


已有 32540 次阅读 2014-7-28 10:19 |系统分类:科研笔记






1cd bwa-0.7.10



1tar jxvf samtools-0.1.19.tar.bz2


1cd samtools-0.1.19



1export PATH=$PATH:bwa的绝对路径:samtool的绝对路径>>~/.bashrc
2source ~/.bashrc





1bwa index ref.fa

2bwa aln ref.fa short_read.fq > aln_sa.sai

3bwa samse ref.fa aln_sa.sai short_read.fq > aln-se.sam

3bwa sampe ref.fa aln_sa1.sai aln_sa2.sai read1.fq read2.fq > aln-pe.sam

bwa bwasw ref.fa long_read.fq > aln.sam

 bwa mem ref.fa reads.fq > aln-se.sam

 bwa mem ref.fa read1.fq read2.fq > aln-pe.sam


  1. Reference genome data(fasta格式 .fa, .fasta, .fna)

  2. Short reads data (fastaq格式 .fastaq, .fq)

step 1: 建立 Index
根据reference genome data(e.g. reference.fa) 建立 Index File

1bwa index  reference.fa

bwa index 指令更多的用法及 options,通过以下的命令来查看

1bwa index

step 2: 寻找 SA coordinates
如果是pair-end 数据(leftRead.fastq和rightRead.fastq)两个文件分别处理;single-end数据则直接处理。

1bwa aln reference.fa leftRead.fastq > leftRead.sai
2bwa aln reference.fa rightRead.fastq > rightRead.sai
3bwa aln reference.fa singleRead.fastq > singleRead.sai

如果希望多线程运行,在其中加入 -t这个参数,另外-f这个参数可以指定结果输出文件,如:

1bwa aln -c -t 3 -f leftreads.sai reference.fa leftreads.fastq

step 3:转换SA coordinates输出为sam

1bwa sampe -f pair-end.sam reference.fa leftRead.sai rightRead.sai leftRead.fastq rightread.fastq

如果是single reads数据

1bwa samse -f single.sam reference.fa single.sai single.fastq



名称: samtools Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM)格式的应用程序


samtools view ‐bhS  -t ref_list.txt ‐o aln.bam aln.sam

samtools sort aln.bam aln.sorted

samtools index aln.sorted.bam

samtools view aln.sorted.bam chr2:20,100,000‐20,200,000

samtools merge out.bam in1.bam in2.bam in3.bam

samtools faidx ref.fasta

samtools pileup ‐f ref.fasta aln.sorted.bam

samtools tview aln.sorted.bam ref.fasta】


Samtools是一系列处理BAM格式序列的应用。它从SAM(Sequence Alignment/Map)格式输入或者输出为SAM格式,可以进行排序,合并和建立索引,并且允许快速地检索任意区域的读段(reads)。


1)samtools view [‐bhuHS] [‐t in.refList] [‐o output] [‐f reqFlag] [‐F skipFlag] [‐q minMapQ] [‐l library] [‐r read‐Group] <in.bam>|<in.sam> [region1 [...]],提取/打印所有的或者部分序列文件。如果没有指定区域,所有的序列都将会被打印。否则,仅仅打印覆盖特定区域的序列才会被打印出来。如果一个序列覆盖多个区域,那么它将会被多次打印出来。一个区域可以以如下例格式呈现:`chr2' (the whole chr2), `chr2:1000000' (region starting from 1,000,000bp) or `chr2:1,000,000‐2,000,000' (region between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000bp including the end points).(即染色体名:起始打印位点..终止打印位点)位置是以1开始记录第一个碱基的方式定位(1-based coordinate)。

        -b 以BAM格式输出,可以用于samtools的后续分析

        -u 以未压缩的BAM格式输出,可以节约时间,一般在管道执行时使用

        -h 在结果中包含头header

-H 只输出头

        -S 输入文件为SAM格式,如果确实@SQ头,则需要-t选项

-t FILE 这个文件是以TAB分隔的,每行必须包含参考序列名字(如染色体名),一行只包含单个参考序列名字,其它区域被忽略。这个文件定义排序是的参考序列顺序。如果你运行samtools faidx <ref.fa>,得到的索引结果文件可以作为这里的FILE文件(见6)。

