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转化医学时代 临床前研究人员 科研效率评价体系

已有 3368 次阅读 2015-9-6 09:04 |个人分类:科学计量学|系统分类:科研笔记

A Metric-Based System for Evaluating the Productivity of Preclinical Faculty at an Academic Medical Center in the Era of Clinical and Translational Science


Academic medical centers are faced with increasing budgetary constraints due to a flat National Institutes of Health budget, lower reimbursements for clinical services, higher costs of technology including informatics and a changing competitive landscape. As such, institutional stakeholders are increasingly asking whether resources are allocated appropriately and whether there are objective methods for measuring faculty contributions and engagement. The complexities of translational research can be particularly challenging when trying to assess faculty contributions because of team science. For over a decade, we have used an objective scoring system called the Matrix to assess faculty productivity and engagement in four areas: research, education, scholarship, and administration or services. The Matrix was developed to be dynamic, quantitative, and able to insure that a fully engaged educator would have a Matrix score that was comparable to a fully engaged investigator. In this report, we present the Matrix in its current form in order to provide a well-tested objective system of performance evaluation for nonclinical faculty to help academic leaders in decision making.

Table 1. Matrix components
Direct costs as principal investigator (1 point/$1,000)0.125
Indirect costs as principal investigator (1 point/$1,000)0.250
Direct costs as coinvestigator (1 point/$1,000)0.125
Indirect costs as coinvestigator (1 point/$1,000)0.250
Direct costs as mentor (AHA career development; 1 point/$1,000)0.125
Indirect costs as mentor (1 point/$1,000)0.250
Salary support from grants (%)0.850
Program project grant submissions10.00
Other major grant submissions (3–5 years; >$500 K)5.000
Medium-size grant submissions (2 years; $100–$500 K)3.000
Small-size grant submissions (1–2 years; <$100 K)1.000
Patents issued (no.)5.000
Patent cooperation treaty applications (no.)5.000
Invention disclosures1.000
Contact hours0.350
Block/course management (course hours)0.350
Director 0.80.800
Codirector 0.40.400
Associate director0.300
Coassociate director0.150
PhD student thesis advisor (no. of months)0.558
MS student thesis advisor (no. of months)0.500
Students on lab rotations (no. of months)0.500
Membership—grad student advisory committees (no.)2.000
Educational initiatives2.000
Peer-reviewed publications (no. × impact factor)1.000
Non–peer-reviewed publications (no.)1.000
Scholarly books (sole author; no.)20.000
Scholarly books (editor; no.)10.000
NIH study section (no. of days)3.000
Admissions committee (1–15 points)1.000
Other committees1.000
Mentoring of faculty (no. of hours)0.100
Other internal and external service (0–20 points)1.000



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