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The 2nd World Conference on Artificial Consciousness

已有 230 次阅读 2024-7-22 10:21 |系统分类:博客资讯

The 2nd World Conference on Artificial Consciousness Background

link: http://www.yucongduan.org/DIKWP-AC/2024/#/?lang=en&workshop=main

Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital EraWe are currently living in a digitally-driven era with data at its core. Every day, a vast amount of data is continuously generated and processed. Information disseminates globally at unprecedented speeds, knowledge accumulates and evolves, and wisdom manifests its unique value across various domains. However, the challenges posed by this era revolve around ensuring that data processing and transformation are not only technologically efficient but also align with human ethical and moral standards, as well as genuine human purposes. The significance of addressing this issue cannot be understated, as it directly relates to the sustainability of the digital economy and the digitized development of society.In this digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) technology is rapidly emerging as a primary driving force behind the digital economy. AI systems exhibit unprecedented speed and accuracy in processing vast amounts of data, propelling automation, intelligence, and innovation. However, the development of AI technology is accompanied by a series of significant challenges. Firstly, data rights protection has become a highly scrutinized issue, given its implications for personal privacy and data security. Secondly, the issues of algorithmic discrimination and bias highlight the limitations of technology and the potential threats to social justice. Additionally, the protection of intellectual property rights is crucial for fostering innovation and technological development. These challenges not only impact individuals but also have profound effects on the digital services of businesses and governments, thereby influencing the overall sustainability of society and the economy..Emergence of the DIKWP ModelIn this complex and ever-changing environment, the traditional DIKW model has proven insufficient to address new challenges. While the DIKW model provides a foundational framework for understanding the relationships between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, it exhibits evident limitations in handling the increasing volume and complexity of data. To better meet the demands of the digital era, the DIKWP model has emerged. This model introduces the dimension of "purpose," shifting the focus of the entire processing process to not only consider the quantity and quality of data but also emphasize the purpose and direction of data processing. This implies not only considering how to process data but also why data is processed and how to ensure that the processing aligns with the actual needs and goals of humanity. The emergence of the DIKWP model not only provides a more comprehensive framework for data processing but also transforms subjective concepts into objective mathematical expressions, offering more accurate tools and methods for data processing and application.Rise of Artificial Consciousness (AC)With the development of the digital era, the application scope of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to expand but presents certain limitations. AI systems often lack deep-level understanding and wisdom when handling complex data and information, as well as a genuine understanding of human purposes. To address this shortfall, the concept of Artificial Consciousness (AC) has emerged. AC is not merely an extension of AI technology but integrates wisdom and purpose into the AI's DIKW foundation, forming a more comprehensive and profound DIKWP processing model. The core objective of AC is to integrate higher-level cognitive elements into AI systems, enhancing cognitive abilities and decision intelligence, and exploring the essence of "consciousness" in-depth. This exploration is not only a breakthrough at the technological level but also an attempt to ensure the harmonious development of AI and AC with human values and purposes. AC injects higher-level cognition and wisdom into AI systems, enabling them to better understand and meet human needs—critical for driving technological development and the digital transformation of society.

