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信息检索领域的又一个重要奖励:Karen Sparck Jones奖

已有 6066 次阅读 2009-10-15 10:11 |个人分类:研究方法|系统分类:海外观察| 信息检索, Karen, Sparck, Jones奖, Gerald

       信息检索领域最著名的奖是Gerald Salton奖,由信息检索领域顶级会议SIGIR发布,获得Salton奖的,毫无疑问是IR里公认的大牛,比如仙逝的Salton与Karen、Rijsbergen、Robertson、Dumais、Croft等。

       欧盟向来有与美国争夺科技制高点的传统,老美搞SIGIR,EU就搞ECIR(European Conference in Information Retrieval),SIGIR设立SALTON奖,ECIR就出来了Karen Sparck Jones奖。





附: Karen Sparck Jones Award情况

    BCS / BCS IRSG Karen Sparck Jones Award
          An Award to Commemorate Karen Sparck Jones
*** Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing ****
*** Deadline for nominations 30 October, 2009 ****

The British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS IRSG) in conjunction with the BCS
has created an award to commemorate the achievements of Karen Sparck Jones.

Karen was an Emeritus Professor of Computing and Information at the University of Cambridge and one of the most remarkable women in computer science. Her contributions to the fields of Information Retrieval (IR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), especially with regards to experimentation, have been outstanding and highly influential. Karen's achievements resulted in her receiving a number of prestigious accolades such as the BCS Lovelace medal, for her advancement in Information Systems, and the ACM Salton Award for her
significant, sustained and continuing contributions to research in information retrieval.

In order to honour Karen's achievements, the BCS/BCS-IRSG has established an annual award to encourage and promote talented researchers who have endeavoured to advance our understanding of Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing with significant experimental contributions.

To celebrate the commemorative event, the recipient of the award would be invited to present a keynote lecture at the BCS-IRSG's annual conference the European Conference in Information Retrieval (ECIR). This forum provides an excellent venue to present and announce the award as the conference attracts many new and younger researchers.

The recipient would also be presented with a prize consisting of a certificate, a trophy and a cash prize of 1000 plus expenses to travel to ECIR.

BCS/BCS-IRSG Karen Sparck Jones Award:

Eligibility: Open to all IR/NLP researchers, who have no more than 10 years post doctoral or equivalent experience.

Criteria: To have endeavoured to advance our understanding of IR and/or NLP through experimentation.

Nominations: The following should be provided - name, position, affiliation, years since completing PhD, a short case for the award (composed of a short description of why the individual should receive the award), a short description of what contributions the individual has made, a list of the individuals top five publications reflecting the relevant contributions, and two referees. The nomination text should not exceed 2500 words.

If you are intending to nominate someone or yourself, it would be helpful, at this stage nearing the deadline, if you could let us know in as soon as possible in advance (contact as per further below

Award Panel: The Panel Chair, appointed by the BCS IRSG Committee, will invite panel members from amongst representatives of the BCS main council, the BCSIRSG Committee, sponsoring organisation(s), as well as at least two experts appointed by the BCS-IRSG committee and the Awards Coordinator of the

Prize: The recipient of the award would receive a certificate, a trophy, a cash prize of 1000 plus expenses to travel to ECIR to present the keynote lecture.
Presentation: The recipient of the award is expected to give a keynote lecture
at ECIR when he/she would also be presented with their trophy, and cash prize.

8 April, 2009 - Call for nominations.
30 October, 2009 - Deadline for nominations.
15 December, 2009 - Notification of the prize winner.
28-31 March, 2010- Winner presents keynote at ECIR.

Sponsors: Currently, the award is being sponsored by the BCS IRSG and
Research Cambridge.

Contact: Ayse Goker, ayse.goker.1@soi.city.ac.uk


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