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已有 1497 次阅读 2024-1-28 17:48 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Fig. 1 Mr Kevin O’Neill


Fig. 2 Steve Ackroyd with wife Fran and daughter Autumn


Fig. 3 Glioblastoma cells (Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence at Imperial College London)


Fig. 4 Dr Nelofer Syed

据英国伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College London)2024126日提供的消息,英印科学家合作完成的一项突破性研究,可能会让脑癌患者免去危险的手术(Research breakthrough could spare brain cancer patients risky surgery)。相关研究结果于20231226日已经在《国际癌症期刊》(International Journal of Cancer)杂志网站发表——Kevin O'NeillNelofer SyedTimothy CrookSudhir DubeyMahadev PotharajuSewanti LimayeAnantbhushan RanadeGiulio AnichiniDarshana PatilVineet DattaRajan Datar. Profiling of circulating glial cells for accurate blood-based diagnosis of glial malignancies. International Journal of Cancer, First published: 26 December 2023. DOI:10.1002/ijc.34827. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ijc.34827

参与此项研究的有来自英国伦敦帝国理工学院医疗保健NHS信托基金(Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK)、英国伦敦帝国理工学院哈默史密斯医院(Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College London, London, UK);印度神经科学研究所(Institute of Neurosciences, Medanta-The Medicity, Gurugram, India)、印度金奈的阿波罗专科医院(Apollo Speciality Hospitals, Chennai, India)、印度孟买的信实基金会医院和研究中心(Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai, India)、印度浦那的阿维纳什癌症中心(Avinash Cancer Centre, Pune, India)以及印度纳斯克的达塔尔癌症遗传学公司研究与创新部(Department of Research and Innovations, Datar Cancer Genetics, Nasik, India)的研究人员。

一项简单的血液检查可以帮助诊断最致命形式的脑癌患者,使他们免于接受侵入性、高风险的手术。在世界上,这项新技术已经被证明可以用于神经胶质肿瘤(glial tumours),包括胶质母细胞瘤(glioblastoma简称GBM),这是成人中最常见的高级别脑肿瘤。

这项临床验证研究对象是在伦敦帝国理工学院和帝国理工学院医疗保健NHS信托基金(Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust)管理的脑肿瘤卓越研究中心(Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence)接受治疗的脑癌患者。

领导该中心的帝国理工学院脑科学系(Imperial’s Department of Brain Sciences)的尼洛费尔·赛义德博士(Dr Nelofer Syed)说:“一种非侵入性、廉价的脑肿瘤早期检测方法对改善患者护理至关重要。通过这项技术,可以通过无风险和对患者友好的血液检查来诊断难以接近的肿瘤。我们相信这将是世界上第一次,因为目前还没有针对这类肿瘤的非侵入性或非放射性测试。”

凯文·奥尼尔(Kevin O’Neill)是帝国理工NHS医疗信托基金的顾问神经外科医生,也是帝国理工脑科学系的名誉临床高级讲师,是该中心的共同负责人。他补充说:“这有助于加快诊断,使外科医生能够根据活检应用量身定制的治疗方法,以增加患者的生存机会。我非常感谢所有为这项研究做出贡献的人,特别是参与研究的患者。”

减少高风险活组织检查(Reducing risky biopsies

脑肿瘤研究的首席执行官丹·诺尔斯(Dan Knowles CEO of Brain Tumour Research)说:“这项开创性的研究可能会导致脑肿瘤患者的早期诊断和更好地治疗选择。”



对于疑似高级别神经胶质瘤(suspected high-grade gliomas),包括多形性成胶质细胞瘤(Glioblastoma multiforme简称GBM)、星形细胞瘤(astrocytomas)和少突神经胶质瘤(oligodendrogliomas)的患者来说,这项测试可能会产生巨大的影响,导致他们的肿瘤类型的早期诊断,更快的治疗,并可能提高生存率。它还可以消除手术活检的需要,手术活检有很大的风险,特别是对那些有潜在健康问题的人。

这项工作由达塔尔癌症遗传学公司资助,已经引起了负责促进美国公共卫生的机构——美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration简称FDA)的注意(already attracted the attention)。现在希望在英国进行一项更大规模的研究,如果成功,可能意味着怀疑患有高级肿瘤的患者在短短两年内就能从这项突破中受益。

结束延误(An end to delays

GBM患者斯蒂夫·阿克罗伊德(Steve Ackroyd)是伦敦北部帕默斯格林(Palmers Green, North London)的一名电视编辑,他最初被误诊为癫痫并接受了治疗,3个月后,也就是20228月,他被诊断出患有脑瘤。现年47岁的他有一个12岁的女儿,他做了活组织检查,然后进行了放疗和化疗,目前正在德国接受免疫治疗,费用可能高达30万欧元(£300,000),由他的妻子弗朗西斯卡(Francesca)建立的一个众筹页面(crowdfunding page)提供资金。



上述整个研究由达塔尔癌症遗传私人有限公司(Datar Cancer Genetics Private Limited)资助。



Here, we describe a blood test for the detection of glial malignancies (GLI-M) based on the identification of circulating glial cells (CGCs). The test is highly specific for GLI-M and can detect multiple grades (II–IV) and subtypes including gliomas, astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, oligoastrocytomas and glioblastomas, irrespective of gender and age. Analytical validation of the test was performed as per Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines. Real-world performance characteristics of the test were evaluated in four clinical (observational) studies. The test has high analytical sensitivity (95%), specificity (100%) and precision (coefficient of variation [CV] = 13.7% for repeatability and CV = 23.5% for within laboratory precision, both at the detection threshold) and is not prone to interference from common drugs and serum factors. The ability of the test to detect and differentiate GLI-M from non-malignant brain tumours (NBT), brain metastases from primary epithelial malignancies (EPI-M) and healthy individual donors (HD) was evaluated in four clinical cohorts. Across these clinical studies, the test showed 99.35% sensitivity (95% confidence interval [CI]: 96.44%–99.98%) and 100% specificity (95% CI: 99.37%–100%). The performance characteristics of this test support its clinical utility for diagnostic triaging of individuals presenting with intracranial space-occupying lesions (ICSOL).

What's new?

While most intracranial masses are non-malignant, it is critical to get a prompt, accurate diagnosis. However, obtaining brain tissue for evaluation is unpleasant and carries significant risks. Here, the authors describe a blood test for glial malignancies based on identification of circulating glial cells. The test successfully detects multiple grades and subtypes, including gliomas, astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, oligoastrocytomas and glioblastomas. The test was evaluated in four clinical studies and showed 100% specificity and 99.35% sensitivity. This blood-based approach could be particularly useful in cases where the lesion is unresectable or a biopsy is impossible.



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