他的理性力学观点是:建立物质流形上的力学。这与建立在拖带坐标系上的连续介质力学是类似的。但是,G A Maugin采用的是数学上的代数路线。
他继承了Eshelby 的应力概念,(Eshelby, J.D., The force on an elastic singularity, Phil.Tran.Roy.Soc.Lond., A244 (1951), 87-112.), 很关注非均匀性介质中的奇异性论题。也力图建立热力学下的变形力学一般性体系。
[1] Gerard A. Maugin, Recent advances in M3 (mechanics on the material manifold), THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS, vol. 28-29, pp. 221-233, Belgrade 2002
[2] Gérard A. Maugin, ”Material” mechanics of materials, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS, vol. 27, pp. 1-12, 2002
[3] G.A. Maugin, Continuum mechanics of electromagnetic solids, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988.
[4] A.C. Eringen and G.A. Maugin, Electrodynamics of continua, Vol. I and II, Springer-Verlag New York, 1990.
[5] G.A. Maugin and A.C. Eringen, On the equations of the electrodynamics of deformable bodies of finite extent, J.Mécanique (Paris), 16, 1-47, 1977.
[6] G.A. Maugin, The principle of virtual power in continuum mechanics. Application to coupled fields. Acta Mechanica, 35, 1-70, 1980.
[7] G.A.Maugin, Material Inhomogeneities in Elasticity, Chapman and Hall, London, 1993.
[8] G.A.Maugin, Material Forces: Concepts and Applications, Appl.Mech.Rev., 48 (1995), 213-245.
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