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[译转]2012前沿研究/产业重大事件预测-From IEEE Spectrum

已有 2493 次阅读 2012-1-4 10:57 |系统分类:海外观察| 技术, class, market, 重大, Bionic

IEEE spectrum一如既往的对2012年将会产生重大成就的前沿研究领域进行了预测
1. Good-bye, Wheelchair, Hello ExoskeletonThis year, the Ekso Bionics exoskeleton for paraplegics hits the market(面向下肢截瘫患者的体外骨骼技术将推向市场)
2. Birth of the Bionic Eye :In 2012, electrodes will bring eyesight to the blind(仿生眼:眼睛中植入的电极将会为失明患者带来光明)

3. Private Spaceflight: Up, Up, and Away: This year, commercial spaceflight will really take off(商业宇宙旅行将会频繁成行)

4. 3-D Chips Grow UpIn 2012, 3-D chips will help extend Moore's Law—and move beyond it(3D芯片制造技术将会继续研究,为延续莫尔定律加力)

5. Single Blue Planet Seeks Same :In 2012, a new exoplanet hunter will look for worlds like our own(一个新的地外行星寻找计划启动)

6. Charge of the EV Brigade2012 will test the feasibility of EV charging stations(启动测试电动汽车充电站的可行性)

7. Plug-in Vehicles ProliferateFull battery-electric and hybrid-electric plug-in vehicles will start hitting the streets in significant numbers later this year(Plug-in<可插电>全电动或混合电动汽车将会在今年稍后时间驶上街头)

8. A Battery as Big as the Grid2012 could mark the arrival of utility-scale battery storage(2012将会诞生大规模的电池存储接入电网设施)

9. China’s Homegrown Super-computersIn 2012, China’s chips will power the Dawning 6000(国产芯片将会装备曙光6000)

10. Windows 8: A Redo From Redmond?The 2012 release of Windows 8 will show whether Microsoft can surf the tablet tidal waves(Win8的发布将会检验微弱是否能引领桌面计算的潮流)

11. EUV Faces Its Most Critical Test2012 will be the make-or-break year for extreme ultraviolet lithography(远紫外线金属板印刷将会取得重大突破,14nm以下加工技术有望)

12. 3-D Printing Takes ShapeIn 2012, 3-D printing technology will go from prototyping to production(3D实体打印技术将会从原型走向市场)

13. LED Bulbs for LessIn 2012, there will finally be a first-rate LED bulb you can afford(LED灯将会更便宜)

14. Fantastic 4GHundreds of telecoms will invest in 4G LTE networks in 2012(4G-LTE市场将会大规模部署)


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