There is some problem when we try to configure the sound device in Skype under SLE 10. It always said: skype: relocation error: skype: symbol snd_device_name_hint, version ALSA_0.9 not defined in file with link time referenceHere is the solution:
2. search key words "libasound" from Yast-->software manager install both libasound and libasound-32bit (if your system is X64)
Tips for Skype in Linux we can dial the number in China mainland with the prefix of "*" in Windows, but this method doesn't work in Linux or MacOS. However, the Skype mainland account can be uesed under linux or MacOS with prefix of "+99008668015"
eg: if we want to dial the number: 010-12345678 we can dial it in Linux Skype: +99008668015 010 12345678
if we want to dial a mobile number: 138 12345678 we can dial: +99008668015 0138 12345678