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NASA's Big Mistake -- 02

已有 6449 次阅读 2007-8-13 09:03 |个人分类:英文原版

Not Absent Mind but Wrong Reasoning, Example II: the Break Through News: “Titanic merger of galaxy clusters revealed”

China Education and Research Network once reprinted a report that was originally published on Beijing Evening News:
For the sake of cautiousness, I have found the original report published on
The official website of New Scientist is “The World's No.1 Science & Technology News Service”.
The “break through news” is such:

An international team of astronomers led by Patrick Henry of the University of Hawaii used Europe's XMM-Newton observatory to study a massive galaxy cluster called Abell 754. “The cluster is relatively close to Earth at [800 million light-years] away” and, unlike other energetic mergers, does not lie in the plane of the Milky Way, making it easier to observe.
The cluster spans [3 million light-years] across and, if it were visible in the sky, it would cover half of the Moon. It appears to be made up of two smaller galaxy clusters, one crammed with 1000 galaxies and the other with 300. Shock waves caused by the merger, “which may have begun [300 million years ago],” has heated gas in the clusters to extreme temperatures - about 100 million °C.

I have to ask: Can we observe the merger that may have begun “300 million years ago” at the location that the galaxy clusters “800 million light-years away” from the earth? 
It is impossible! The shock waves of the merger have to take at least another 500 million years to reach to the earth, which means we earthlings only may observe them 500 million years later.
This is a mistake that one can’t blame on absent mind or unsuitable expression.
Moreover, can we so easily draw the picture of a galaxy cluster that “spans 3 million light-years across”? I leave this question in later discussion. In my book <Who Should Talk about Cosmos> I used one chapter named “To See is Not to Believe—A Law in Observing Cosmic Space” to discuss this topic.
My dear readers, from now on, please scan the numerous observation results and images “imposed” on you by astronomers with new sights. You will be able to draw out your own conclusion!

Two Self-contradictory Reports from Hubble Space Telescope Official Site

January 8, 2007 12:20 PM (EST)
News Release Number: STScI-2007-03
Astronomers Map a Hypergiant Star's Massive Outbursts


Figure 2-3 Hypergiant Star’s Outbursts

Using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the W.M. Keck Observatory, Kameula, Hawaii, astronomers have learned that…… The star has had many outbursts over the past [1,000] years as it nears the end of its life.
……The star is located 5,000 light-years away.…… The outermost material was ejected about 1,000 years ago, while a knot near the star may have been ejected as recently as 50 years ago.

Hubble official website just show how confused cosmologists are.
There are too many universe concepts and models abstracted from observations in wrong ways, which should have been fully examined at a different angle rather than be easily glossed over. You can find similar absurd reports by yourself. If the fact is wrong, how can it be correct about the conclusion deducted from the fact?
You can refer to the website addresses of the reports in the appendix of this book.
Such “scientific” reports, full of mistakes and errors, compel us to doubt the reliability of contemporary cosmic analysis, judgments, reasoning and scientific products. Do we have to believe that they have presented us a true universe without any further thinking?
I am pretty sure the experts know that it takes time to get the information from remote cosmic objects. But when they raise up their space telescope, the feeling of everything is collected into their eyes is such wonderful and makes them feel so powerful and can know everything in the universe, that drunken their intelligent off from the basic physic rules.
And there is no such definition as specific light wave, the relative future and the absolute future as defined in <Who Should Talk About Cosmos>, which made them easier to make mistake. The time neglected by those experts, is so powerful than can easily wipe out the earth and the human being.
Let’s see some obvious wrong examples from those top scientists.

A Wrong Report from the Largest Optical Telescope of the World

  A&A special feature: First astrophysical results with AMBER/VLTI
  Published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, volume 464-1, March II 2007
  Released on February 21st, 2007
  AMBER is one of the two science instruments of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI).
  The AMBER instrument installed at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) combines the light from three 8.2 meter telescopes, making the VLT the world’s largest optical telescope, with a total mirror surface larger than 150 m2 and a maximum telescope separation greater than 130 m. Two years after installation, the first astrophysical results are blossoming. They are being published this week as a special feature in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
  …the authors observed the famous recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi after it exploded on Feb. 12th 2006. This event has been expected since its last outburst 21 years ago. AMBER was able to detect the extension of the expanding emission only 5 days after the discovery.


Figure 2-4 Observation report from the world largest optical telescope

I am dazzling with such detailed and vivid report. They were using the world largest telescope to observe the star. The experts dare to declare they observed it’s explode happened in 2006, and know it’s last explode happened 21 years ago.
The biggest pity is that we know this nova is far away from the earth.
Then what is the transferring speed of the exploding information to the earth?
Are you the firmly supporters of the relativity theory of Einstein? Are you against Einstein by raising the speed millions times faster than the light speed?
Weaving scientific exquisite tales with the best scientific equipment and world top reputation makes me feel ridiculous.
Such elegant, beautiful and authorized fables!

From the Author:

The trivial prelude is stopped here.
It is possible people could find different excuse to explain what I criticized above. For example it is possible to say it is obviously the time about the reports was using the time at the observed object, not the time on the earth. But I have to say, analyses the report context related to the time, this excuse is not right. The obvious example is the experts founded “One (star) population is less than 10 million years old” “at that distance 250 million light-years away”. This is such an obvious mistake; one can’t find any excuse to explain it. Nobody can have any possibility to get any information about those young stars. NASA’s experts should brave enough to confess their mistakes.
From above examples we saw the clues of some wrong concept from the NASA experts. It reminds me to check their work in a deeper and higher level.
Next series I am going to give my criticism on NASA’s WMAP project. This project has been lasting for many years. Tons of taxpayer’s money was thrown into the black hole.
Now please put your conventional thinking aside for a while. Please be with an open mind to welcome the cosmic level quake!
If you have blames, criticisms, or praise, I am ready to take all of them.
Specially to young people, sharpen your sense numbed by examinations, cheer up your energy exhausted by the business, wake up your opiated nerves by authority experts, open your mind that has blind faith on the scientific religion, inspire your creative activity, and build up a new, more reasonable universe with your own hands! I did one primitive work and believe in future there will be brand new cosmic world constructed by you.


上一篇:美国宇航局(NASA)的弥天大错 - 02
下一篇:美国宇航局(NASA)的弥天大错 - 03
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