命
热度 24 文小刚 2014-10-8 08:53
Physics, in particular, condensed matter physics, is a very old field. Many people are thinking that the exciting time of physics has passed. We enter the begining of the end of physics. The only important things in physics are its engineering applications, such as optical fiber and blue LED. Howe ...
个人分类: 科普|25153 次阅读|46 个评论 热度 24
A new discovery: 1D topological order beyond FQH states
热度 9 文小刚 2014-10-4 20:46
http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/majorana-particle-matter-and-antimatter/ This is an exciting discovery. However, I must point out that the new discovery here is not a new “Majorana particle”, but the two-fold topological ground state degeneracy (see http://en.wikip ...
个人分类: 科普|12531 次阅读|12 个评论 热度 9
热度 34 文小刚 2014-8-26 15:30
中手:作别人说好的东西,作的很好。(考试第一,奥赛金牌) 高手:作自己认为好的东西。让别人作自己说好的东西。让别人跟着自己的标准跑。 中国媒体网页追捧一个人,常常说此人多么“中手”,不说此人多么“高手”。这反映了不知什么是“高手”。中国要成为科技强国,要知道“高手”是什么。别努力了半 天,总是 ...
20103 次阅读|52 个评论 热度 34
It from qubit, not bit
热度 2 文小刚 2014-4-7 22:10
FQXi has an ESSAY CONTEST It From Bit or Bit From It: http://www.fqxi.org/community/essay/winners/2013.1 Here I would like to argue that it from qubit, not bit . (See 我们生活在一个量子计算机里 We live inside a qubit world ) Wheeler's it from bit represents a ...
10025 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 2
物理中的近代数学 Modern mathematics in physics
热度 7 文小刚 2014-3-31 13:28
It happens several times in the history of physics that a truly new phenomenon requires a new mathematics to describe it. In fact, the appearance of new mathematics is a sign of truly new discovery. For example, Newton's theory of mechanics requires calculus (which was invented for that purp ...
个人分类: 科普|13844 次阅读|11 个评论 热度 7
黑洞根本不存在? Black hole does not exist?
热度 12 文小刚 2014-1-30 01:39
Recently, there is a lot of news (see http://www.weibo.com/2803301701/AtOdsz2ON ) about black hole does not exist , due to Hawking's recent paper ( http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.5761 ) . The credibility of Science is on the line: Stephen Hawking’s Blunder on Black Holes Shows D ...
个人分类: 科普|9242 次阅读|13 个评论 热度 12
道德经和厄里斯魔镜 (Tao and the Mirror of Erised)
热度 42 文小刚 2013-11-4 20:50
A translation of 道德经 (tao-te-ching or dao-de-jing) into another language (or even the same language) represent a particular understanding of 道德经。道德经 is like the Mirror of Erised in Harry Potter movie. When we try to understand/translate 道德经, it shows the inner understanding of th ...
15718 次阅读|87 个评论 热度 42
”​我为什么学物理?“ 一个充满好奇心,童心的动画。
热度 9 文小刚 2013-10-30 09:22
我为什么学物理? 她为什么学物理? 看动画: http://io9.com/an-animator-explains-why-she-studies-physics-in-a-marve-1452993581 (一个充满好奇心,童心的动画。一个中国姑娘的创作!) 她的主页: http://www.xiangjunshi.com/ (动画主页里也有)
8381 次阅读|10 个评论 热度 9

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