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Evert Hoek 简介

已有 9697 次阅读 2008-9-16 14:52 |个人分类:英语交流| Evert, Hoek, 岩土工程

(Evert Hoek是国际著名岩土工程学家,提出的Hoek—Brown准则为估算工程岩体强度参数一直提供了一条良好的途径,他的多部著作被中国学者翻译成中文出版。2000年Hoek曾在美国土木工程师协会年会上应邀作太沙基讲座 (Terzaghi Lecture)。能在ASCE年会上做太沙基报告,既是对报告人成就的肯定,也是对其擅长专题的高度总结。
Evert Hoek太沙基讲座题目为:Big Tunnels in Bad Rock      ASCE:JGGE, 126(9), pp. 765-774, 2000)
Dr Hoek was born in Zimbabwe and graduated inmechanical engineering from the University of CapeTown in South Africa in 1955. For his post-graduatework he specialized in experimental stress analysis andobtained a master’s degree for his work on three-dimensionalphotoelastic techniques. In 1958 he jointedthe South African Council for Scientific and IndustrialResearch and became involved in the application of stressanalysis techniques to the study of rock stress problems indeep level gold mines. He was awarded a PhD in 1965 bythe University of Cape Town for a thesis on brittle fracture in rock.In 1966 he accepted an invitation from the ImperialCollege of Science and Technology, one of the colleges of the University of London, toestablish an interdepartmental centre of research and teaching in rock mechanics. Hewas appointed Professor of Rock Mechanics in 1970 and awarded a DSc inEngineering by LondonUniversity in 1975.
In 1975 he moved to Canada as a Principal of Golder Associates, an internationalgeotechnical consulting firm. In 1987 he accepted the post of Industrial ResearchProfessor of Rock Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering at theUniversity of Toronto.Dr Hoek returned to a full time consulting practice in Vancouver in 1993. He is nowan independent consultant and is a member of a number of consulting boards and atechnical review consultant on several major civil and mining engineering projects. Hehas recently worked on projects in Canada, Greece, India, Venezuela, Chile, HongKong, Indonesia, Australia and the Philippines.He has published numerous technical papers and three books. His most recent bookon rock support for hard rock excavations, co-authored with Professors P.K. Kaiserand W.F. Bawden, was published in January 1995. Amongst the awards which he hasreceived are the E. Burwell Award from the Geological Society of America (1979),Elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (1982), Rankine Lecturer,British Geotechnical Society. (1983), The Gold Medal of the Institution of Mining andMetallurgy, UK, (1985), The Müller Award, International Society of Rock Mechanics(1991), William Smith Medal, Geological Society of London, (1993), the award of anhonorary DSc in Engineering by the University of Waterloo, Canada (1994) thepresentation of the Glossop Lecture to the Geological Society in London (1998) andthe presentation of the Terzaghi lecture for the ASCE in Seattle (2000).


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