THE COMPOSITION OF MEDIA 培养基及成分 1. Acetobacter Medium (醋酸菌培养基) Glucose (葡萄糖) 100g Yeasst extract (酵母膏) 10g CaCO3 20g Agar (琼脂) 15g Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000ml Adjust (调) pH to 6.8 适用范围:恶臭醋酸杆菌混浊变种
2. Nutrient Agar (营养肉汁琼脂) Pepton (蛋白胨) 5g Beef extract (牛肉膏) 30g NaCl 5g Agar (琼脂) 15g Distilled water (蒸馏水) Adjust (调) pH to 7.0-7.2 [Note]:When cultivation of Bacillus,5mg of to MnSO4.H2O may be added . It is favorable to promote spore formation . 适用范围:产气气杆菌、粪产碱杆菌、蜡状芽孢杆菌、蜡状芽孢杆菌蕈状变种、地衣形芽孢杆菌、巨大芽孢杆菌、多粘芽孢杆菌、尘埃芽孢杆菌、短小芽孢杆菌、嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌深黑变种、苏云金芽孢杆菌、苏云金芽孢杆菌蜡螟亚种(青虫菌)、苏云金芽孢杆菌戈尔斯德变种、苏云金芽孢杆菌猝倒亚种、产氨短杆菌、黄色短杆菌、谷氨酸棒状杆菌、北京棒杆菌、大肠埃希氏菌(大肠杆菌)、铜绿假单胞菌(绿脓杆菌)、凸形假单胞杆菌、荧光假单胞菌、弯曲假单胞菌、恶臭假单胞菌、假单胞杆菌、藤黄八叠球菌、亚黄八叠球菌、尿素八叠球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、运动发酵单孢菌
3. Azotobacter Medium (固氮菌培养基) KH2PO4 0.2g K2HPO4 0.8g MgSO4.7H2O 0.2g CaSO4.2H2O 0.1g Na2MoO4.2H2O Trace(微量) Yeast axtract(酵母膏) 0.5g Mannitol(甘露醇) 20g FeCl3 Tract(微量) Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000ml Agar (琼脂) 15g Adjust (调) pH to 7.2 适用范围:固氮菌、胶质芽孢杆菌
4. Corn Meal Medium (玉米粉培养基) Maize flour (玉米粉) 5g Peptone (蛋白胨) 0.1g Glucose (葡萄糖) 1g Tap water (自来水) 1000ml [Note]:Boil the mixture in autoclave at 121℃ for 1 hr. distribute the medium into 18ⅹ18 mm tubes , each contains 10 ml of the liquid , then autoclave at 121℃ for 1 hr . again (15磅蒸煮1小时,分装入18ⅹ18毫米试管,每管深度达6厘米。15磅再次灭菌15小时。)
5. Lactic-bacteria Medium I (乳酸菌培养基 I ) Yeast extract (酵母膏) 7.5g Peptone (蛋白胨) 7.5g Glucose (葡萄糖) 10g KH2PO4 2g Tomato juice (西红柿汁) 100ml Tween (吐温) 80 0.5ml Distilled water (蒸馏水) 900ml pH 7.0 适用范围:植物乳杆菌(胚芽乳杆菌)、嗜热乳酸链球菌
8. Glycerol Agar (甘油琼脂) Peptone (蛋白胨) 5g Beef extract (酵母膏) 3g Glycerol (甘油) 20g Top water (自来水) 1000ml Agar (琼脂) 15g pH 7.0-7.2
9. Rhizobium medium (根瘤菌培养基)AS 9 Yeast eztract (酵母膏) 1g Soil eztract (土壤浸提液) 200ml Mannitol (甘露醇) 10g Agar (琼脂) 15g Distilled water (蒸馏水) 800ml pH 7.2 [Note]:Soil extract:Suspend 50g finely and dried gardon soil in 200ml of tap water. Autoclave at 121℃ for 1 hr. Decant through cotton-cloth, filler though paper, make up volume to 200ml. Resterilize for 20 minutes at 121℃ , then mixed with othringredients and distributed. (土壤浸提液的制法:取土壤50克,加水200毫升,15磅蒸煮1小时,经滤纸过滤后加水补足到200毫升。) 适用范围:大豆根瘤菌(慢生型)、豇豆慢生根瘤菌、花生根瘤菌、紫云英根瘤菌、 大豆根瘤菌(快生型)、大豆根瘤菌、豌豆根瘤菌、苜蓿根瘤菌、田菁根瘤菌
