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已有 5902 次阅读 2013-8-28 10:59 |系统分类:论文交流| 论文

终于有了自己的博客了。先说说自己的2013年的第一篇发表在 Journal of Materials Chemistry A文章。该文章源于2012年7月投稿于corrosion science的哪篇,当时不想多花功夫,只写了2860个字就草草收兵了,这显然不是我的风格(我的风格是怎么也至少有6000字,出版版面10页左右)。审稿一个半月就结束了,由于缺乏大量的证据,拒稿了。当时手头正在写另外一篇没有顾得来。11月份,把这篇论文重新审阅了一下,发现当初的确是草率,对于一些深层次的机理没有深究,重新读文献撰写相关机理,补充做实验,近1.5个月的煎熬,写作中发现,越写越觉得需要探讨的东西越多,边看文献边撰写。第一稿,全文1.2万字,超长了。直接删掉部分内容后,全文文字量9300字,图14张,投稿页共计47页。1月14日投稿到Journal of Materials Chemistry A上,过年期间一直牵挂于此。2月的最后一天,收到了评审意见:

Thank you for your recent submission to Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Please find all the reviewers’ reports on your manuscript copied below. As the original two referees gave conflicting recommendations, a third, senior, adjudicative referee was consulted. Overall, the reviewers feel that the paper is unsuitable for publication in its present form, and that substantial revisions are necessary before the paper could be reconsidered for publication. We therefore feel unable to proceed with publication at this stage.In Adjudicative Referee 3's comments to the editor, the following suggestion was proposed: "Taken into consideration also the two provided reports from the other referees, I think that on one hand the subject of the study is worth publishing in principle, but I agree with referee 2 that the paper is much too long already in its present state, and I agree with referee 1 that lots of information are still missing. Thus I would propose to split the manuscript into two parts, one for the preparation and the characterization of the material (which comprise quite some pages of the current version of the manuscript), and a second with the electrochemical measurements, their interpretation and the properties of the prepared materials. I think that the first paper must not be submitted to J. Mat. Chem., but the second would perfectly fit."简单的说,审稿人认为全文实在是太长了,需要拆成两篇来发表,其中关于电化学部分的一篇适合于在JMCA上发表。经过1个月的修改后,重新投递,评审意见变成了小修,但是其中一个审稿人是XPS的专家提出了非常专业的问题,尽管是小修,但是问题的尖锐程度更甚。重新查找了相关文献,并把实验方法部分修改(这部分由于外行的写法,导致审稿人抓住了小辫子,所以主动认错)。2天后文章接受。整个过程可以说是本人发文章以来最为艰辛的一个了。目前为止已经在JMC上发表了3篇论文了,前两篇都没有什么意见就直接接受了。对于做传统的结构材料的人来说,做材料腐蚀的电化学分析本身属于半路出家,能够将相关论文直接发表在JMC这样的刊物实属不易。


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