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NASA’s Big Mistake – 04 Whole Sky Map

已有 5350 次阅读 2007-8-13 09:16 |个人分类:英文原版

3.4 Query on WMAP Theoretic Base: Friedman’s Assumption Was Wrong – A Prove to the Assumption “no scientific evidence for, or against”


Stephen Hawking said in his <A Brief History of Time>Friedmann’s second assumption is the universe looks the same in every direction as seen from any other galaxy too. We have no scientific evidence for, or against, this assumption. We believe it only on grounds of modesty: it would be most remarkable if the universe looked the same in every direction around us, but not around other points in the universe!

 “would be most remarkable”, “only on grounds of modesty:”, ha ha, nice literary words, but too fancy for scientific prove.

“We have no scientific evidence for, or against, this assumption.” That was wrong! Sorry but I do have plenty of scientific evidence to against this Friedman’s assumption.

I am proving to you: from different points of the universe, people will see absolutely different pictures, meet different events, and receive different information. There are countless such points in the universe.

You can start now try to design your own prove against Friedman’s assumption.

First let’s try to understand Friedman’s assumption.

Scene 1: Put two cameras at the sea side. Let one towards to the sea, another towards to the mountain. One will always show you the water; another will always show you the earth.

Scene 2: Now use the camera on a helicopter over the previous spot. The camera will show you the water and the earth.

Scene 3: Use the camera on a satellite. The whole global will always in its shot. From any spot the camera will give you a same scenery about the earth.


The same thing will happen while you are observing the universe. If we can observe the universe like we are looking the earth from a satellite, then from anywhere see the universe will be the same.

Stephen Hawking said: if we look at distant galaxies, there seems to be more or less the same number of them. So the universe does seem to be roughly the same in every direction, provided one views it on a large scale compared to the distance between galaxies, and ignores the differences on small scales.

That is very primitive and intuitive. It just like zoom and zoom a picture while using a computer.

Why don’t people go one step further?

It is very strange that the almost 100 year old assumption still dominate the modern scientists’ thinking!


See Totally Different Universe from Different Places


If I can find many places in the universe, from there the people has the same existing time period. From their starting time to future 500,000 years, many stars or galaxies they have been seeing can not be seen by the people on the earth. During both of their existing period, they never know any information about each other; they see many different cosmic objects that the other side people never see. Is this means they see different universe? Does this prove that Friedman’s assumption is wrong?

Let me show you such a place. I am using the data completely given by the astrophysicists.

Before I prove to you, I would like to give you a clue of how I am thinking to solve the problem. Because in fact it is the huge scale of the universe and the speed of the light blocked the wisdom of the people and the understanding of the problem, let me first shrink the problem into a regular scale easy to understand. We take the earth as the universe, the speed of sound as the speed of light, the one hundred year human life as the ephemera’s one day life. Under such assumption, let’s study some thing happened to change the earth. Suppose there is one volcano burst in south pacific sea close to Philippine and one new inland produced. One ephemera lived in Philippine at that time experienced the whole process of the event. But the other ephemera in New York City will never know what happened about the volcano burst and the new inland in its whole life.

The basic base of my argument is still simply the light or any information travels with a limited speed.

Let me locate a place that has a distance to the earth about 1.1 million light-years.

What can the man there and the man on the earth see? During the same observing time (2000 years ago to 500,000 years after) they will receive information within a radiant 502,000 light-year. New events happened outside this distance will never be sensed by them. What happened to the people will never be known by other side people.

Let me use figure 3-4 to give you a detailed prove.

I take A point and B point as the places that the people observing the universe at the same time period. Suppose A is the place the earth located, B is the place I find out to prove the wrong assumption made by Friedman. Suppose C is a new galaxy generated 500,000 years ago. A has a distance of 1 million light-years to C, B has a distance of 0.1 million light-years to C. Now during the observing time what do the people at A and at B receive the information about C?

The people at A, here we suppose is the earth, from 2000 years ago to 500,000 years later, will never receive any information from the galaxy located at C. It needs 500,000 years more for the information from C to arrive A.

On the contrary, the people at location B had seen the galaxy C 400,000 years ago, and will continue see C during the whole observing time, the next 500.000 years.