Objectives of the Conference

1. Advancing Frontiers of Science:The Second World Artificial Consciousness Conference will focus on the latest theories and technological advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial Consciousness (AC), with a special emphasis on the critical domains of value alignment and purpose alignment. The conference aims to explore how the development of AI and AC technologies can be closely integrated with human core values and goals. Through this exploration, the conference will infuse fresh vitality and inspiration into the scientific community, drive the forefront of scientific development, and promote the collision and fusion of innovative thinking across various fields.Research in the field of value alignment will investigate how to ensure the behavior of AI systems aligns with human ethical standards and values, thus guaranteeing that technological development stays in line with the ethics and morals of human society. Research in purpose alignment will focus on ensuring that AI systems can accurately understand and fulfill users' genuine purposes and goals, avoiding misunderstandings and erroneous decisions. These studies will drive technological development while ensuring that technological progress maximizes human well-being. Advancing the frontiers of science is crucial for driving technological development and addressing current and future challenges. The conference will provide a platform for scientists to share their latest research findings, thoughts, and perspectives, sparking innovative thinking and providing new inspiration and impetus for future research directions.2. Exploring Future Technological Development Directions: The second goal of the conference is to explore future technological development directions in areas such as value alignment and purpose alignment for AI and AC. Understanding and leading the development directions in these two fields are crucial as they continually evolve. The following are some key aspects of exploring future technological development directions:Ethical AI and AC: With the widespread application of AI and AC in various fields, ethical issues become particularly important. The conference will focus on the development of ethical AI and AC, exploring how to embed ethical principles into technology and formulate appropriate policies and regulations to ensure ethical considerations are fully addressed.Autonomous Learning and Adaptive Systems: The autonomous learning capability of AI and AC systems will be a significant future development direction. The conference will study how to construct autonomous learning and adaptive systems, enabling them to continuously adapt to changing environments and tasks.Integration of AI and AC: The concept of integrating AI and AC is a future trend. The conference will explore how to more closely integrate AI and AC systems to achieve higher levels of intelligence and cognition.Explainability and Transparency: Understanding the decision-making process of AI and AC systems is crucial. The conference will discuss how to enhance the explainability and transparency of systems so that users and regulatory authorities can understand the logic behind their behavior.Addressing Future Challenges: AI and AC technologies will continue to face new challenges, such as security, privacy protection, and ethical issues. The conference will encourage researchers to think about how to address these challenges and formulate corresponding solutions.By discussing these future technological development directions, the conference will provide valuable insights for scientists, engineers, and policymakers on how to guide and drive technological progress to address the challenges of the increasingly complex digital age.3. Promoting Interdisciplinary Collaboration:The third goal of the conference is to promote interdisciplinary collaboration. In the fields of AI and AC, interdisciplinary collaboration is especially crucial, as these areas encompass multiple disciplines such as computer science, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, finance, and more. Experts and scholars from different fields can bring diverse perspectives and ways of thinking, driving technological development and innovation. The following are some key aspects of interdisciplinary collaboration:Integration of knowledge from different disciplines: The conference will encourage experts and scholars from different fields to share their knowledge and experiences, promoting the integration of knowledge across different disciplines. For example, neuroscientists can provide profound insights into the human brain and consciousness, while computer scientists can contribute technical knowledge about AI systems.Innovative intersections: Interdisciplinary collaboration can foster innovative thinking at the intersections of different fields. The conference will encourage participants to explore these intersections, seeking new research methods and solutions.Jointly addressing complex problems: AI and AC fields involve many complex issues that require collaborative efforts from interdisciplinary teams. The conference will facilitate the formation of interdisciplinary teams to address these challenges.By promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, the conference will provide a broader perspective for technical research and development, aiding in the creation of new thoughts and approaches, and advancing the field.4. Guiding Public AwarenessThe fourth goal of the conference is to guide public awareness. AI and AC technologies are not limited to the domains of scientists and engineers; they will profoundly impact various aspects of society. Therefore, the public needs a better understanding of these technologies to participate more effectively in relevant discussions and decision-making processes. The following are some key aspects of guiding public awareness:Education and popularization: The conference will advocate for education and popularization efforts related to AI and AC technologies. This includes organizing public lectures, seminars, and online educational resources to enhance the public's basic understanding of these technologies.Transparent academic communication: The conference will encourage open and transparent academic communication to ensure that research findings and discussions are visible to the public. This will help reduce misunderstandings and fears about technology, fostering more meaningful discussions.Ethical and moral education: The conference will emphasize the importance of ethical and moral issues and promote education and discussion on these matters. This will help ensure that technological development aligns with societal values.Public participation and feedback: The conference will encourage public participation in decision-making processes related to technological development, seeking public feedback and suggestions. This will help ensure that technological development better meets societal needs and expectations.By guiding public awareness, the conference will help the public better understand and accept AI and AC technologies, promoting their responsible development and application.5. Promoting Discussion on Ethical and Social IssuesThe fifth goal of the conference is to promote discussion on ethical and social issues. As AI and AC technologies advance, numerous ethical and social issues arise, requiring in-depth research and