Nanomaterials & Nanoelectron ...分享



已有 6488 次阅读 2010-12-9 09:15 |系统分类:论文交流



    武汉光电国家实验室纳米能源技术与功能纳米器件团队的沈国震教授、徐璟博士生、王显福硕士生、黄洪涛博士生、陈娣教授利用激光烧蚀辅助化学气相沉积法,在硅片上得到了具有分支结构的氧化铟纳米线薄膜。所得到的纳米线薄膜可以用诸如镊子之类的针尖直接从硅片上转移到透明基底,如玻璃片上,来制作全透明薄膜晶体管。由于可以直接用物理方法进行转移,所以转移前和转移后的纳米线薄膜的结构没有发生明显的变化。由此材料所制作的全透明薄膜晶体管的可见光透过率达到了80%以上,器件的电子迁移率达到了243 cm2V-1S-1,开关电流比为105。该成果为研制基于全透明薄膜晶体管的下一代全透明显示技术提供了一个很好的思路。

    该研究工作得到了国家自然科学基金、华中科技大学人才引进基金、华中科技大学自主创新基金、湖北省自然科学基金以及教育部博士点基金的资助。研究成果于12月8日正式发表在Advanced Materials杂志的网络在线版上(DOI: 10.1002/adma.201003474)。

Guozhen Shen, Jing Xu, Xianfu Wang, Hongtao Huang and Di Chen

Article first published online: 8 DEC 2010 | DOI: 10.1002/adma.201003474

Thumbnail image of graphical abstract

Peeling off nanowire mats with tweezers? Directly transferable In2O3 nanowire mats are synthesized via a simple laser-ablation chemical vapor deposition method (see figure). The mats are used as active channels to make transparent thin-film transistors with high performance.

we reported the synthesis of transferable In2O3 nanowire mats via a simple laser-ablation CVD method and their application in making transparent TFTs. Multiple bipod, tripod or tetrapod junctions were formed within a single nanowire, which renders the synthesized nanowires into close-packed cross-linked nanowire mats. Due to its mechanical robustness, it is now possible to directly transfer the as-grown nanowires from the grown substrate to transparent device substrate by tweezer-like sharp AFM tips to make transparent TFTs. This transfer process keeps the shape of the nanowire mats and mitigates the disadvantages existing in current physical transfer processes. We also demonstrated the fabrication of fully transparent TFTs and the devices show excellent operating characteristics with high carrier mobilities, up to 243 cm2 V−1 s−1 and a drain–source current on/off ratio of 105, suggesting their great potential for applications in transparent electronics.

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