        -o FILE 输出文件[stdout],如果在该管道中可以使用command1|tee FILE|command2。

-f INT 只输出在FLAG中含有整个INT的序列,INT可以使用十六进制的/^0x[0‐9A‐F]+/ [默认0]

-F INT 跳过含有INT的序列

-q INT 跳过MAPQ(定位的质量)比INT小的序列[默认0]

-l STR 只输出STR库中的序列

-r STR 只输出在STR读段组中的序列

2)samtools import <in.ref_list> <in.sam> <out.bam>,从0.1.4起,它与samtools view ‐bt <in.ref_list> ‐o <out.bam> <in.sam>意义相同。

3)samtools sort [‐n] [‐m maxMem] <in.bam> <out.prefix>,根据左起位点对序列排序,将产生<out.prefix>.bam文件,当整个序列无法完全装载到内存(‐m选项控制)时,可能还会产生<out.prefix>.%d.bam这个临时文件。

-n 设定排列方式为读段名称而非染色体位置

-m 设定内存使用量[500000000](默认500M)

4)samtools merge [‐h inh.sam] [‐n] <out.bam> <in1.bam> <in2.bam> [...],将多个排序后的序列文件合并。参考头文件列出所有的输入BAM文件和inh.sam中@SQ头,如果存在,必须全部指向同一系列的参考序列。参考头文件列表(除非被-h选项替代)和in1.bam中的“@”头将会被拷贝到out.bam中,其他的输入文件中的头将会被忽略。

-h FILE 使用FILE中的行作为@头拷贝到out.bam中,代替从in1.bam中拷贝的头。(FILE实际上是BAM格式的。但是其中的任何序列信息都会被忽略)。

-n 输入文件是以读段名称排序的,而非染色体定位(当sort中使用-n选项时,此处应该选-n)。

5)samtools index <aln.bam> 对排序后的序列索引,用于快速的随机处理,此处将产生<aln.bam>.bai文件。

6)samtools faidx <ref.fasta> [region1 [...]],对FASTA格式的参考基因组序列建立索引或者提取已经索引的序列中的子序列(subsequence)。如果没有指定区域,它将会索引文件,并在磁盘上建立<ref.fasta>.fai,子序列将会被检索并且以FASTA格式打印在标准输出。输入文件可以压缩成RAZF格式。

7)samtools pileup [‐f in.ref.fasta] [‐t in.ref_list] [‐l in.site_list] [‐iscgS2] [‐T theta] [‐N nHap] [‐r pairDiffRate] <in.bam>|<in.sam>,以pileup格式输出序列,在pileup格式中,每一行代表一个基因组位点,包括染色体名称、位点、参考碱基、读段质量和序列定位质量。匹配、错配、插入和缺失、链、mapping质量以及读段的开始和结束位点都在读段碱基一列。在这一列中,点代表与参考序列的正向链匹配,逗号表示与参考序列的反向链匹配,ACTGN代表正向链上的错配,而actgn代表反向链上的错配,+[0‐9]+[ACGTNacgtn]+这一模式表示在参考序列之间存在插入序列,模式中,数字代表插入长度,其后为插入序列。‐[0‐9]+[ACGTNacgtn]+这一模式代表与参考序列相比存在缺失,后面以*代表被删除的碱基。在读段碱基列中,符号^标记一个读段片段的起始,它是读段中被N/S/H CIGAR操作符分隔开临近的子序列(subsequence)。^后面紧跟的ASCII码字符减去33给出mapping质量。$符号标记读段片段(read segment)的结尾。(注意-c选项不同的输出)

如果应用-c选项,一致碱基、Phred-scaled一致性质量、SNP质量(指与参考序列相同的Phred-scaled一致性的可能性)和包含该位点的读段mapping质量均方根(root mean square RMS)将会被插入到参考碱基和读段序列之间(即会多出几列)。插入缺失将占有额外一列。


        -s 最后一行打印mapping质量。这一选项使得输出结果易于分析,但较耗费空间

-S 输入文件时SAM格式

-i 只输出含有插入缺失的pileup行

-f FILE FASTA格式的参考序列,如果缺少索引文件将产生FILE.fai

-M INT设定mapping质量上限(cap)为INT

-t FILE以import 命令描述的格式列出参考名称和序列长度列表。如果出现这一个选项,samtools将假设输入文件为SAM格式;否则假设为BAM格式。

-l(L) FILE指定pileup输出的位点,第一列为染色体,第二列为1-based位点。其他的列将会被忽略,推荐与-s选项同时使用,因为默认格式我们可能无法知道mapping质量