discussion. The following are some ethical and social issues that the conference will explore:Data privacy and security: With widespread data collection and usage, issues of data privacy and security become especially important. The conference will explore how to ensure the privacy and security of data in technology to protect personal information from misuse and infringement.Responsibility and legal frameworks: The behavior and decisions of AI and AC systems raise questions of responsibility. The conference will study how to clarify the responsibilities among technology developers, operators, and users and formulate appropriate legal frameworks to handle disputes and controversies arising from technology.Employment and economic impact: Rapid technological development may have profound effects on employment and the economy. The conference will discuss how to address the impact of automation and intelligence on different industries and professions, as well as how to cultivate the future workforce to adapt to these changes.Social inequality: Unequal application of technology may exacerbate issues of social inequality. The conference will focus on how to reduce the unequal impact of technological development on society, ensuring that technology benefits everyone.Ethical robots and autonomous systems: With the emergence of autonomous robots and systems, the potential for ethical issues increases. The conference will research how to ensure that the behavior of these systems aligns with ethical principles and how to address ethical decision-making issues.Global cooperation and standards: The conference will explore the importance of international cooperation in addressing transnational technological challenges. It will also discuss the necessity of establishing global ethical standards to ensure that technological development is constrained and guided worldwide.By promoting discussion on these ethical and social issues, the conference will help form a more comprehensive and balanced perspective, assisting society in better addressing the challenges posed by technological development and ensuring that technology aligns with ethical and societal principles.6. Nurturing Next-Generation Technological TalentThe conference's final goal is to discuss how to enhance public understanding of AI and AC technologies through educational and training programs and how to nurture the next generation of technological talent. These discussions will help ensure that the development of AI and AC not only meets the needs of technology and the economy but also aligns with the long-term interests and well-being of society and humanity.Through the in-depth realization of the above objectives, the Second World Artificial Consciousness Conference will not only be a technological extravaganza but also a profound reflection on the future direction and values of human society. It is dedicated to providing a more comprehensive, responsible, and sustainable perspective for the future development of human society and technology, ensuring that technological progress aligns with human values and the long-term interests of society. This is an unmissable historic event that will profoundly shape our path to coexistence with technology. The following is a continued detailed elaboration of the objectives of the Second World Artificial Consciousness Conference:Promoting International Cooperation and Standardization: The conference will serve as a platform for international cooperation, fostering collaboration and experience sharing among different countries and regions in the fields of AI and AC. Through international cooperation, global issues such as cross-border data flow, technical standards, and intellectual property protection can be better addressed. Additionally, the conference will encourage the establishment of international technological and ethical standards to ensure the global application of AI and AC is safe, fair, and transparent.Fostering the Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems: The conference will provide an opportunity for startups and innovators to showcase their latest achievements. Through interactions with investors and industry leaders from various fields, innovators can gain support and resources, accelerating the application of their technology in the market. This will contribute to nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems, driving the rapid development of emerging technologies.Advancing the Evolution of Public Policies and Legal Frameworks: The conference will be a crucial platform for policymakers to discuss how to formulate and update laws and regulations to adapt to the rapidly evolving technologies of AI and AC. This includes, but is not limited to, privacy laws, data protection laws, anti-discrimination laws, and intellectual property laws. The conference will encourage collaboration between governments, research institutions, industry leaders, and civil society organizations to develop policies aimed at protecting public interests.Promoting Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility: The conference will emphasize the sustainability of AI and AC technologies, encouraging participants to contemplate how to consider environmental, social, and economic sustainability in technological development. This will help reduce the negative impact of technology, promote the practice of social responsibility, and ensure that the widespread application of AI and AC technologies does not cause irreversible harm to the environment and society.Advancing Education and Public Engagement: The conference will encourage active participation from the education sector, promoting the popularization and education of AI and AC technologies. By organizing educational workshops, seminars, and online resources, the conference will cultivate public understanding of these technologies and enhance technological literacy. Additionally, the conference will encourage public engagement, enabling them to participate in shaping and regulating AI and AC technologies, ensuring that technological development aligns with the expectations and needs of the general public.Promoting Global Peace and Security: The conference will focus on the potential impact of AI and AC technologies on international security and conflicts. Through in-depth discussions on military applications, cybersecurity, and international cooperation, the conference will promote the stability of global peace and security. This includes collaborative development mechanisms to ensure the peaceful use of technology takes precedence over military applications and the formulation of international agreements to regulate related activities.The objectives of the Second World Artificial Consciousness Conference are broad and multidimensional, aiming to align the development of AI and AC technologies with the needs and values of human society while promoting global cooperation, innovation, and social responsibility. This will help ensure that these emerging technologies bring widespread benefits to humanity while minimizing their potential risks and negative impacts. The conference will provide a platform for experts, policymakers, business leaders, innovators, and public participants from various fields to deeply explore and collaboratively shape the future of artificial consciousness, ensuring that the development of this field better serves the long-term interests of human society.

