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Love 的新含义 -Matthew 听课笔记

已有 3009 次阅读 2011-12-27 14:09 |系统分类:生活其它

Love: Love Overcomes Various Evils.


1.Show your true Love to your enemy .


2.Learn to forgive, forgive others which also means forgive yourself

Is your life getting easier or is it getting harder?

If you're like most people, it's getting tougher by the day. Burdens and problems keep piling one on top of another. Nothing gets resolved... it just gets shoved down.

Which means old issues doesn't die... they fester.

When you don't resolve the past it's harder to deal with new challenges that come up. That's what causes stress and tension.

You want it to be over but it goes on and on.

It's probably not your fault. And it's easy to fix.

Problem is, you're looking for answers in the wrong place.

It's almost impossible to change simply by wishing and wanting to. If you keep doing what you've been doing, where will it lead you?

You can't change just by doing more of what you already know. 

Running faster on the treadmill is not the answer. It's going to take something new to lift you out of your current "round of resistance".

That something is forgiveness.

According to the Wikipedia page on forgiveness, 94% of Americans surveyed intuitively knew forgiveness would help them. They just didn't know how to do it. 85% said they needed outside help.

And what was the answer? Meditative prayer. Sit and wait for something to happen... for the burden to be lifted. For the angst to disappear.

Which really isn't such bad advice, since forgiveness is the healing balm for the stress of life. It's better than doing nothing. At least you're trying. It might bring results. Eventually.

Here's how to speed up the process:

Forgiveness is a living breathing energy. 

Like love. It exists independently of you and me. Forgiveness is real. It's a flow of energy that's always on. Like a waterfall.

You can sit and wait for the waterfall to come to you, or you can go to the waterfall. To bathe in the pure cleansing flow.

You can let the energy of forgiveness wash away all the grit and the grime. All the burdens. Let it lift you and heal you. Let it set you free.

You didn't come here to spend a lifetime suffering. You came here to rise above. Forgiveness is the stepping stone that can lift you to a whole new level of existence.


Because it sheds the burdens and the dead weight like a hot knife through butter. When the burdens are removed it makes you lighter and raises your vibration. That's how you change, by changing your vibrational frequency. (Also called your resonance.)



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