-c 使用MAQ一致性模型检测一致序列,在使用-g和-c选项时,仅-T、-N、-l和-r选项可用

-g 产生GLFv3格式的基因型相似性,这一选项抑制-c、-i和-s选项

-T FLOAT MAQ一致性检测模式的theta参数[0.85](错误依赖系数)

-N INT样本中的单倍型数量[默认2,要求>=2]

-r FLOAT 每一对单倍体之间期望的片段差异值[0.001]

-I(i) INT 序列中插入缺失的Phred概率[40]

8)samtools tview <in.sorted.bam> [ref.fasta],文本定位查看器,在查看器中,使用?取得帮助,按下g从一个区域开始位置检查定位(alignment),格式如chr10:10,000,000。

9)samtools fixmate <in.nameSrt.bam> <out.bam>,为以名称排序的定位alignment填入配对坐标,ISIZE(inferred insert size猜测的插入序列大小)和配对相应的标签(flag)

10)samtools rmdup <> <out.bam>,移除潜在的PCR重复:如果多个读段含有相同的外部位点(external coordinates),只保留那些高mapping质量的碱基对。这一命令只适用于FR开始的并且要求正确设置ISIZE。

11)samtools rmdupse <> <out.bam>,除去单端读段(single-ended reads)。这一命令将把所有的读段当作单端读段,即使它们实际上是配对的。

12)samtools fillmd [‐e] <aln.bam> <ref.fasta>,产生MD标签,如果已经存在并且产生的MD标签不同,这个命令将给予警告。

-e 如果读段碱基与参考序列相同,将其转换成=,indel检测目前还不支持=作为碱基标志。



|Col | Field | Description |


| 1 | QNAME | Query (pair) NAME 读段对应模板名称|

| 2 | FLAG | bitwise FLAG 按位的标签(意义见后面)|

| 3 | RNAME | Reference sequence NAME 参考序列名称|

| 4 | POS | 1‐based leftmost POSition/coordinate of clipped sequence 1-based左起位置/整齐的序列定位|

| 5 | MAPQ | MAPping Quality (Phred‐scaled) 读段定位质量|

| 6 | CIAGR | extended CIGAR string 扩展的CIGAR字符串(详见SAM格式详解)|

| 7 | MRNM | Mate Reference sequence NaMe (`=' if same as RNAME) 配对的参考序列名称,=表示相同|

| 8 | MPOS | 1‐based Mate POSistion 参考序列中1-based配对位置|

| 9 | ISIZE | Inferred insert SIZE 猜测的插入序列大小|

|10 | SEQ | query SEQuence on the same strand as the reference 与参考序列处于同一链的读段序列|

|11 | QUAL | query QUALity (ASCII‐33 gives the Phred base quality) 度短序列的碱基质量ASCII码-33为碱基质量|

|12 | OPT | variable OPTional fields in the format TAG:VTYPE:VALUE 变量选项,格式TAG:VTYPE:VALUE |




| Flag | Description |


|0x0001 (1)| the read is paired in sequencing |读段序列是成对的

|0x0002 (2)| the read is mapped in a proper pair |读段定位在适当位置

|0x0004 (4)| the query sequence itself is unmapped |读段序列自身没有定位

|0x0008 (8)| the mate is unmapped |与其配对的读段为定位

|0x0010 (16)| strand of the query (1 for reverse) |读段对应链

|0x0020 (32)| strand of the mate |配对链

|0x0040 (64)| the read is the first read in a pair |读段是读段对的第一个

|0x0080 (128)| the read is the second read in a pair |读段是读段对的第二个

|0x0100 (256)| the alignment is not primary |定位不是最优选

|0x0200 (512)| the read fails platform/vendor quality checks |读段质量未生成

|0x0400 (1024)| the read is either a PCR or an optical duplicate |读段是PCR或者光学重复



1、  在bam_import.c, bam_endian.h, bam.c和bam_aux.c中的非定位单词

2、  CIGAR操作符P不能正确处理

3、  合并时,输入文件需要有相同数目的参考基因序列。设备要求可以降低,另外,合并时不会自动重构头字典(header dictionary)。用户必须提供正确的头,Picard做合并表现更好。

