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已有 4018 次阅读 2015-5-12 16:58 |个人分类:INPHO相关|系统分类:观点评述






*** General: ***

--continue ...................... continue DEM generation

--v ............................. verbose output on STDOUT

--help .......................... help - function

--helptxt ....................... quick reference

--optionwrite ................... generates status file (*.status)

--optimize 1 .................... optimization type (0,--->1,2,3)

--color g ....................... selection of the colour band (r,g,b,i)

--noprecheck .................... No data pre-check

--timeinfo ...................... time consumption information to LOG file

*** Automatic 3D area borderline: ***

--wnp2area "file" ............... Automatic 3D area borderline from <WINPUT file>

--autocorrect2wnp "file" ........ Automatic 3D area borderline correction data on <WINPUT file>

--noautocorrection .............. No correction of automatic 3D area borderline

--noautousage ................... No application of automatic 3D area borderline

--dsrangefactor 1.0 ............. Factor to influence automatic 3D area borderline detection (default: 1.0 * [120*GSD])

*** Online models: ***

--modelinfo ..................... Model information to LOG file

--shiftZinit 0.0 ................ Height shift for starting point

--correctZinit "on" ............. Height correction of starting point (--->on,off)

--photorotation 33 .............. Maximum photo rotation in strip (default: 33 [grad])

--imgborder 4 ................... percentage for image area reduction (range: 0% - 50%)

--numsectors 6 .................. Number of sectors for model selection

--maxverticalangle 50 ........... Maximum vertical angle of a projection ray (default: 50 [grad])

--minprjangle 3 ................. Minimum intersection angle for projection ray (default: 3 [grad])

--refprjangle 30 ................ Best intersection angle [grad] for projection ray

--use_model "ID1" "ID2" ......... Force model <ID1_ID2>

--skip_model "ID1" "ID2" ........ Skip model <ID1_ID2>

--footprint 0 ................... Footprints on WINPUT file from <pyramid level> on

--onlinemodel 0 ................. Models on WINPUT file from <pyramid level> on

--modelmatrix 0 ................. Model matrix on WINPUT file from <pyramid level> on

*** Epipolar image: ***

--RefineHeight .................. Refine height for epipolar image corrections

--nrm "ID1" "ID2" ............... Create epipolar images <*.Epic>

*** Interest operator: ***

--interest "2D" ................. Dimension of interest operator (--->auto,1D,2D)

--nonmaxsign "on" ............... Sign sensitive maximum detection (on,--->auto,off)

--bval 1280 ..................... Defines black image border (default: 1280 [grey value])

--noise 0.01 1 .................. Gradient threshold because of sensor noise (default: N=0.01*grey_value+1)

--int1 "ID1" "ID2" .............. Create original features files <*.Int1.bxyz>

--int2 "ID1" "ID2" .............. Create prliminary matched features files <*.Int2.bxyz>

-+/-intsign ..................... Positive/negative interest values in feature files

*** Matching: ***

--fix_parallax .................. fix parallaxe threshold

--nosign ........................ No sign is used for pre-matching

--fbmrefine "off" ............... FBM sub-pixel refinement of interest points (--->on,auto,off)

--lsmrefine "on" ................ LSM sub-pixel refinement of interest points (on,--->auto,off)

--cbm_app 0 ..................... CBM version [--->0,1,2]

--postrefine .................... LSM sub-pixel refinement (DEM points)

--rhothres 0.85 ................. Correlation coefficient threshold for pre-matching

--shapethres 0.3 ................ Shape difference threshold for pre-matching (default: 0.3)

--RLmatching "on" ............... Additional matching from Right->Left (on,--->auto,off)

--census "on" ................... Census transformation (on,auto,--->off)

--MatchType 0 "CBM" ............. Matching type <value> for <pyramid level>

*** 3D point cloud: ***

--PtsGenLevel 0 ................. 3D point cloud generation from <pyramid level> on

--PtsIntLevel 6 1 ............... 3D point cloud interpolation from/to <pyramid level>

--PtsSplit ...................... Split 3D point cloud for each Online model

--PtsFinite "on" ................ Finite element filtering of 3D point cloud (on,--->auto,off)

--PtsFilter3D "on" .............. 3D filtering of 3D point cloud (on,--->auto,off)

