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科研信息:Frederich’s ataxia 情况下的基因转录

已有 3516 次阅读 2009-9-11 08:58 |个人分类:Science in action|系统分类:科研笔记


DNA Repair  doi:10.1016/j.dnarep.2009.08.001

The roles of SbcCD and RNaseE in the transcription of GAA·TTC repeats in
Escherichia coli

Xuefeng Pan (a,b,∗), Yunfeng Ding(a,1,) Lingfeng Shi ( a,1)

a School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
b Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh EH9 3JR, Scotland, UK


a b s t r a c t
Expansion of GAA·TTC repeats in FXN gene is associated with decreased frataxin production in Frederich’s
ataxia patients. To study this effect, we have engineered a set of GAA·TTC repeats in the EcoRI site of lacZ
gene of plasmid pUC18 as part of the transcription template of the lacZ gene, while keeping its ORF
unchanged. The effects of the GAA·TTC repeats on the lacZ expression were investigated in Escherichia
coli JM83 and its mutants deficiency in RNA processing, homologous recombination and DNA repair.
We found that transcriptions of the GAA strand with different sizes and organizations displayed normal
alpha-complementation when RNase E was functional. By contrast, transcriptions of TTC repeats containing
more than 13 triplets failed to support  a;pha-complementation, showing RNase-independent but lengthdependent
effects of TTC repeats on lacZ expression. In addition, we also found that functions of SbcCD,
a DNA structure specific nuclease, were needed in the RNase E-dependent lacZ expression of the GAA
repeats. These suggested that processing of DNA and RNA is essential to the transcription of the repeatscarrying gene in vivo.


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