4、  samtools的rmdup无法处理单端数据,不能移除染色体之间的重复。Picard表现更好。



 bowtie [options]* <ebwt> {-1 <m1> -2 <m2> | --12 <r> | <s>} [<hit>]

 <m1>    Comma-separated list of files containing upstream mates (or the

         sequences themselves, if -c is set) paired with mates in <m2>

 <m2>    Comma-separated list of files containing downstream mates (or the

         sequences themselves if -c is set) paired with mates in <m1>

 <r>     Comma-separated list of files containing Crossbow-style reads.  Can be

         a mixture of paired and unpaired.  Specify "-" for stdin.

 <s>     Comma-separated list of files containing unpaired reads, or the

         sequences themselves, if -c is set.  Specify "-" for stdin.

 <hit>   File to write hits to (default: stdout)



bowtie-build GENOME.fa GENOME.fa

nohup bowtie-build GENOME.fa GENOME.fa &


bowtie -f -a -m 20 -v 1 --al Reads_aligned --un Reads_unaligned --norc GENOME.fa Reads.fa Reads.bwt 2> log
  • 注:

  • -f 指定query文件为fasta格式

  • -a 保留所有比对结果

  • -m 指定最大比对到基因组的次数

  • -v 允许最大错配数,为[0-2]

  • --al 能map到GENOME的reads,fasta格式

  • --un 不能map到GENOME的reads,fasta格式

  • --norc 不输出匹配到负链的结果;如果不想输出比对到正链的结果,则用"--nofw"。不指定该选项则正负链结果都输出

  • 后面依次写上GENOME索引文件,Reads文件,输出结果文件Reads.bwt,日志文件log。


    1        2  3     4             5                      6          7   8
  • 1. query id

  • 2. "+"表示正向match;"-"表示对query作反向互补后match

  • 3. reference id

  • 4. 第2列为"+"时,表示query 第一个碱基map到reference(5'->3')上的位置,0-based(以0开始);第2列为"-"时,表示query的反向互补序列第一 个碱基map到reference(5'->3')上的位置,0-based(以0开始)

  • 5. 如果第2列为"+",则和query序列一致;否则,和query序列反向互补

  • 6. 质量文件,如果query文件为fasta格式,则无法获取质量文件,用I代替,I的数量与query序列长度一致

  • 7. 当前query能map到GENOME的4个不同位置

  • 8. 如果存在第8列,表示有mismatch。第8列可以分为三个部分,最左端的数字,中间的碱基为reference碱基,最右端的碱基为query碱基,下面分情况讨论:

  • 第2列为"+"时:最左端的数字9表示query从5'端数起,第10个碱基为"T",而对应的reference为"G";



解压   unzip bowtie2-。。。。

2)Set the BT2_HOME environment variable to point to the new Bowtie 2 directory containing the bowtie2, bowtie2-build and bowtie2-inspect binaries. 其加入环境变量(确保bowtie2,bowtie2-build or bowtie2-inspect能使用】


  $ bowtie2-build genome.fasta index

【【命令: bowtie2 [options]* -x <bt2-idx> {-1 <m1> -2 <m2> | -U <r>} [-S <sam>]

 <bt2-idx>  Index filename prefix (minus trailing .X.bt2).

            NOTE: Bowtie 1 and Bowtie 2 indexes are not compatible.

 <m1>       Files with #1 mates, paired with files in <m2>.

            Could be gzip'ed (extension: .gz) or bzip2'ed (extension: .bz2).

 <m2>       Files with #2 mates, paired with files in <m1>.

            Could be gzip'ed (extension: .gz) or bzip2'ed (extension: .bz2).

 <r>        Files with unpaired reads.

            Could be gzip'ed (extension: .gz) or bzip2'ed (extension: .bz2).

