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已有 1617 次阅读 2023-11-24 19:41 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:论文交流




Fig. 1 The figure illustrates the directions of magnetic spins in a hopfion ring. Credit: Philipp Rybakov, Uppsala University.


Fig. 2 The experimental images (snapshots showing over-focused Lorentz transmission electron microscopy image of a hopfion ring in a 180 nm-thick FeGe plate at two different values of the applied magnetic field). Credit: Fengshan Zheng/Forschungszentrum Jülich

据物理学家组织网(phys.org20231122日提供的消息,晶体中霍普夫子(hopfions)的第一个实验证据:研究为未来技术开辟了新的维度(First experimental evidence of hopfions in crystals: Research opens up new dimension for future technology)。 来自中国、瑞典和德国的研究人员合作,提出了晶体中霍普夫子(hopfions)的第一个实验证据,相关研究结果于20231122日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Fengshan ZhengNikolai S. KiselevFilipp N. RybakovLuyan YangWen ShiStefan BlügelRafal E. Dunin-Borkowski. Hopfion rings in a cubic chiral magnet. Nature, 2023, 623: 718–723. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06658-5Published: 22 November 2023. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06658-5

参与此项研究的有来自中国广州的华南理工大学(South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China)、北京工业大学(Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China);德国于利希研究中心(Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany)、德国于利希研究中心及JARA(Forschungszentrum Jülich and JARA, Jülich, Germany)以及瑞典乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden)的研究人员。

上述图1(Fig. 1)所示说明了磁自旋在跳跃环中的方向。霍普夫子是几十年前预测的磁自旋结构,近年来成为一个热点和具有挑战性的研究课题。

瑞典乌普萨拉大学物理与天文学系(Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University, Sweden)的研究者菲利普·雷巴科夫(Philipp Rybakov)说:“我们的结果从基础和应用的角度来看都很重要,因为在实验物理学(experimental physics)和抽象数学理论(abstract mathematical theory)之间出现了一座新的桥梁,可能会导致霍普夫子在自旋电子学(spintronics)中找到应用。”


磁性斯格明子(Magnetic skyrmions)和霍普夫子都是拓扑结构的,具有良好的局域场构型,由于其独特的类粒子性质(particle-like properties)而成为近十年来研究的热点,这使它们成为自旋电子学应用(spintronic applications)的有希望的对象。

斯格明子是二维的,类似于漩涡状的弦,而霍普夫子是磁性样品体积内的三维结构(three-dimensional structures),类似于封闭的,扭曲的斯格明子弦(skyrmion strings),在最简单的情况下是甜甜圈形状的环(donut-shaped ring)。

尽管近年来进行了广泛的研究,但直接观察到的磁性霍普夫子只在合成材料中报道过。目前的这项工作是利用透射电子显微镜(transmission electron microscopy)和全息技术(holography)在B20FeGe板(B20-type FeGe plates)晶体中稳定这种状态的第一个实验证据。结果具有很高的可重复性,与微磁模拟完全一致。研究人员提供了一个统一的斯格明子-霍普夫子同伦分类(unified skyrmionhopfion homotopy classification),并提供了对三维手性磁体中拓扑孤子(topological solitons)多样性的见解。在两个不同的外加磁场值下,180 nm厚的FeGe板上的一个霍普夫子环的过聚焦洛伦兹透射电子显微镜图像(Lorentz transmission electron microscopy image)可以参看相关报道中的实验图像(Fig. 2)。

这些发现开辟了实验物理学的新领域:确定其他晶体中霍普夫子是稳定的,研究霍普夫子如何与电流和自旋电流(spin current)相互作用,霍普夫子动力学(hopfion dynamics)等等。

菲利普·雷巴科夫解释说:“由于这个物体是新的,它的许多有趣的性质还有待发现,所以很难预测它的具体应用。然而,我们可以推测,当升级到第三维度时,几乎所有正在开发的磁性斯格明子(magnetic skyrmions)技术如赛道记忆(racetrack memory)、神经形态计算(neuromorphic computing)和量子位(qubits)的霍普夫子可能是最感兴趣的。与斯格明子相比,霍普夫子由于三维而具有额外的自由度,因此可以在三维而不是二维中移动。”

本项目获得欧盟地平线2020研究与创新计划下的欧洲研究理事会资助(European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme grant 856538; project ‘3D MAGiC’; grant 823717; project ‘ESTEEM3’)。还有来自中国中央高校基本科研业务费专项和国家优秀青年自然科学基金(海外)项目{Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities and the National Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas)}、德国研究基金会(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through SPP 2137 ‘Skyrmionics’ grants KI 2078/1-1 and BL 444/16-2; project ID 405553726; TRR 270)以及瑞典研究理事会(Swedish Research Council)的资助。



Magnetic skyrmions and hopfions are topological solitons1—well-localized field configurations that have gained considerable attention over the past decade owing to their unique particle-like properties, which make them promising objects for spintronic applications. Skyrmions2,3 are two-dimensional solitons resembling vortex-like string structures that can penetrate an entire sample. Hopfions4,5,6,7,8,9 are three-dimensional solitons confined within a magnetic sample volume and can be considered as closed twisted skyrmion strings that take the shape of a ring in the simplest case. Despite extensive research on magnetic skyrmions, the direct observation of magnetic hopfions is challenging10 and has only been reported in a synthetic material11. Here we present direct observations of hopfions in crystals. In our experiment, we use transmission electron microscopy to observe hopfions forming coupled states with skyrmion strings in B20-type FeGe plates. We provide a protocol for nucleating such hopfion rings, which we verify using Lorentz imaging and electron holography. Our results are highly reproducible and in full agreement with micromagnetic simulations. We provide a unified skyrmion–hopfion homotopy classification and offer insight into the diversity of topological solitons in three-dimensional chiral magnets.


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