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已有 5358 次阅读 2010-4-4 04:14 |个人分类:杂七杂七加一|系统分类:生活其它| for, 心灵鸡汤, chicken, soul


Chicken Soup for the Soul is a series of books, usually featuring a collection of short and dense inspirational stories and motivational essays. The 101 stories in the first book of the series were compiled by motivational speakers Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.

There have been numerous volumes of Chicken Soup issued. As of January 2006, there were over 105 titles. Many of the books are directed at specific groups of people, e.g. Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul, Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Volunteer's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Grandparent's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Ocean Lover's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul, etc.

The first book sold over 2 million copies and launched the series. There are now over 100 million copies in print and in 54 languages worldwide. The Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul series, consisting of over over 14 titles, is one of the first series of non-fiction books which have sold directly to teens in the US, Canada, the UK and Australia.

The series has spawned a number of imitators and parodies including Chicken Soup for the Vegetarian's Soul and MTV's Beavis and Butt-Head: Chicken Soup for the Butt, as well as a line of licensed products, including greeting cards, calendars, gift products, pet food, CDs, DVDs, and nutritional supplements. A parody can also be found within the PC game A Vampyre Story; a book titled Chicken Soup For Those Without A Soul can be found in the library.

The name "Chicken Soup For The Soul" was chosen for this series because of the use of chicken soup as a home remedy for the sick, and therefore it was "good for the body." The inspirational stories included in this series were meant to be "good for the soul."

From 1993 to 2008, Chicken Soup for the Soul was published by Health Communications, Inc.

原来“心灵鸡汤”是个舶来词,既然是由Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen写的书起头的,咱们就看看他们的书,这一查,他们写的Chicken Soup for the Soul的系列书还不少,有Chicken Soup For The Soul: 101 Stories To Open The Heart And Rekindle The Spirit:http://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Soup-Soul-Jack-Canfield/dp/1558749209/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1270324875&sr=8-1 。 还有:Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stories That Restore Your Faith in Human Nature http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0091854288?ie=UTF8&tag=bookeboolibr-20&link_code=wql&camp=212361&creative=380601 ,还有 Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Your Dreams http://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Soup-Soul-Living-Dreams/dp/075730138X/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1270324875&sr=8-3 等等,就不一一列举了。

咱就从amazon上搜出结果中的第一本书来看看:Chicken Soup For The Soul: 101 Stories To Open The Heart And Rekindle The Spirit:http://www.amazon.com/Chicken-Soup-Soul-Jack-Canfield/dp/1558749209/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1270324875&sr=8-1 。 这里可以下载:http://www.filefront.com/16016859/ChickenSoupfortheSoul.pdf/ 。但是鼓励买纸质书。

今天引ON LOVE 章的第一篇:
Love: The One Creative Force
Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor. . . . Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.
Mother Teresa

A college professor had his sociology class go into the Baltimore slums to get case histories of 200 young boys. They were asked to write an evaluation of each boy's future. In every case the students wrote, "He hasn't got a chance." Twenty-five years later another sociology professor came across the earlier study. He had his students follow up on the project to see what had happened to these boys. With the exception of 20 boys who had moved away or died, the students learned that 176 of the remaining 180 had achieved more than ordinary success as lawyers, doctors and businessmen.
The professor was astounded and decided to pursue the matter further. Fortunately, all the men were in the area and he was able to ask each one, "How do you account for your success?" In each case the reply came with feeling, 'There was a teacher."
The teacher was still alive, so he sought her out and asked the old but still alert lady what magic formula she had used to pull these boys out of the slums into successful achievement.
The teacher's eyes sparkled and her lips broke into a gentle smile. "It's really very simple," she said. "I loved those boys."
Eric Butterworth



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