--PtsFilter2_5D "on" ............ 2.5D filtering of 3D point cloud (on,--->auto,off)

--z_factor 1.0 .................. Factor for Z discontinuity of 2.5D filtering (default: 1.0 * [5*sigma])

--PtsFormat "las" ............... Output format of 3D point cloud (pts,dxf,xyz,wnp,bwnp,bxyz,--->las,xyzc)

--PtsViLevel 0 .................. Usage of vegetation index from <pyramid level> on

--no3D .......................... Matched points not used

--lowerZlimit 0.0 ............... Lower clipping height for 3D point cloud

--upperZlimit 8000.0 ............ Upper clipping height for 3D point cloud

-+/-dtmshift .................... Top/lower cloud points prefered for DEM interpolation

*** DEM application: ***

--noadapt ....................... global filtering

--fix_smoothing ................. fix smoothing

--DEMsmall ...................... DEM division for small areas

--dumpDEMorg .................... DEM division on STDOUT

--mu2wnp "file" ................. MU border data on <WINPUT file>. Just recommended for small areas

--patch2wnp "file" .............. Patch border data on <WINPUT file>

--GwPyrFactor 3 0.8 ............. Grid width factor <value> for <pyramid level>

--DtmFormat "las" ............... Output format of DEM (ras,dtm,dxf,xyz,wnp,bwnp,bxyz,TIFF,asc,hdr:flt,--->las)

--RasToOut ...................... DEM (*.ras) conversion into (<DtmFormat>)

--GridGapLevel 0 ................ DEM gaps in extreme low redundant areas for <pyramid level>

--NoDtmClean 0 .................. do not delete DEM data from <pyramid level> on

*** Tile manager application: ***

--TpixDtm ....................... Create DEM tile manager files

--TpixDtmOriginX 9999.9 ......... X origin of DEM tile manager files

--TpixDtmOriginY 9999.9 ......... Y origin of DEM tile manager files

--TpixDtmNumX 10 ................ X number of DEM tile manager files (range: 1 - 2000)

--TpixDtmNumY 10 ................ Y number of DEM tile manager files (range: 1 - 10000)

--TpixDtmSizeX 99.9 ............. X tile size of DEM tile manager files

--TpixDtmSizeY 99.9 ............. Y tile size of DEM tile manager files

--TpixPts ....................... Create point cloud tile manager files

--TpixPtsOriginX 9999.9 ......... X origin of point cloud tile manager files

--TpixPtsOriginY 9999.9 ......... Y origin of point cloud tile manager files

--TpixPtsNumX 10 ................ X number of point cloud tile manager files (range: 1 - 2000)

--TpixPtsNumY 10 ................ Y number of point cloud tile manager files (range: 1 - 10000)

--TpixPtsSizeX 99.9 ............. X tile size of point cloud tile manager files

--TpixPtsSizeY 99.9 ............. Y tile size of point cloud tile manager files

--TpixNumPoints 5000000 ......... Proposed number of tile manager file points (default: 5000000)

*** Miscellaneous: ***

--edge 0 ........................ Automatic preliminary edge detection from <pyramid level> on

--morph2stdout .................. selected structure data on STDOUT

--imgborder2wnp "ID" ............ Default image borderline from image <ID> on WINPUT file

--wnp2dbg "file" ................ <WINPUT-Datei> with Debug-areas

--morph2wnp "file" .............. selected structure data on <WINPUT file>

--occlu2wnp "file" .............. occlusion data on <WINPUT file>

--wallis ........................ Wallis filtering of image data

--nohistogram ................... No histogram adaption of image data

--noocclusion ................... No occlusion determination

--texturemap .................... Texture map on file. Just recommended for small areas

--terrainmap .................... Terrain map on file. Just recommended for small areas

--res1_correction ............... residual correction in steep areas

--par_adaption 2 ................ adaptive matching from <pyramid level> on. (default: 2)

--numthreads 2 .................. number of maximum threads. (default: 16)

--setdir "directory" ............ directory for CNT parameter set

--cachepercentage 30 ............ image cache size in % of the available memory (default: 30 [%])

--cachetile 1024 ................ tile size for image caching in value*value pixels (default: 1024 [pixels])

--debug ......................... debug output on STDOUT

*** User interface: ***

--filtering ..................... Display additional Finite Element Filter settings



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