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已有 926 次阅读 2024-10-19 20:16 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:论文交流




Fig. 1 A new study shows that electronic chips can be dramatically simplified by using the “edge of chaos,” which enables long metal lines to amplify signals and act like superconductors, reducing the need for separate amplifiers and lowering power consumption. Credit: SciTechDaily.com


Fig. 2 A metallic line atop a medium biased at the edge of chaos can provide effective negative resistance for time-varying signals, outputting a larger signal compared to its input. The energy for amplification comes from the static bias applied to the medium. Credit: Brown, T.D., et al. (reMIND), Axon-like active signal transmission. Nature (2024). [DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07921-z]

据美国能源部(U.S. Department of Energy20241018日提供的消息,新一代电子技术突破:利用混沌边缘制造高性能、高效的微芯片(Next-Gen Electronics Breakthrough: Harnessing the “Edge of Chaos” for High-Performance, Efficient Microchips)。

研究人员已经发现“混沌边缘”( “edge of chaos”)如何帮助电子芯片克服信号损失,使芯片更简单、更高效。通过在半稳定材料(semi-stable material)上使用金属线,这种方法允许长金属线发挥超导体的作用并放大信号,通过消除对晶体管放大器的需求并降低功耗,有可能改变芯片设计。

革命性的芯片设计与混沌边缘(Revolutionizing Chip Design With the Edge of Chaos




这种创新的新方法消除了对晶体管放大器的需求,并使长金属线不仅可以实现超导体般的零电阻,还可以增强小信号。这样的进步可以从根本上简化芯片设计,大大提高效率。原文详见:Timothy D. Brown, Alan Zhang, Frederick U. Nitta, Elliot D. Grant, Jenny L. Chong, Jacklyn Zhu, Sritharini Radhakrishnan, Mahnaz Islam, Elliot J. Fuller, A. Alec Talin, Patrick J. Shamberger, Eric Pop, R. Stanley Williams, Suhas Kumar. Axon-like active signal transmission. Nature, 2024, 633: 804–810. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07921-z. Published: 11 September 2024. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07921-z

参与此项研究的有来自美国利弗莫尔的桑迪亚国家实验室(Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, USA)、美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA)以及美国德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA)的研究人员。

推进电子信号传输(Advancing Signal Transmission in Electronics

通过金属导体的电信号由于金属的固有电阻而失去强度。为了补偿,传统的方法需要反复破坏导体,插入放大器来重新产生信号。这种技术已经使用了一个多世纪,限制了现代密集互连芯片的设计和性能。相比之下,这项工作引入了一种基于利用混沌半稳定边缘(semi-stable edge of chaos简称EOC)的新方法,这是一种科学家理论化但以前尚未证明的制度。这种机制支持主动信号传输,类似于在生物轴突中看到的自我放大。

利用混沌的半稳定边缘实现高效电子产品(Harnessing the Semi-Stable Edge of Chaos for Efficient Electronics

通过电进入钴酸镧(LaCoO3)中的自旋交叉(spin crossover),研究人员分离出半稳定的EOC,并在金属传输线中调用负电阻和信号放大,而不需要单独的放大器,并且是在常温和常压下。

现场原位热成像(Operando thermal mapping)显示,用于维持EOC的能量并没有完全以热量的形式损失,而是部分被重新定向以放大信号,从而实现持续主动传输,并有可能彻底改变芯片的设计和性能。

这项工作主要由非线性神经元动力学启发的可重构电子材料中心{Center for Reconfigurable Electronic Materials Inspired by Nonlinear Neuron Dynamics (reMIND)}支持,该中心是一个由美国能源部基础能源科学办公室资助的能源前沿研究中心{Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) funded by the Department of Energy Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences}。桑迪亚国家实验室的实验室指导研发(LDRD)方案为reMIND EFRC提供了内部支持。这项工作的所有作者都直接得到了reMINDLDRD方案(LDRD programme)的支持,也得到了美国斯坦福大学SystemX联盟(SystemX Alliance at Stanford)、斯坦福纳米共享设施{ Stanford Nano Shared Facilities (SNSF)}、美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation under award ECCS-2026822)、美国能源部国家核安全管理局(US DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525)的支持。



Any electrical signal propagating in a metallic conductor loses amplitude due to the natural resistance of the metal. Compensating for such losses presently requires repeatedly breaking the conductor and interposing amplifiers that consume and regenerate the signal. This century-old primitive severely constrains the design and performance of modern interconnect-dense chips1. Here we present a fundamentally different primitive based on semi-stable edge of chaos (EOC)2,3, a long-theorized but experimentally elusive regime that underlies active (self-amplifying) transmission in biological axons4,5. By electrically accessing the spin crossover in LaCoO3, we isolate semi-stable EOC, characterized by small-signal negative resistance and amplification of perturbations6,7. In a metallic line atop a medium biased at EOC, a signal input at one end exits the other end amplified, without passing through a separate amplifying component. While superficially resembling superconductivity, active transmission offers controllably amplified time-varying small-signal propagation at normal temperature and pressure, but requires an electrically energized EOC medium. Operando thermal mapping reveals the mechanism of amplification—bias energy of the EOC medium, instead of fully dissipating as heat, is partly used to amplify signals in the metallic line, thereby enabling spatially continuous active transmission, which could transform the design and performance of complex electronic chips.


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