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已有 5345 次阅读 2010-6-18 14:22 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:观点评述

ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION A ,这个期刊去年才2.051,今年涨到49.926!


Journal Information Information

EigenfactorTM Metrics
EigenfactorTM Score
Article InfluenceTM Score
ISO Abbrev. Title: Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A
ISSN: 0108-7673
Issues/Year: 6  
Journal Country/Territory: DENMARK
Publisher Address: COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA,
Subject Categories:

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY  Scope Note View Journal List Summary View Category Data

Journal Rank in Categories: Journal Ranking And Impact Factor Boxplot

Back to TopJournal Impact Factor Information

Cites in 2009 to items published in: 2008 = 5966    Number of items published in: 2008 = 72 
  2007 = 125      2007 = 50 
  Sum: 6091      Sum: 122 
Calculation: Cites to recent items  6091 = 49.926 
  Number of recent items  122     

Back to Top5-Year Journal Impact Factor Information

Cites in {2009} to items published in: 2008 = 5966    Number of items published in: 2008 = 72 
  2007 = 125      2007 = 50 
  2006 = 121      2006 = 48 
  2005 = 138      2005 = 61 
  2004 = 150      2004 = 84 
  Sum: 6500      Sum: 315 
Calculation: Cites to recent items  6500 = 20.635 
  Number of recent items  315     

Back to TopJournal Self Cites Information

The tables show the contribution of the journal's self cites to its impact factor. This information is also represented in the cited journal graph.
Total Cites 14394
Cites to Years Used in
Impact Factor Calculation
Impact Factor 49.926
Self Cites 181 (1% of 14394)
Self Cites to Years Used
in Impact Factor Calculation
23 (0% of 6091)
Impact Factor without Self Cites 49.738

Back to TopJournal Immediacy IndexInformation

Cites in 2009 to items published in 2009 = 21 
Number of items published in 2009 = 48 
Calculation: Cites to current items  21 = 0.438 
  Number of current items  48     

Back to TopJournal Cited Half-LifeInformation

The cited half-life for the journal is the median age of its items cited in the current JCR year. Half of the citations to the journal are to items published within the cited half-life.
Cited Half-Life: >10.0 years

Breakdown of the citations to the journal by the cumulative percent of 2009 cites to items published in the following years:
Cited Year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999-all
# Cites from 2009  21  5966  125  121  138  150  189  105  110  71  7398
Cumulative %  0.15  41.59  42.46  43.30  44.26  45.30  46.62  47.35  48.11  48.60  100

Cited Half-Life Calculations:
The cited half-life calculation finds the number of publication years from the current JCR year that account for 50% of citations received by the journal. Read help for more information on the calculation.

Back to TopCited Journal GraphInformation

Click here for Cited Journal data table

This graph shows the distribution by cited year of citations to items published in the journal ACTA CRYSTALLOGR A.
Citations to the journal (per cited year)
Cited Journal Graph

- The white/grey division indicates the cited half-life (if < 10.0). Half of the journal's cited items were published more recently than the cited half-life.

- The top (gold) portion of each column indicates Journal Self Citations: citations to items in the journal from items in the same journal.

- The bottom (blue) portion of each column indicates Non-Self Citations: citations to the journal from items in other journals.

- The two lighter columns indicate citations used to calculate the Impact Factor (always the 2nd and 3rd columns).

Back to TopJournal Citing Half-LifeInformation

The citing half-life for the journal is the median age of the items the journal cited in the current JCR year. Half of the citations in the journal are to items published within the citing half-life.
Citing Half-Life: >10.0 years

Breakdown of the citations from the journal by the cumulative percent of 2009 cites to items published in the following years:
Cited Year 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999-all
# Cites from 2009  21  82  72  65  58  58  52  37  38  32  807
Cumulative %  1.59  7.79  13.24  18.15  22.54  26.93  30.86  33.66  36.54  38.96  100

Citing Half-Life Calculations:
The citing half-life calculation finds the number of publication years from the current JCR year that account for 50% of citations in the journal. Read help for more information on the calculation.

Back to TopCiting Journal GraphInformation

Click here for Citing Journal data table

This graph shows the distribution by cited year of citations from current-year items in the journal ACTA CRYSTALLOGR A.
Citations from the journal (per cited year)
Citing Journal Graph

- The white/grey division indicates the citing half-life (if < 10.0). Half of the citations from the journal's current items are to items published more recently than the citing half-life.

- The top (gold) portion of each column indicates Journal Self-Citations: citations from items in the journal to items in the same journal.

- The bottom (blue) portion of each column indicates Non-Self Citations: citations from the journal to items in other journals.

Back to TopJournal Source DataInformation


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