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已有 3333 次阅读 2009-8-16 21:14 |个人分类:其他|系统分类:生活其它

    今天我yahoo的邮箱里收到一封来自Mr. Paul Edgar <pauledgar1968@virgilio.it> 的邮件,一看便知是垃圾邮件,通常我都是直接“彻底删除”的,难得今天心情好,遂打开看看,看后觉得好笑,一是内容,二是觉得对中国人发这种英文邮件是有风险的(有些人看不懂),也可能对中国人的英语普及有信心,但能看懂的中国人智商应该不会这么低吧。所以感觉发垃圾邮件也是一门高深的学问,要对客户进行详细分析,否则浪费了时间、成本,也没什么效益,这点,也许老外应该向中国同行好好学学。

Attn: Sir,

I anticipate that you read this mail quickly and let me know your
opinion or willingness on this classified information that I will
release to you. I am Paul Edgar,the Regional
Manager, Global Transaction Banking, HSBC Bank Middle East.

I am writing to solicit your assistance in the transfer of Ten million
seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($10,750.000.00) . This fund is the
excess of what my branch in which I am the manager made as profit during
the last three years. I have already submitted an approved last Year End
of the Year report to my Head Office here in LONDON and they will never
know of this Excess. I have since then, placed this amount of
($10,750.000.00) in a SUSPENSE ACCOUNT without a beneficiary.

As an officer of the bank, I cannot be directly connected to this money
thus I request for your assistance to receive this money into your bank
account. I intend to give 40% of this fund to you while 60% shall be for
me. I do need to stress that there is practically no risk involved in
this. Also i like to let you know that any expensis you made during this
transaction will be diducted immediatly the funds gets to your account.
It is going to be a bank-to-bank transfer to your nominated bank account
anywhere you feel safer. All I need from you is to stand as the original
depositor of this fund.
If you accept this offer, I will appreciate your timely response.

With Regards,

Mr. Paul Edgar,
RegionalManager, Global
Transaction Banking,
HSBC Bank Middle East


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