10. Mannitol Agar (甘露醇琼脂) Yeast extract (酵母膏) 5g Peptone (蛋白胨) 3g Mannitol (甘露醇) 25g Agar (琼脂) 15g Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000ml
12. Gause′s Synthetic Agar (高氏合成一号琼脂) KNO3 1g Soluble starch(可溶性淀粉) 20g K2HPO4 0.5g MgSO4.7H2O 0.5g NaCl 0.5g FeSO4 0.01g Agar (琼脂) 20g water (水) 1000ml pH 7.2-7.4 适用范围:刺孢小单孢菌绛红变种、紫色小单孢菌(绛红小单孢菌)、白黄链霉菌、白色链霉菌、抗生链霉菌、双重轮丝链霉菌、产色链霉菌、烬灰链霉菌、天蓝色链霉菌、灭蚊链霉菌、红霉素链霉菌、青色链霉菌、球孢链霉菌、浅灰链霉菌、灰色链霉菌、吸水链霉菌、淡紫灰链霉菌、黄色长孢链霉菌、藤黄色链霉菌、细黄链霉菌、黑化链霉菌、玫瑰色链霉菌、华美链霉菌、嗜热链霉菌、委内瑞拉链霉菌、紫色直丝链霉菌、紫色链霉菌、绿色链霉菌
13. Wort Agar (麦芽汁琼脂) Dilute the world (without hop) to 12 Brix. Add 15g agar into 1000ml of the diluted word..Melt the agar by heating, then distribute the medium into tubes. Autoclave at 110 for 30 minutes. (将发酵啤酒的原料(未加酒花),稀释至12柏林,加琼脂15克,溶化后分装。15磅灭菌30分钟。) 适用范围:克鲁斯假丝酵母、郎比可假丝酵母、解脂假丝酵母、马其顿假丝酵母、拟热带假丝酵母、粗壮假丝酵母、皱褶假丝酵母、热带假丝酵母、产朊假丝酵母、阿舒假囊酵母、白地霉、果香地霉、地霉属、异常汉逊酵母、异常汉逊酵母变种、阿拉伯糖醇汉逊酵母、施氏汉逊酵母、菅囊酵母、伯顿毕赤酵母、膜醭毕赤酵母、粘红酵母、小红酵母、胶红酵母、深红酵母、卡尔斯伯酵母、酿酒酵母、椰园酿酒酵母、发酵性酵母、洛格酵母、罗斯酵母、鲁氏酵母多形鲁氏酵母、威尔酵母、酵母、路德类酵母、栗酒裂殖酵母、掷抱酵母、贝雷丝孢酵母、皮状丝孢酵母、糙孢曲霉、无壳曲霉、鲜橙曲霉、红曲霉、紫红曲霉、红色红曲霉、红曲霉菌
14. Potato Dextrose Agar PDA (马铃薯、葡萄糖琼脂) Potato extract (马铃薯汁) 1000ml Dextrose(glucose) (葡萄糖) 20g Agar (琼脂) 20g [Note]: Potato extract: Slice potatoes thin. Add 1000ml of water, immediately to prevent Oxidtion of juice and boil until soft. (approximately 30min.). Filter through cotton-cloth. Autoclave at 115℃ for 20 minutes.(注:取去皮马铃薯200克,切成小块,加水1000毫升煮沸30分钟,滤去马铃薯块,将滤液补足至1000毫升,加葡萄糖20克,琼脂15克,溶化后分装,15磅灭菌30分钟。) 适用范围:酵米面假单胞菌(酵米面黄杆菌)、白色链霉菌、烬灰链霉菌、青色链霉 菌、球孢链霉菌、灰色链霉菌、龟裂链霉菌、伞枝梨头霉、雅致放射毛霉、棒曲霉、 米曲霉、出芽短梗霉、白僵霉、灰葡萄孢、顶头孢霉、巴西毛壳、长刺毛壳、橄榄包 毛壳、反曲毛壳、琥珀毛壳、圆酵毛壳、束状刺盘孢、新月弯孢霉、奇异翅孢壳、地 生翅孢壳、串珠镰孢、尖镰孢、盘长孢菌(鲁保一号)、银白杨盘长孢、玉蜀黍长蠕 孢、深黄被孢霉、小被孢霉、多头被孢、拉曼被孢霉、葡萄色被孢霉、生香毛霉、卷 枝毛霉、两型孢毛霉、直立毛霉、球孢毛霉、丝球毛霉、大毛霉、多型孢毛霉、总状 毛霉、鲁氏毛霉、五通桥毛霉、黑球漆斑菌、露湿漆斑菌、玫烟色拟青霉、棉铃虫拟 青霉、拟青霉、球形阜孢、白腐菌、少根根霉、华根霉、科恩根霉、戴尔根霉、日本根霉、爪哇根霉、米根霉、点头根霉、绿穂霉、簇孢匍柄霉、雅致枝霉、康宁木霉、绿色木霉、黄萎轮枝孢、大丽花轮枝孢
18. Corn Meal Medium (玉米粉培养基) Mix corn meal with water [20:100(W/V)] well . Distribute the mixture into 100ml bottles , each bottle contains about 30ml of the mixture . Autoclave at 121℃ for 30minutes . (20%玉米粉装瓶,15磅灭菌30分钟。)
