

【读书笔记】How to create a mind : secret of human thought

已有 4802 次阅读 2014-5-5 21:43 |系统分类:科研笔记


全书分为11个章节。很短的第一章介绍了思维实验(Thought Experiments)对于科学发现的重要性。很快第二章就举了两个小例子来证明我们的大脑是线性地记忆特征和构造多个层次的模式来认知世界的,而第三章就具体介绍了如何通过分层的结构来模式识别和存储记忆。从第四章开始就步入正题,具体分析了生物脑部结构的特点,主要是重复性和灵活性。重复性就是说大脑里神经元的结构是非常相似的,能够记忆不同的内容,主要是连接方式的区别;而灵活性则强调了不但冗余的结构可以有相同的功能,相同的结构也可以处理不同的任务。因此,如果我们想人造一个大脑出来,可能并不需要记录已有大脑的每一个细节,而只要有一个数学上等价的模型来模拟不同的功能就可以了。


第七章介绍了科学家在人工智能研究中的努力。首先在125页给出了时间表,也就是按照计算机的处理速度和存储能力来看,在今年(也就是2014年),人类可以模拟出老鼠的大脑,而完全模拟出人类的大脑则要等到2023年左右。这个是如何做到的呢?在20世纪中叶,非常热门的神经网络(Neural Nets)就是在这个背景下产生的。不过,由于它自身的一些根本性的弱点,现在并不是主流。作者接着介绍了他自己实现过的用语法和聚类来做语音识别。但是这需要人去定义语法,而为了让机器自己能够学习出语言规则,可以用分层的隐马尔科夫模型(Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models)和遗传算法(Genetic Algorithms)去得到最优化的语音识别模块。最后,应用到商业软件(如Siri)中的则是同时利用数据规则和语法规则构建的综合模型。作者认为,模拟整个大脑完全可以采用相类似的技术:先建立许多复杂的自组织模型学习不同具体功能,然后用更高层次的模型将底层模块连接起来,达到让机器一步一步学习的效果。


翻开第九章,感觉更加亲切了,因为小标题就是:谁有意识(Who Is Conscious?)。而我在写本文的电脑桌旁就贴着2005年科学杂志上的一篇论文:意识的生物基础是什么(What Is the Biological Basis of Consciousness?)。书中的这一章有很多很有趣的讨论。因为哲学思维不强的人常常会靠自己的直觉来定义概念,而却无视掉很简单延伸后的逻辑漏洞,作者在这里整理了各种理论,然后一一分析其合理性。同样的,书中另外被反复讨论的哲学概念还有:自由意志(Free Will)和自我认定(Identity)。由于论述较多,并且对于这些概念的理解并不存在标准的答案,感兴趣的读者可以自己翻阅。





Page 9: My goal in this book is definitely not to add another quotation to the millions that already exist attesting to how complex the brain is, but rather to impress you with the power of its simplicity.

Page 72: Our dreams are created by our neocortex, and thus their substance can be revealing of the content and connections found there. The relaxation of the constraints on our thinking that exist while we are awake is also useful in revealing neocortical content that we otherwise would be unable to access directly. It also reasonable to conclude that the patterns that end up in our dreams represent important matters to us and thereby clues in understanding our unresolved desires and fears.

Page 108: A lot of the pleasure-fear struggle is already obsolete for humans, as the old brain evolved long before even primitive human society got started... To the extend that we are not directly engaged in mortal combat and hunting for food, we have succeeded in at least partially sublimating our ancient drives to more creative endeavors.

Page 192: Von Neumann applied the concept of the universality of computation to conclude that even though the architecture and building blocks appear to be radically different between brain and computer, we can nonetheless conclude that a von Neumann machine can simulate the processing in a brain.

Page 239: Thus even though our decisions are determined (because our bodies and brains are part of a deterministic universe), they are nonetheless inherently unpredictable because we live in (and are part of) a class IV automaton. We cannot predict the future of a class IV automaton except to let the future unfold. For Dr. Wolfram, this is sufficient to allow for free will.

Page 282: In either scenario, waking up the universe, and then intelligently deciding its fate by infusing it with our human intelligence in its nonbiological form, is our destiny.


AuthorKurzweil, Ray.
TitleHow to create a mind : the secret of human thought revealed / Ray Kurzweil.
PublisherNew York : Viking, 2012.


Capter 1Thought experiments on the world13
Capter 2Thought experiments on thinking25
Capter 3A model of the neocortex: the pattern recognition theory of mind34
Capter 4The biological neocortex75
Capter 5The old brain93
Capter 6Transcendent abilities109
Capter 7The biologically inspired digital neocortex121
Capter 8The mind as computer179
Capter 9Thought experiments on the mind199
Capter 10The law of accelerating returns applied to the brain248
Capter 11Objections266





上一篇:【读书笔记】Chaos and Fractals: New frontiers of Science
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