刚才出去吃复活节大餐:,开车在路上,一家人嘻嘻哈哈笑谈。我突发奇想,说,甜甜即兴完成的生日卡,受到方太那样的激赏,会不会方太一高兴,把它装裱起来,挂在张大千的画作旁边作为收藏品?领导说,那可不得了,甜甜的美术作品就会永远流传了。甜甜很懵懂的样子,我解释给她说:you know, Grandma Fang has a collection of oriental art, many of them are unique and priceless. If she likes your work so much that she will make it part of her collections, you will be famous, and more importantly, your art will live forever. 甜甜似乎并没有觉得这有什么,说:if she likes my art, she can ask me any time and I am more than happy to make her another one on any occasion. I may not be a great artist, but I am creative and ... 她停顿片刻,接着说,definitely unique.
原来,昨天晚上我问甜甜,明天要去参加一个生日派对为 Chinese Americans 的领袖祝寿,你要不要去?甜甜一听说 birthday party 就兴奋,问为谁开派对啊?我说:let me put it this way, Mrs. Fang, you should call her Grandma. she is the greatest Chinese American in the US, a legendary figure. She was a personal friend of Ronald Reagan and George Bush. 甜甜说:George Bush's personal friend? Bush Senior or Junior? 我说:Senior. 她吁了一口气 (甜甜一直对小布什不感冒,总爱拿他开涮),说:Bush Senior is ok, thank God, not Bush Junior. 甜甜的好奇心来了,同意跟我去。我说,人家问起来,我怎么介绍你呢,去的可都是 VIPs, 外交官、市长、议员、社区领袖,文艺大腕啊。甜甜说:you are not a VIP either, we are both little potatos。我说,好,问起来,我就介绍说:this is my daughter and secretary. 她欣然应允。
话说甜甜跟我来为大名鼎鼎的方奶奶祝寿,感觉大人们的活动很 boring,一拨一拨谈话,鼓掌,送礼送匾,合影留念,没完没了。我轻声说,那你就找一个清净的地方画画吧。这孩子自小爱画画,画起来一屁股下去几个小时不挪窝。她说,那我给方奶奶画个生日卡片吧。我说,那太好了,let us give her a surprise. 甜甜问,方奶奶喜欢什么动物呢?我说,你看看这满屋子的收藏,还不明白,她喜欢猪,蝴蝶还有孔雀。