19. Filter Paper Medium (滤纸培养基) (NH4)2SO4 1g KH2PO4 1g MgSO4.7H2O 0.7g NaCl 0.5g Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000ml A strip of filter paper (滤纸条) 6ⅹ1cm (厘米)
20. Soybean Cake Meal Agar (黄豆饼粉琼脂) 10% infusion of soybean cake meal (10%黄豆饼粉浸汁) 1000ml Glucose (葡萄糖) 10g NaCl 2.5g
21. Sawdust, Wheat-bran Medium (木屑、麸皮培养基) Sawdust of broad leaf tree 75g Wheat bran 25g Preparation:Mix these two ingredients well . Add appropriate water and blend (the amount of water added may be becided by kneading with fingers ). Fill the mixture into broad mouth of bottles . Stick a hole on the filling, put the cotton pulg in bottle mouth . 壳斗科植物或阔叶树的木屑 75克 麸皮 25克 制法:加水适量充分混匀,水量以手捏时指间有水珠为宜,装瓶并压紧,在中心处扎一小洞,堵上棉塞,20磅灭菌1小时。
22. Pine Block or Pine Sowdust Medium (松木条或松木屑培养基) 1. Cut 1021 cm pine biocks and immerse them in 1-2% sucrose solution . Alow the biocks fully absorbing suger solution .Fill the biocks into broad month of bottle . Park the bottle with paper . Autoclave at 20 lbs for 1 hr . (将10ⅹ2ⅹ1厘米的松木条浸泡在1-2%的蔗糖水中。使木条吸足糖水,装瓶不宜过紧,用纸包好,20磅灭菌1小时。) 2. Pine Sawdust Medium Pine Sawdust (松木屑) 75% Rice bran (米糠) 23-24% Socrose (蔗糖) 1-2% Water (appropriate)水 (适量)
Autoclave at 20 lbs for 1 hr.(20磅灭菌1小时)
23. Rice Straw. Dung Medium (稻草、马粪培养基) Dried horse dung (or cow dung) (干马粪或牛粪) 65% Died straw (干稻草) 35% Urea (尿素) 0.5% Calcium superhosphate (过磷酸钙)0.7% Gypsum powder(石膏粉) 1% Ammonium sulphate (硫酸铵) 0.3% [Note]: Add appropriate water, pile them up and cause them fermentation. (水适量进行堆积发酵)
24. Straw Rice Bran Medium (稻草、米糠培养基) Dried straw (干稻草) 75-80% Rice bran (米糠) 20-25% [Note]:Select no mouldy straw and cut them about 3 cm in length. Immerse them in fresh water for 12 hr. Allow the straw fully (the amount of water added may be decided by kneading with fingers. It is right when a drop of water appeared between fingers). ( [注]:选无霉稻草,切成长约3厘米的小段,用清水浸泡12小时,使充分吸水,然后倾去水,加米糠和水,水量以用手捏时指间有水珠为宜。)
25. Rice Medium (米饭培养基) Fill 10g of rice into a 50ml of Erlenmeyer flask. Add 20-30ml water. Autoclave at 121℃ for 30 minutes (or fill 2g of rice into a 15ⅹ150mm tube). Add 6 ml of water. Autoclave at 121℃ for 30 minutes. (取大米10克,入50毫升椎形瓶中,水20-30毫升于15磅灭菌30分钟即成,或取大米2克,装入15ⅹ150毫米试管中,加水6毫升,于15磅灭菌30分钟。)
