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科学家们用人造蜘蛛腺纺成自然丝 精选

已有 4005 次阅读 2024-1-26 14:31 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




The microfluidic device. Precursor spidroin solution is placed at one end and then pulled towards the other end by means of negative pressure. As the spidroins flow through the microfluidic channels, they are exposed to precise changes in the chemical and physical environment, and self-assemble into silk fibers. Credit: RIKEN

据日本理化研究所(RIKEN2024122日提供的消息,日中科学家合作用人造蜘蛛腺纺成自然丝(Scientists spin naturalistic silk from artificial spider gland)。


这种环保创新是朝着可持续发展迈出的一大步,可能会影响到几个行业。这项研究由日本理化研究所可持续资源科学中心(RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science in Japan)的沼田圭司(Keiji Numata和理化研究所先锋研究集群(RIKEN Pioneering Research Cluster)的同事领导,相关研究结果于2024115日已经在在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志网站发表——Jianming ChenArata TsuchidaAli D. MalayKousuke TsuchiyaHiroyasu MasunagaYui TsujiMako KuzumotoKenji UrayamaHirofumi ShintakuKeiji Numata. Replicating shear-mediated self-assembly of spider silk through microfluidics. Nature Communications, 2024, 15, Article number: 527. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-44733-1. Published: 15 January 2024. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-44733-1

参与此项研究的有来自日本理化研究所可持续资源科学中心(RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science , Wako, Saitama, Japan)、日本理化研究所创新研究集群(Cluster for Pioneering Research, RIKEN, Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, Japan)、日本京都大学(Kyoto University, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan)、日本同步辐射研究所(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo, Japan)、日本庆应义塾大学(Keio University, Tsuruoka, Yamagata, Japan)以及中国香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong, P. R. China)的研究人员。

蜘蛛丝(spider silk)以其强度,柔韧性和重量轻而闻名,其抗拉强度(tensile strength)与相同直径的钢相当,强度与重量比是无与伦比的。此外,它具有生物相容性,这意味着它可以用于医疗应用,也可以生物降解。那么,为什么不是所有的东西都是由蜘蛛丝制成的呢?由于几个原因,从蜘蛛身上大规模采集蛛丝被证明是不切实际的,这就需要科学家们开发一种在实验室里生产蛛丝的方法。


正如Keiji Numata.解释的那样,“在这项研究中,我们试图用微流体模拟天然蜘蛛丝的生产,这涉及到通过狭窄通道(narrow channels)的少量流体的流动和操纵。事实上,我们可以说蜘蛛的丝腺是一种天然的微流体装置。”

研究人员开发的设备看起来像一个小矩形盒子(见上述图示),上面有微小的沟槽。将前体蛛丝蛋白溶液(Precursor spidroin solution)置于一端,然后通过负压(negative pressure)将其拉向另一端。



此项研究得到了日本学术振兴会(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science简称JSPS)为早期职业科学家提供的资助(Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists from JSPS Grant No. 21K15063)、中国国家自然科学基金(National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No. 52303281)、部门一般研究基金(Departmental General Research Fund Grant No. P0046210)、日本科学技术振兴机构先进技术探索性研究{Japan Science and Technology Agency Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology (JST-ERATO; Grant No. JPMJER1602}CRESTCOI-NEXT以及MEXT数据创建和利用型材料研发项目(MEXT Data Creation and Utilization-type MaTerial R&D project)的支持或资助。



The development of artificial spider silk with properties similar to native silk has been a challenging task in materials science. In this study, we use a microfluidic device to create continuous fibers based on recombinant MaSp2 spidroin. The strategy incorporates ion-induced liquid-liquid phase separation, pH-driven fibrillation, and shear-dependent induction of β-sheet formation. We find that a threshold shear stress of approximately 72 Pa is required for fiber formation, and that β-sheet formation is dependent on the presence of polyalanine blocks in the repetitive sequence. The MaSp2 fiber formed has a β-sheet content (29.2%) comparable to that of native dragline with a shear stress requirement of 111 Pa. Interestingly, the polyalanine blocks have limited influence on the occurrence of liquid-liquid phase separation and hierarchical structure. These results offer insights into the shear-induced crystallization and sequence-structure relationship of spider silk and have significant implications for the rational design of artificially spun fibers.


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2 郑永军 王成玉

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