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My Yellow River

已有 6188 次阅读 2009-2-9 07:49 |个人分类:诗歌散文|系统分类:生活其它

I went back to my hometown to enjoy the Spring Festival holiday a few days ago, Zhongwei city in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The Weining Campagna is one of the most prolific glebes in Ningxia. There is a  colloquialism in China," The Yellow River under the sun makes Ningxia rich". 

When we got off the plane, it was already 22:30 of the hogmanay. A friend with his family came to pick us up. We got home at 1:30 or so on the fisrt day of the lunar new year. It was really a fresh experience.

The plane was full of people who were eager to go home. A handsome boy about 4 years old sat behind us. He was engernetic and spoke a lot of interesting words on the way. Looking down from the window, we saw beautiful firecracks now and then. During two hour flight, the plane flied in starry sky. I never make clear that why I often have such a deep loneliness when I take plane at night. The respledent lamplights of a city under the sky look so warm and beautiful.

Then the car ran on the speedway about two and half an hours, passing by a few familiar towns and villages. The night was so quiet and there was no other automobiles on the road. Toll-gates were free at the hogmanay. A young toll collector dogslept in the toll-gate and smilled at us when we passed by. The firecrakers sounded from the villages around. There are 6 people in the car. I felt that I have been running on the field alone under starry sky and felt my quiet heart clearly at the midnight. The new spring was coming. Wishes are arising. My cell phone and my heart both are full of blesses.  

The following days were taken up by relatives, friends, drink, cates and so on. What impressed me deeply is the Yellow River. One afternoon, four people of us went to the Xiangshan Park which is built beside the Yellow River, a new and vast square transformed from farmer's planting land, which is the result of urbanization of this county-level city with sparse population.  The farmers who have lost  land are trying to find new ways to make live. Little businesses are growing around. Water pollution is becoming a serious problem. We met at most orther five people in the great park. That was a great sense that you find you are alone in the beauty of a natural scene. I always desire for such a palce to set myself when I am tired of busy and noisy city life.

When we walked directly across a great lake covered by ice by a few curving wooden bridges, the Yellow River emerged in front of me. My Yellow River! She was so peaceful, with blue water. You would think that you were in front of  a sea if it didn't not flow in a narrow river. More that 10 years ago, I lived in a hotel on the bank of the Yellow River  in a spring night in Shapotou, a famous trioust attraction. After a day's sand sliding, camel riding and a campfire party, the night comes, a dark and quiet night in May. The waves of the river sounded so nearly from the ground, it made me shocked and excited. Besode her, I thought that I were a child running vigorously on the ground all the time. The sound of the waves as well as the wind impressed me so deeply that I always rememeber of her whereever I am. By now  I have left hometown for many years. Then at that moment, she was in front of me, so calm, so dear, like a mother waiting for her child. A tender feeling arose in my heart, my mother river.

 The sky was so blue and the sunshine of afternoon was warm. There were no other people on the bank. There is not much water in winter. The blue water flowed peacefully but vigorously. I felt a kind of power, the power of nature, the power that was given me by the Yellow River but lost a long time ago. The riverway is curving and very narrow in some places. Yellow and soft reeds joggled in warm sunshine. The wind blowed gentlely and the soil under my feet was soft. I threw a little stone into the river at full tilt. Ripples diffused on the water, lippers of the Yellow River, as well as in my blood.


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