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已有 3038 次阅读 2013-7-19 19:39 |个人分类:英语学习|系统分类:论文交流


bin:to throw something away; container for waste

a litter bin; Shall I bin these old shoes?

grab: to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly

He grabbed his child's arm to stop her from running into the road.

distortion:to change something from its usual, original, natural, or intended meaning

My original statement has been completely distorted by the media

Assemble:  to come together in a single place or bring parts together in a single group:

We assembled in the meeting room after lunch.

At the staff meeting, the manager told the assembled company(= everyone there) that no one would lose their job.

Binocular: Binocular Vision

distinct: clearly noticeable; that certainly exists

There is a distinct smell of cigarette in here.  

manifest: to show something clearly, through signs or actions

The worker chose to manifest their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes.

coherence: the situation when the parts of something fit together in a natural or reasonable way

There is a coherence between the first and the second half of the movie.

plausible: seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed

a plausible explanation/excuse

interpretation: an explanation or opinion of what something means

The rules are vague and open to interpretation.

provisionally:for the present time but likely to change

a provisionally government

stretch goal:

 a high and difficult level of success that an employee must achieve if they are to be considered to be doing their job in a satisfactory way

Stretch targets should provide the benchmark under which a person's performance is deemed to be "poor"

additive: a substance that is added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance or to keep it fresh and stop it from decaying:

food additive


restrictive: limiting the freedom of someone or preventing something from growing:

He is self-employed because he finds working for other people too restrictive.

duable: If something is doable, it can be achieved or performed

If something is doable, it can be achieved or performed

stall: If an engine stalls, or if you stall it, it stops working suddenly and without you intending it to happen:

A car may stall due to the driver braking too suddenly.

lightweight: weighting a little or less than average

I need a lightweight jacket for the summer evenings.

encumber:to weigh someone or something down, or to make it difficult for someone to do something:

When you are walking 30 miles a day, the fewer encumbrances the better.

mitigate: to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad

It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island


it would be impractical to ...

take the form of ...

is equivalent to...

due to the presence of


上一篇:Visual Ego-motion
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