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来自心怿的诗 (41)

已有 2886 次阅读 2010-8-23 04:26 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:诗词雅集





























This equation was obtained is simply incredible. Its similar form has been unknown to scattered in some old papers in the previous AD 1960s-2000s for many years, but never to attract attention, not many people are concerned that it represents what the physical meaning.


Whether it represents that quantum information is the most essential matter in the universe? Whether it shows that all of the wave function, quantum density operator, from heaven to the ground, from the galaxy to Earth, but an expression picture of quantum information density form, all the world is quantum information density moving and evolving by energy in time and space?


I had been puzzled, because the most essential thing in the universe is “information” in the conclusion which cannot be accepted by my traditional concept of substance, and finally I only announced that this equation is a“meaningless”trouble.


The overfly girl today’s statement thought-provoking discourse, so I suddenly see the light up. Particle wave function, quantum probability, all of these entity in microscopic world is nothing but a show of quantum information density, picture, while the eigenvalue of Liouville operator corresponding to the energy eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian operator show as the energy to promote the performance of quantum information density of motion or evolution. Information is evolved driven by the energy; the universe is information, and information can only rely on the energy movement. This is the essence of everything in the universe.


“How does human body receive advanced information and energy from the sun, the moon and the stars deep in the universe? Which is synchronized with the vibration of the universal field, isn’t?”I have some doubts to ask for advice.”


More text goes here.


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