物理中的生命世界分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/sunon77


Doing science could be fun

已有 4657 次阅读 2009-4-10 04:44 |个人分类:写在科学边上|系统分类:生活其它| Science, Doing, fun, group, retreat

Every year our group will go to a small town named  Oberwiesenthal in the south Germany for a group holiday. It is a yearly opportunity for people to chat with each other and give informal talks about their own research. It is also the time to have fun: going ski, hanging around in the bar, hiking in the mountains etc.

       Science is not necessary to be dull and researchers do not necessarily live a dull life. Instead, it can be full of interesting stuff. You can find people reading physics book on the bus trip. people are thinking during the seminar. people are explain why bees can fly and how the fruit fly's wing can grow. People are chatting in the bar. People are playing table tennis called Chinese game, which I have never played before as a Chinese.

      Here you can have a glimpse what some young researchers' holiday could be. :-)

or address: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/t3TUVQivD08/


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