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已有 971 次阅读 2024-8-30 19:17 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




Fig. 1 University of Auckland researchers have uncovered new properties of gallium, demonstrating that its covalent bonds, unique among metals, reappear at high temperatures, challenging long-held views and providing insights critical for nanotechnology and other fields.


Fig. 2 Professor Nicola Gaston. Credit: University of Auckland


Fig. 3 Dr Steph Lambie. Credit: McDiarmid Institute

据新西兰奥克兰大学(University of Auckland)2024829日提供的消息,新发现挑战了150年的假设:科学家发现了不寻常金属的新特性(New Findings Challenge 150-Year-Old Assumptions: Scientists Discover New Properties of Unusual Metal)。新的研究揭示了原子水平上的结构和行为。

在镓(gallium, Ga)被发现并被添加到元素周期表近150年后,镓继续揭示着它的秘密。奥克兰大学的科学家们最近发现了这种金属结构和行为的新方面。

1875年,法国化学家保罗-埃米尔·勒科克·德布瓦博德兰(Paul-Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran)首次发现了镓,镓以其低熔点而闻名,低到用镓制成的勺子可以融化在一杯茶中。这种不寻常的金属也是制造半导体的关键成分。这一惊人的发现与镓在原子水平上的行为有关。

与大多数金属不同,镓以二聚体——原子对(pairs of atoms)——的形式存在,并且在固体状态下密度低于液体状态,类似于冰漂浮在水面上的方式。镓的特点是共价键,原子共用电子,这对金属来说也是不寻常的。


对镓认识的突破(Breakthrough in Understanding Gallium

奥克兰大学和麦克迪尔米德先进材料和纳米技术研究所(MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology)的尼古拉·加斯顿(Nicola Gaston)教授说:“30年来关于液态镓结构的文献都有一个明显不正确的基本假设。”

这项研究是由德国马克斯-普朗克固态研究所(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Heisenbergstraße 1, Stuttgart, Germany)的博士后研究员斯蒂芬·兰比博士(Dr Steph Lambie)和新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学(MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand)的克里斯塔·斯蒂恩伯根博士(Dr. Krista G. Steenbergen)以及新西兰奥克兰大学麦克迪尔米德先进材料和纳米技术研究所(MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Department of Physics, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand)的尼古拉·加斯顿(Nicola Gaston教授共同完成的。

这一突破来自斯蒂芬·兰比,当时他是新西兰奥克兰大学麦克迪尔米德先进材料和纳米技术研究所的博士生,他仔细地回顾了过去几十年的科学文献,并比较了温度数据,以拼凑出完整的图景。他们的研究结果于2024624日已经《材料视野》(Materials Horizons杂志网站在线发表——Stephanie Lambie, Krista G. Steenbergen, Nicola Gaston. Resolving decades of debate: the surprising role of high-temperature covalency in the structure of liquid gallium. Materials Horizons, 2024, 11: 4201-4206. DOI: 10.1039/D4MH00244J. First published 24 Jun 2024. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2024/mh/d4mh00244j

镓的应用及历史意义(Applications and Historical Significance of Gallium


锌雪花(Zinc `snowflakes’)是在尼古拉·加斯顿、斯蒂芬·兰比和克里斯塔·斯蒂恩伯根之前的一个项目中,通过在液态镓中结晶锌而制成的。

镓在被发现之前就被预测到了。当俄国化学家德米特里·门捷列夫(Dmitri Mendeleev)1871年创造了第一张元素周期表时,根据原子序数的增加来排列元素,他为已知元素所显示的缺失元素留下了空位。


有趣的是,在火星上寻找过去生命痕迹的科学家们认为,镓有可能作为一种化学指纹提供线索,保存过去微生物生命的痕迹。奥克兰大学环境学院和Te Ao Mārama基础研究中心(Te Ao Mārama – Centre for Fundamental Inquiry)的研究人员正在进行调查。



Liquid metals (LMs) have the potential to revolutionise many important technologies, ranging from battery components to catalytic reactions. Low melting temperature gallium (Ga) is particularly promising as a solvent in many LM alloys, due to the low energy cost of maintaining its liquid state. However, despite 30+ years of study on the nature of Ga's liquid structure, it remains enigmatic with significant disagreement among the many published reports. In this work, we reconcile many of the conflicts through analysis of extensive ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of bulk Ga liquid at different temperatures. Contrary to previous assumptions, covalency becomes more important in the liquid at higher temperatures, meaning that covalency is not a significant feature of the liquid near the phase transition temperature. This explains the experimental observation of a decrease of resistivity of the metal upon melting, and its subsequent anomalously nonlinear increase with temperature. This revised understanding of structuring in the liquid has implications for the way these alloys are tailored for specific applications in the rapidly developing field of LMs.



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