Significance of the Conference

Integration of Technological Development and Human Values:The Second World Artificial Consciousness Conference emphasizes the integration of AI and AC technological development with human values, seeking not only efficiency and functionality in technology but also emphasizing its consistency with human ethical and moral standards. This integration is crucial because it ensures that technological progress not only meets the demands of technological innovation but also respects and upholds the core values of humanity. Through this approach, the conference is dedicated to constructing a wiser and more harmonious society, where technological development aligns with human well-being and moral principles.Shaping the Development Path of the Digital Era: The conference provides a fresh perspective and ideas for the social development of the digital economy era by exploring the applications of AI and AC in various fields such as education, healthcare, and finance. These explorations involve not only improving the quality and efficiency of decision-making but also optimizing resource allocation, enhancing service quality, and improving overall quality of life. The conference aims to drive the overall intelligence of society, ensuring that digital transformation can benefit all levels of society comprehensively and equitably.Promoting Interdisciplinary Innovation and Collaboration: The Second World Artificial Consciousness Conference serves as a gathering place for multidisciplinary experts, promoting interdisciplinary integration and innovation of AI and AC technologies. The conference encourages in-depth communication and collaboration among experts from different disciplines, collectively addressing and solving the challenges encountered in technological development. This interdisciplinary collaboration provides rich intellectual soil and innovative resources for technological innovation, paving the way for the future development of technology.Enhancing Public Understanding and Acceptance of AI and AC: Through educational activities and open discussions, the conference significantly enhances public awareness and acceptance of AI and AC technologies. Through these activities, public misconceptions and fears about these advanced technologies are effectively reduced, promoting their widespread acceptance and application in society. This increased understanding and acceptance are crucial for the comprehensive integration and application of technology.Establishing Global Technology Ethics Standards: Against the backdrop of rapid developments in AI and AC, the Second World Artificial Consciousness Conference plays a crucial role in establishing global technology ethics standards. Through international cooperation, the conference helps shape globally unified technology ethics and regulatory standards, ensuring that technological development follows not only the principles of efficiency and innovation but also complies with ethical and moral requirements. This is of significant importance for global society to collectively face the opportunities and challenges brought about by technological development.In conclusion, the Second World Artificial Consciousness Conference is not just a forum for discussing advanced technologies but also a crucial platform for in-depth exploration of how technology can integrate with human values, societal needs, and ethical standards. The conference holds profound significance in propelling human society towards a wiser and more harmonious direction, while providing new perspectives and impetus for the mutual progress of global technology and society.



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