Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 4. Save our retrieval history in IS
已有 4154 次阅读2008-11-19 22:34|个人分类:科研之路|history, literature, retrieval, literature
As the saying goes, history is a mirror. Literature retrieval history itself reflects our studying procedure. If we take notice to save our literature retrieval history, at least the repeated retrieval could be avoided to the greatest extent. In my opinion, culturing our habits to save retrieval history in time is efficient for our research.
The other advantageous feature of saving our retrieval history lies in our convenient looking back. Maybe when we browse our retrieval history after a whole day of busy work, a innovative idea comes up with us, as is usually the case of distinguished scientist.
Here I introduce how to save our retrieval history in ISI Web of Knowledge platform.
Firstly you need to register an ID in ISI Web of Knowledge platform. When your enter ISI Web of Knowledge platform, click “sign in”, choose “ register” and type your necessary individual information and submit your registration. NOTE: The password must include at least 8 characters.After finished, click “continue” and you enter the interface displaying your sign in.
Secondly, you may start to your search and then save your retrieval history. Here I take a example using retrieval word: “Pb immobilization” or “Pb stabilization” and “soil contamination” or “soil pollution” for column “topic” in database ESCI. Click search and we see the retrieval results.
Thirdly, save your retrieval history. Click “search history” in results interface and you will see the corresponding “search history”
interface. You only click “save history/create alert”, and set your “history name” and alert choice, finally save , confirm it and you complete the creation of retrieval history.
When you enter ISI Web of Knowledge interface next time, you will see the “My saved searches” column. You may open it and browse the content of your saved retrieval last time.