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My Weekly Reading Habit

已有 7638 次阅读 2014-3-18 00:06 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

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As an educated and interested citizen, people may be interested  in my reading habits and learn about how I remain engaged and informed.  Here they are:

  1. The Sunday New YorkTimes - particularly the “Week in Review” section to  learn about “all the news fit to print”. I scan and selectively  read other sections such “style”, “education  and business” et al.

  2. Economist Magazine – This is a more objective non-US-centric reporting of the news of the world. In particular,  the“China” section of the weekly newsmagazine

  3. Time magazine – Although I consider myself a liberal in  thinking, reading this somewhat conservative weekly magazine let me know what the other side thinks.

  4. Daily e-mail from NYTimes and other Internet sites such as  Money News, Newsmax, et al

  5. Science Net China – I learn a lot from scanning and  reading the blog pages of this site and feedbacks from readers of my blog articles

  6. Attend selected local seminar talks from the some 80+  colleges of the Boston area.

  7. Nightly news broadcasts and current event talk shows  on TV for about 2-3 hours every evening. My preference is mostly liberal thinking talk shows on MSNBC

I estimated these six sources consume about 20% of my  retirement leisure times.


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