

法国苔藓学家和古植物学家Abbé J.-N. Boulay神父 (1837—1905)

已有 3017 次阅读 2016-7-9 22:10 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| The, French, Epic, Umbrella, Palaeobotany-471

The Epic of Palaeobotany-471

Umbrella of French Palaeobotany: Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay (1837—1905)

法国苔藓学家和古植物学家 Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay神父 (1837—1905)

SPS-471-French Abbé Jean Nicolas Boulay 1837--1905-rev3.pdf


 法国神父Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay (1837—1905)19世纪下半叶至20世纪初的苔藓学家和古植物学家。他不仅从事植物学的教学工作,而且开展了苔藓和化石植物的研究工作。他对蔷薇科的悬钩子属植物(Rubus)的分类学和地理分布也有深入研究。

      1837Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay出生在法国东北的一个小镇(Vagney, northeastern France。早年他在Saint-Dié-des-Vosges学习神学。受植物学家和地质学家Dominique-Alexandre Godron (1807--1880) 的影响,Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay学习植物学等。[注:1877年,Dominique-Alexandre Godron当选为法兰西科学院通讯院士。]

      1861年,Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay开始在Rambervillers担任牧师,同时开展植物学研究。此后,由于科学研究很难得到支持,Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay数次变换工作,但他坚持苔藓和化石植物的研究。1870年,Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay开始研究法国北方的煤田及其成煤植物。

      1875年,在法国北方城市里尔(Lille)创办了一所新大学-- Catholic University of Lille(里尔天主教大学)。Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay在这所大学谋到植物学之教职。

      Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay一生著述很多。


Brief chronology of French clergyman, bryologist and palaeobotanist-- Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay (1837--1905)

--1837: Born in Vagney, northeastern France;

-- Studied theology at the seminary in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, northeastern France;

--Studied plant geography and bryology largely because of the advice of French botanist and geologist Dominique-Alexandre Godron (1807--1880)

--1861: Became a priest at Rambervillers, northeastern France and continued to make study of plants in the Vosges region;

--1864: On Rubus des Vosges in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr., 11: 234-236.

--1865: Taught science in the major seminary of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges; later, took different jobs;

--1869: Goethe and Natural Science.

--1870: The coal field in northern France.

--1872: Flora fungal East: mosses. Savy, Paris. 880 pages.

--1875:  Becmae professor of botany at the Catholic University of Lille, northern France;

--1876: Received a doctor degree of natural science with two theses, one on Principles ofdistribution Foams, France, and the otheron the coal land in Northern France and its plantsfossils;

--1878: Plant Paleontology Research on Coalfield mines Bethune (Pas deCalais).

--1879: Plant Paleontology Research on Coalfield des Vosges.

--1884: The mosses of France: Foams. 800 pages.

--1887: The fossil flora of Bézac near Saint-Saturnin (Puy-de-Dôme).

--1890 : Flora of Pliocene around Théziers (Gard). Editor Paul Klincksieck, Paris. Digital version onJubilothèque (UMPC) .

--1905: Died in Lille (northern France) at age of 68.


Qigao Sun (孙启高):


Story of Paleobotany Series(No.471) [The 472nd   issue in total]

The Epic of Palaeobotany-471

Umbrella of French Palaeobotany: Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay (1837—1905)

法国神学家和植物学家 Abbé Jean-Nicolas Boulay (1837—1905)

July 2, 2016

下一篇:法国植物学家Elie Antoine Octave Lignier (1855—1916)
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