 <sam>      File for SAM output (default: stdout)

 <m1>, <m2>, <r> can be comma-separated lists (no whitespace) and can be

 specified many times.  E.g. '-U file1.fq,file2.fq -U file3.fq'.】】

$ bowtie2 -p 8 -x index -1 reads1.fq -2 reads2.fq -S out.sam


【【【【Bowtie 2 comes with some example files to get you started. The example files are not scientifically significant; we use theLambda phage reference genome simply because it's short, and the reads were generated by a computer program, not a sequencer. However, these files will let you start running Bowtie 2 and downstream tools right away.

First follow the manual instructions to obtain Bowtie 2. Set the BT2_HOME environment variable to point to the new Bowtie 2 directory containing the bowtie2, bowtie2-build and bowtie2-inspect binaries. This is important, as the BT2_HOME variable is used in the commands below to refer to that directory.

Indexing a reference genome

To create an index for the Lambda phage reference genome included with Bowtie 2, create a new temporary directory (it doesn't matter where), change into that directory, and run:

$BT2_HOME/bowtie2-build $BT2_HOME/example/reference/lambda_virus.fa lambda_virus

The command should print many lines of output then quit. When the command completes, the current directory will contain four new files that all start with lambda_virus and end with .1.bt2, .2.bt2, .3.bt2, .4.bt2, .rev.1.bt2, and .rev.2.bt2. These files constitute the index - you're done!

You can use bowtie2-build to create an index for a set of FASTA files obtained from any source, including sites such asUCSC, NCBI, and Ensembl. When indexing multiple FASTA files, specify all the files using commas to separate file names. For more details on how to create an index with bowtie2-build, see the manual section on index building. You may also want to bypass this process by obtaining a pre-built index. See using a pre-built index below for an example.

Aligning example reads

Stay in the directory created in the previous step, which now contains the lambda_virus index files. Next, run:

$BT2_HOME/bowtie2 -x lambda_virus -U $BT2_HOME/example/reads/reads_1.fq -S eg1.sam

This runs the Bowtie 2 aligner, which aligns a set of unpaired reads to the Lambda phage reference genome using the index generated in the previous step. The alignment results in SAM format are written to the file eg1.sam, and a short alignment summary is written to the console. (Actually, the summary is written to the "standard error" or "stderr" filehandle, which is typically printed to the console.)

To see the first few lines of the SAM output, run:

head eg1.sam

You will see something like this:

