Volume 2 Issue 10
Biological target detections have long been regarded as critical concerns in early diagnosis, prevention, and therapy of diseases. Therefore, an eligible detecting tool for ready operation, sampling, and detection with high sensitivity and repeatability is highly required. We developed a novel detection platform that complexed polydiacetylene (PDA) liposomes with swellable microneedles (MNs). Thanks to thein situ sampling capacity of microneedles and the unique optical properties of PDA liposomes that change in response to external stimuli, we integrated target sampling and detection in one platform (PDA/MNs). PDA/MNs exhibited higher sensitivity than their counterparts in the liquid phase, reflected by the significantly lower limit of detection (LOD) towards lead ion (Pb2+) and sialic acid (SA). The results suggest that such PDA/MNs are validated to provide a label-free, stable, sensitive, and convenient tool in an all-in-one manner for physiologic target detection.
目 录
1.Kha-Ti Lim: Mother of ten thousand infants
Dr. Kha-Ti Lim earned the title of “Mother of Ten Thousand Infants” by personally delivering more than 50,000 newborns. She conducted pioneering research on subjects including fetal intrauterine respiration, female pelvic disorders, and gynecological tumors. Dr. Lim has been recognized as a founding figure of modern obstetrics and gynecology in China.
Liu X, Huang R, Zhu L. Kha-Ti Lim: Mother of ten thousand infants. hLife 2024; 2: 493–495.
2. Regulatory functions and mechanisms of human microbiota in infectious diseases
hLife Review | 人体微生物群在感染性疾病中的调控功能与作用机制
通讯作者:张令强, 刘翠华, 柴琪瑶
Fang Y, Lei Z, Zhang L, et al. Regulatory functions and mechanisms of human microbiota in infectious diseases. hLife 2024; 2: 496–513.
3. Construction and investigation of all-in-one microneedles complexed with functionalized polydiacetylene liposomes for improvedin situdetection sensitivityhLife Article | 功能化聚二乙炔脂质体-微针复合体的制备及其在生理靶标物原位采样与高灵敏检测一体化中的应用
通讯作者:Jumin Lee, 孔明
Wang J, Li W, Chen Y, et al. Construction and investigation of all-in-one microneedles complexed with functionalized polydiacetylene liposomes for improved in situ detection sensitivity. hLife 2024; 2: 514–526.
hLife | 揭秘寨卡病毒NS1抗体的不同保护机制:表位差异如何影响防御
通讯作者:赵卫, 庾蕾, 胡红丽
Pan Q, Xing X, Yu J, et al. Structural insights into the distinct protective mechanisms of human antibodies targeting ZIKV NS1. hLife 2024; 2: 527–541.
The 10th International Human Microbiome Consortium (IHMC) congress focused on important topics such as “The interaction of the humanholobiont with other bionts” “Environmental factors influencing the human holobiont” “Oncobiome: A network introducing gut microbiota into oncology” and “Microbiome and cancer development”.
Qin N, Ehrlich SD. Advancements for microbiome research in human health and disease: From composition to functionality. hLife 2024; 2: 542–545.
hLife由高福院士、董晨院士和Jules A. Hoffmann教授(2011诺奖获得者)领衔,是中国科学院微生物研究所主办,中国生物工程学会,浙江大学陈廷烨大健康学院,西湖大学医学院,上海市免疫治疗创新研究院和广州霍夫曼免疫研究所联合支持,与国际出版商爱思唯尔合作的健康科学领域综合性英文期刊。
hLife是一本金色开放获取期刊,月刊出版;2022年成功入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊”;2023年11月正式创刊; 2024年5月被DOAJ收录;2024年8月被Scopus收录。
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