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Journal of chromatography A 论文-2014

已有 2881 次阅读 2014-9-16 16:27 |个人分类:论文发表|系统分类:论文交流


Quantification of periodontal pathogens cell counts by capillary electrophoresis.

Li Z, Chen S, Liu C, Zhang D, Dou X, Yamaguchi Y.


Gingivitis is a highly prevalent periodontal disease around the worldwide. Porphyromonas gingivalis (P.g), Treponema denticola (T.d) and Tannerela forsythia (T.f) were considered to be three important periodontal pathogens related to gingivitis, and research shows that the counts of periodontal pathogen cells in the patients before, during, and after fixed orthodontic appliance therapy were quite different. We proposed a simple method to extract the periodontal pathogens from the periodontal pocket in this work and demonstrated a new approach to determine periodontal pathogen level based on capillary electrophoresis (CE). After polymerase chain reaction amplification of P.g (197bp), T.d (311bp), and T.f (641bp), it shows that they can rapidly identified by CE within 5min. The peak area in the eletropherogram is linearly related to the concentration of P.g, T.d, and T.f, and the correlation coefficients R(2) corresponding to them are 0.993, 0.993, and 0.956, respectively. According to this linearly relationship, the estimated concentration of P.g, T.d, and T.f in gingival crevicular fluid from one volunteer was inferred to be about 9.90×10(2), 1.48×10(3), and 9.01×10(2)cells/μl, respectively.





上一篇:Analytical Methods 论文-2014
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