@HD VN:1.0  SO:unsorted@SQ SN:gi|9626243|ref|NC_001416.1|  LN:48502@PG ID:bowtie2  PN:bowtie2  VN:2.0.1r1  0   gi|9626243|ref|NC_001416.1| 18401   42  122M    *   0   0   TGAATGCGAACTCCGGGACGCTCAGTAATGTGACGATAGCTGAAAACTGTACGATAAACNGTACGCTGAGGGCAGAAAAAATCGTCGGGGACATTNTAAAGGCGGCGAGCGCGGCTTTTCCG  +"@6<:27(F&5)9)"B:%B+A-%5A?2$HCB0B+0=D<7E/<.03#!.F77@6B==?C"7>;))%;,3-$.A06+<-1/@@?,26">=?*@'0;$:;??G+:#+(A?9+10!8!?()?7C>  AS:i:-5 XN:i:0  XM:i:3  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  NM:i:3  MD:Z:59G13G21G26    YT:Z:UUr2  0   gi|9626243|ref|NC_001416.1| 8886    42  275M    *   0   0   NTTNTGATGCGGGCTTGTGGAGTTCAGCCGATCTGACTTATGTCATTACCTATGAAATGTGAGGACGCTATGCCTGTACCAAATCCTACAATGCCGGTGAAAGGTGCCGGGATCACCCTGTGGGTTTATAAGGGGATCGGTGACCCCTACGCGAATCCGCTTTCAGACGTTGACTGGTCGCGTCTGGCAAAAGTTAAAGACCTGACGCCCGGCGAACTGACCGCTGAGNCCTATGACGACAGCTATCTCGATGATGAAGATGCAGACTGGACTGC (#!!'+!$""%+(+)'%)%!+!(&++)''"#"#&#"!'!("%'""("+&%$%*%%#$%#%#!)*'(#")(($&$'&%+&#%*)*#*%*')(%+!%%*"$%"#+)$&&+)&)*+!"*)!*!("&&"*#+"&"'(%)*("'!$*!!%$&&&$!!&&"(*"$&"#&!$%'%"#)$#+%*+)!&*)+(""#!)!%*#"*)*')&")($+*%%)!*)!('(%""+%"$##"#+(('!*(($*'!"*('"+)&%#&$+('**$$&+*&!#%)')'(+(!%+ AS:i:-14    XN:i:0  XM:i:8  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  NM:i:8  MD:Z:0A0C0G0A108C23G9T81T46 YT:Z:UUr3  16  gi|9626243|ref|NC_001416.1| 11599   42  338M    *   0   0   GGGCGCGTTACTGGGATGATCGTGAAAAGGCCCGTCTTGCGCTTGAAGCCGCCCGAAAGAAGGCTGAGCAGCAGACTCAAGAGGAGAAAAATGCGCAGCAGCGGAGCGATACCGAAGCGTCACGGCTGAAATATACCGAAGAGGCGCAGAAGGCTNACGAACGGCTGCAGACGCCGCTGCAGAAATATACCGCCCGTCAGGAAGAACTGANCAAGGCACNGAAAGACGGGAAAATCCTGCAGGCGGATTACAACACGCTGATGGCGGCGGCGAAAAAGGATTATGAAGCGACGCTGTAAAAGCCGAAACAGTCCAGCGTGAAGGTGTCTGCGGGCGAT  7F$%6=$:9B@/F'>=?!D?@0(:A*)7/>9C>6#1<6:C(.CC;#.;>;2'$4D:?&B!>689?(0(G7+0=@37F)GG=>?958.D2E04C<E,*AD%G0.%$+A:'H;?8<72:88?E6((CF)6DF#.)=>B>D-="C'B080E'5BH"77':"@70#4%A5=6.2/1>;9"&-H6)=$/0;5E:<8G!@::1?2DC7C*;@*#.1C0.D>H/20,!"C-#,6@%<+<D(AG-).?�.00'@)/F8?B!&"170,)>:?<A7#1(A@0E#&A.*DC.E")AH"+.,5,2>5"2?:G,F"D0B8D-6$65D<D!A/38860.*4;4B<*31?6  AS:i:-22    XN:i:0  XM:i:8  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  NM:i:8  MD:Z:80C4C16A52T23G30A8T76A41   YT:Z:UUr4  0   gi|9626243|ref|NC_001416.1| 40075   42  184M    *   0   0   GGGCCAATGCGCTTACTGATGCGGAATTACGCCGTAAGGCCGCAGATGAGCTTGTCCATATGACTGCGAGAATTAACNGTGGTGAGGCGATCCCTGAACCAGTAAAACAACTTCCTGTCATGGGCGGTAGACCTCTAAATCGTGCACAGGCTCTGGCGAAGATCGCAGAAATCAAAGCTAAGT(=8B)GD04*G%&4F,1'A>.C&7=F$,+#6!))43C,5/5+)?-/0>/D3=-,2/+.1?@->;)00!'3!7BH$G)HG+ADC'#-9F)7<7"$?&.>0)@5;4,!0-#C!15CF8&HB+B==H>7,/)C5)5*+(F5A%D,EA<(>G9E0>7&/E?4%;#'92)<5+@7:A.(BG@BG86@.G AS:i:-1 XN:i:0  XM:i:1  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  NM:i:1  MD:Z:77C106 YT:Z:UUr5  0   gi|9626243|ref|NC_001416.1| 48010   42  138M    *   0   0   GTCAGGAAAGTGGTAAAACTGCAACTCAATTACTGCAATGCCCTCGTAATTAAGTGAATTTACAATATCGTCCTGTTCGGAGGGAAGAACGCGGGATGTTCATTCTTCATCACTTTTAATTGATGTATATGCTCTCTT  9''%<D)A03E1-*7=),:F/0!6,D9:H,<9D%:0B(%'E,(8EFG$E89B$27G8F*2+4,-!,0D5()&=(FGG:5;3*@/.0F-G#5#3->('FDFEG?)5.!)"AGADB3?6(@H(:B<>6!>;>6>G,."?%  AS:i:0  XN:i:0  XM:i:0  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  NM:i:0  MD:Z:138    YT:Z:UUr6  16  gi|9626243|ref|NC_001416.1| 41607   42  72M2D119M   *   0   0   TCGATTTGCAAATACCGGAACATCTCGGTAACTGCATATTCTGCATTAAAAAATCAACGCAAAAAATCGGACGCCTGCAAAGATGAGGAGGGATTGCAGCGTGTTTTTAATGAGGTCATCACGGGATNCCATGTGCGTGACGGNCATCGGGAAACGCCAAAGGAGATTATGTACCGAGGAAGAATGTCGCT 1H#G;H"$E*E#&"*)2%66?=9/9'=;4)4/>@%+5#@#$4A*!<D=="8#1*A9BA=:(1+#C&.#(3#H=9E)AC*5,AC#E'536*2?)H14?>9'B=7(3H/B:+A:8%1-+#(E%&$$&14"76D?>7(&20H5%*&CF8!G5B+A4F$7(:"'?0$?G+$)B-?2<0<F=D!38BH,%=8&5@+ AS:i:-13    XN:i:0  XM:i:2  XO:i:1  XG:i:2  NM:i:4  MD:Z:72^TT55C15A47  YT:Z:UUr7  16  gi|9626243|ref|NC_001416.1| 4692    42  143M    *   0   0   TCAGCCGGACGCGGGCGCTGCAGCCGTACTCGGGGATGACCGGTTACAACGGCATTATCGCCCGTCTGCAACAGGCTGCCAGCGATCCGATGGTGGACAGCATTCTGCTCGATATGGACANGCCCGGCGGGATGGTGGCGGGG -"/@*7A0)>2,AAH@&"%B)*5*23B/,)90.B@%=FE,E063C9?,:26$-0:,.,1849'4.;F>FA;76+5&$<C":$!A*,<B,<)@<'85D%C*:)30@85;?.B$05=@95DCDH<53!8G:F:B7/A.E':434> AS:i:-6 XN:i:0  XM:i:2  XO:i:0  XG:i:0  NM:i:2  MD:Z:98G21C22   YT:Z:UU