26. Filter Paper Medium (滤纸条培养基) (NH4)2SO4 1g KH2PO4 1g MgSO4.7H2O 0.5g Yeast Extract (酵母膏) 0.1g Distilled Water (蒸馏水) 1000ml Strip of filter paper 1ⅹ7 cm (滤纸条 1ⅹ7 厘米) [Note]:Siddolve the above ingredients. Distribute the liqid medium into tubes (each tube contains 1ml of the broth). Autoclave at 121℃ for 30 minutes. Then put one or two sterilized strips of filter paper into a tube aseptically. (将上述溶液分配成溶液后分装入试管,每管1毫升,15磅灭菌30分钟。再将灭菌的滤纸条(1条或2条)投入试管中即好使用。)
27. Yeast Extract-Medium Extract Agar I (酵母膏、麦芽膏琼脂) Yeast extract (酵母膏) 10g Mall extract (麦芽膏) 10g Glucose (葡萄糖) 4g Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000ml Agar (琼脂) 20g pH 7.0 适用范围:红霉素链霉菌
38. Yeast Extract-Medium Extract Agar Ⅱ (酵母膏、麦芽膏琼脂 Ⅱ) Yeast extract (酵母膏) 4g Mall extract (麦芽膏) 10g Glucose (葡萄糖) 4g Agar (琼脂) 17g Distilled water (蒸馏) 1000ml pH 7.3
39. Oatemeal Agar (燕麦粉琼脂) Oatemeal(infusion)[燕麦粉浸液] 20g Agar (琼脂) 18% Trace element solution (迹量盐溶液)1ml Distilled water up to (用蒸馏水补充至1000毫升) 1000ml pH 7.2 [Note]:Trace element solution (迹量盐溶液): FeSO4.7H2O 0.1g MnCl2.4H2O 0.1g ZnSO4.7H2O 0.1g Distilled water (蒸馏水) 100ml
40. Calcium Malate Agar (苹果酸钙琼脂) Calium malate (苹果酸钙) 10g K2HPO4 0.5g NH4Cl 0.5g Glycerol (甘油) 10g Agar (琼脂) 15g Distilled water (蒸馏水) 1000ml
45. Pea Agar (豌豆琼脂) Glucose (葡萄糖) 1% Peptone (蛋白胨) 0.5% NaCl 0.5% Agar (琼脂) 2.0% Pea infusion (counted by NH2) [豌豆浸汁(以NH2计)] 12-14 mg∕100 pH (before sterilization) [消前] 7.2-7.5 [Note]: Preparetion of pea infusion (豌豆浸汁的制法) : Preparetion 900g of pea. Put them into a 5L bottle, and add 3L of tap water. Adjust pH to 4.3-4.5 by using of sulphuric acid. Add 30ml of chloroform for antisepsis. Plug with rubber stopper and bind up the bottle mouth with gauge in order to avoid that the stopper fall off due to gas pressure. Place the bottle at 37℃ for 7-10 days. Filter the infusion, then boil the filtrate to escape the chloroform. Filter again Distribution and autoclave at 120℃ for 30 minutes. Store at cool contition . (称取白豌豆900克,置于5公升广口瓶中,加自来水3公升,用硫酸调pH至4.3-4.5,再加氯仿30毫升(防腐),加胶塞并用纱布扎口(防止冲脱),放37℃恒温室7-10天。取出用滤纸过滤,滤液煮沸20分钟,以除氯仿,并再次以滤纸过滤,除沉淀。滤液分装,于120℃30分钟灭菌。后冷藏备用。) The standard quality of pea infusion as following (豌豆浸汁质量标准): Aminonitrogen(氨基酸): 160-200 mg∕100ml Soluble phosphoruse(溶磷): 400-600 μg∕ml Color(色泽): auratus,transparent (金黄、透明)