During the observing time period, the people at A and B see totally different galaxy.

Figure 3-4 Observing C from A and B


In such a situation, can we say at the different places we can see different universe?

Is the Friedman’s assumption still correct?

If I can find thousands of such places like B that will see totally different cosmic objects, how do you think about the Friedman’s assumption?

If we set C between B and D, or o and A, the result will be worse. Any new objects at the right side of B, the people at A can not see it during our whole observing time. The same thing will happen to those new objects at the left side of A.

With the increase of the distance between A and B, such absolutely different observing result will getting worse. You take a pencil and a piece of paper draw it, will find the results.

Generally speaking, at any place away from the earth, suppose the distance is X light-year. If there is a younger cosmic object such as a star or galaxy generated, people on the earth will know nothing about this object. X can represent 1 million light-years distance, or represent 100 million light-years distance, or billion light-years. While we can choose any points close to X, at that point people there will never see the people on the earth during the observing time. This is also true to the people on the earth.

Because the earth is 4.2 billion years-old, which means the earth was generated after so called Big Bang about 9.5 billion years (13.7 – 4.2). We can deduct that the universe has been generating all kinds of cosmic objects all the time. Cosmic objects have been dying or producing. All this dynamic born or die events, people at different places will get totally different information about them.

This proved that Friedman’s assumption was totally wrong.

The prove can be explained by following simple math:

r = age of the star - | distance between the star and the earth |

    if     r < 0      the people on the earth never can see the star

          r = 0      the people on the earth just can see the star

          r > 0      the people on the earth has seen the star r years

    | distance between the star and the earth | is the absolute number with the unit of year.

I named the formula as the cosmic object visible formula.

If consider the expanding model the experts favorite to, the r will be much bigger, which means people at different places in the universe will see more different universe.

Above explained how there is a big difference between the observers who have different distances to the newly born observing space object. Let’s consider what will happen to those destroyed long existing space objects. It will cause the same trouble.

Suppose in Figure 3-4 we already used in above discussion, an old star located at C. It lived a long time and was dead 0.2 million years ago. Now what will happen at locations A and B while people there observing the C space area?

There is such huge difference to those observing people at A and B. The people at location A has observed this star at location C all the time, and will be able to continue observing it in next 0.8 million years. On the contrary, people at location B have no chance to see the star since 0.1 million years ago. If there are human exists at A and B simultaneously, then A people from beginning to next 0.8 million years are watching the star at location C. B people don’t know this star at all since its disappeared 0.1 million years ago.

People on the earth are easy to neglect the fact that light needs time to travel. Because “what we see is what we get” is always true. We always see the truth by our eyes. But it is a common truth that “what we see is not what we get”. To see is not to believe is the basic principle while observing the universe. I will discuss this in detail later.

So now we have a new evaluation on Friedman’s assumption made about one century ago. Since it is wrong, those deducted from it should also be reconsidered. And this means the WMAP project needs to be reconsidered.

One of the reconsideration is the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) concept itself.


Comments on Reevaluating Friedman’s Assumption


There are flaws and contradictions about the almost one century year old Friedman’s assumption. But this obvious wrong assumption has been dominating the research direction of human being, dominating the thinking of the astrophysicists. The base theory of WMAP project is this assumption. I think it is a very strange phenomenon that such an old incomplete assumption will survive all the time and nobody even think to reconsider it. It is a big mock to the modern people with numb nerves. It shows how those experts, although in their mouth they encourage people to be creative, but actually if one touch their root or crossing their baseline, they will shut up the door to the truth.

Reviewing recent several decades, the scientific technology has been developing in a break through speed, while the fundamental theoretic study, including math, stay in a static status. Even there is man claim that the science is end. Is this enough warning to the authorized experts not to separate common people from the immense cosmos? They should stop defending the old obsolete theories and accept new concepts.

To push the science keep moving forward, we have to reevaluate many old concepts, including Einstein’s relativity theory.

From the Author:

Above prove against the Friedman’s assumption is the first time published, is a real original work. This series is the 3rd version of my book <Who Should Talk About Cosmos>. The second version was fixed in January 2007, and will be published in July 2007. After almost half year more thinking, I am writing this 3rd version. If you read the 2nd version book with this series, you will get much more.



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