The first few lines (beginning with @) are SAM header lines, and the rest of the lines are SAM alignments, one line per read or mate. See the Bowtie 2 manual section on SAM output and the SAM specification for details about how to interpret the SAM file format.

Paired-end example

To align paired-end reads included with Bowtie 2, stay in the same directory and run:

$BT2_HOME/bowtie2 -x lambda_virus -1 $BT2_HOME/example/reads/reads_1.fq -2 $BT2_HOME/example/reads/reads_2.fq -S eg2.sam

This aligns a set of paired-end reads to the reference genome, with results written to the file eg2.sam.

Local alignment example

To use local alignment to align some longer reads included with Bowtie 2, stay in the same directory and run:

$BT2_HOME/bowtie2 --local -x lambda_virus -U $BT2_HOME/example/reads/longreads.fq -S eg3.sam

This aligns the long reads to the reference genome using local alignment, with results written to the file eg3.sam.

Using SAMtools/BCFtools downstream

SAMtools is a collection of tools for manipulating and analyzing SAM and BAM alignment files. BCFtools is a collection of tools for calling variants and manipulating VCF and BCF files, and it is typically distributed with SAMtools. Using these tools together allows you to get from alignments in SAM format to variant calls in VCF format. This example assumes that samtools andbcftools are installed and that the directories containing these binaries are in your PATH environment variable.

Run the paired-end example:

$BT2_HOME/bowtie2 -x $BT2_HOME/example/index/lambda_virus -1 $BT2_HOME/example/reads/reads_1.fq -2 $BT2_HOME/example/reads/reads_2.fq -S eg2.sam

Use samtools view to convert the SAM file into a BAM file. BAM is a the binary format corresponding to the SAM text format. Run:

samtools view -bS eg2.sam > eg2.bam

Use samtools sort to convert the BAM file to a sorted BAM file.

samtools sort eg2.bam eg2.sorted

We now have a sorted BAM file called eg2.sorted.bam. Sorted BAM is a useful format because the alignments are (a) compressed, which is convenient for long-term storage, and (b) sorted, which is conveneint for variant discovery. To generate variant calls in VCF format, run:

samtools mpileup -uf $BT2_HOME/example/reference/lambda_virus.fa eg2.sorted.bam | bcftools view -bvcg - > eg2.raw.bcf

Then to view the variants, run:

bcftools view eg2.raw.bcf


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