jay1060201001的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/jay1060201001



已有 4439 次阅读 2011-5-30 11:31 |系统分类:观点评述| English, test, 英文写作, always

When I read this bolg this morning (http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=569569&do=blog&id=448000) It suddenly downed on me that why couldn't I write the blog in English!
I have always been learning English very hard ,I passed the college English Bet 4 test when I was a fresh man ,and then got through the Bet 6 test in the following year.Since I became a postgraduate ,because my subject is logistics engineering ,I found that English is more important for me.So I begun to learn English harder then ever before.I am mad about English now. I read English loudly in the morning ,and listen the BBC or VOA material stored in my mp3 player before going to sleep.In a word,I have pieced together all my spare time to learn English well. Now,in the following passage,I'll introduce my learning method:
Fisrtly,I have been reciting the new concept English 3 last year .Though I had learnt the textbook when I was a undergraduate .However,I have almost forgot all of the passages I acquinted.Through persistent hard work,I can recite 40 passages very fluently now,and I hope
Secondly,To improve my listening ,I listenend the VOA special English at first .After that,I begun to listen VOA standard and BBC.Though it's very hard to appreciate all the contents of the liatening material,you can listen it over an over again until you get the every meaaring of the sentence,even the every meaning of the word.As the old saying goes:practice makes perfect.Only through persistent effort can we improve our English.
Finally,I want to say the most important thing in learning English.To learn English,you must make it become part of your life,you must study English with full of passion,and you must study English with great interest.There is no shortcut on the road to learn English.Here I want to cite the chinese old saying as a conclusion :Diligence is the path to the mountain of knowledge,hard-working is the boat to the endless sea of learning.(书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟)


下一篇:期末英语口语考试—How to educate a child?
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