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已有 3342 次阅读 2011-4-20 23:25 |个人分类:教育教学|系统分类:科研笔记| 英国, 时间, 研究生院, 办公室, 青年

     为推动学院学术国际化,应院长李志林教授、国际处及研究生院的邀请,英国教授Chris Gold将在我院开展系列学术讲座,请各系研究生和青年教师报名参加。
2、地学工程中的三维建模和数值模拟(3D Modeling &Simulation in Geo-engineering)。
    另外,Chris Gold的妻子Valerian将为研究生或我院教工提供英语口语培训(免费),每次上课不超过四人,感兴趣者可到蔡洪波老师处报名。
Chris Gold的简历如下:



1978            PhD in Geology & Computer Science, University of Alberta, Canada

1970            MSc in Agriculture, McGill University, Canada                    

1966            BSc in Geology, McGill University, Canada




2004-2010    Professor, Department of Computing and Mathematics, University of Glamorgan (EU Marie-Curie Chair holder in GIS, 2004-7; currently Emeritus Professor)

2000-2004    Professor, Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, HK Polytechnic University    

1990-1999         Professor and Industrial Chair, Université Laval, Sciences géomatiques

1987-1990         Associate Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Geography           

1985-1987         Senior Instructor, College of Geographic Sciences, N.S., GIS

1980-1985         Head: Exploration Section, Alberta Environment, Groundwater Division          

1978-1980         Post-Doctoral Fellow, Alberta Oil Sands Technology and Research Authority, University of Alberta




Professor Christopher Gold has worked on the development of GIS methods since the 1970s, and is particularly concerned about the integration of geographical analysis and algorithms, and cooperation with the Computer Science community. As well as his current emphasis on spatial data structures and algorithms, he has had extensive experience in applications such as forestry, geology, landscape modelling and marine navigation.

Professor Gold has been active for over 30 years in the development of spatial data structures, spatial models of perception and adjacency, Geo-informatics applications, and algorithms. He has approximately 200 publications and presentations in many fields – GIS (Geographic Information Science), Computer Science, Geology, Forestry and others. He is known in the Geo-informatics community for his work on spatial data structures, Voronoi diagrams, dynamic mapping and 3D modelling. He is known within the Computational Geometry community for his work on GIS applications. He has been active in Mathematics conferences, in Geology and Engineering workshops, and in Forestry. He has made presentations or organized workshops in Canada, USA, Europe and China. He has received a variety of honours from Canadian and Asian associations, and he has collaborated with a wide variety of researchers in Europe, North America and Asia. He has supervised approximately 20 research students and research assistants.

Significant achievements in geospatial information science through original research work


He has worked extensively to bring the GIS and Computer Science communities closer together, publishing in both types of journals. He is known in a variety of countries for his work on Voronoi diagrams, both in algorithmic development and in their application to a wide variety of Geo-informatics disciplines: geology, forestry, engineering, etc. He has been active in promoting the concept of interactive mapping and decision support systems, as well as the management of dynamic and 3D data, and simulation techniques. He has had particularly strong research collaboration with China, having been involved with researchers there for fifteen years.

His best-known research has been concerned with Voronoi diagrams as a fundamental spatial model for many GIS application areas. He has also published a variety of papers on problems of interactive spatial display, dynamic and kinetic simulation of spatial processes, Spatial Decision Support Systems and spatial data structures.

Prof. Gold was involved in the development of two large Canadian research endeavours in Geo-informatics. In 1990 he was appointed the Senior Researcher of an Industrial Research Chair funded by the Quebec Forest Industry and the Canadian National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). The second project was the establishment, with two other researchers, of the ongoing GEOIDE (“GEOmatics for Informed DEcisions”) Network of Centres of Excellence in Geomatics in 1998-9, also funded by NSERC.This was a major coup for Geo-informatics: only three were established across all disciplines.

From 2004-2007 Professor Chris Gold, held the post of “Marie Curie Chair” with the GIS Research Group at the University of Glamorgan. These professorial appointments are a mechanism to highlight personal achievements of world-class researchers by offering them top-level appointments in Europe, to support career development and international recognition. His Chair duties included organizing European and international conferences and workshops on spatial data visualization, and he travelled extensively giving seminars and workshops. His 30 years of research and many publications have been devoted to the development of appropriate spatial models for various aspects of GIS, and his work in promoting Voronoi diagrams as a fundamental tool for spatial analysis has been widely recognised and used. Four of his past research students now hold academic posts.



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