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Beyond Attention: Attention is NOT all you need

已有 657 次阅读 2023-9-11 11:25 |系统分类:论文交流

Beyond Attention: Attention is NOT all you need 超越关注:DIKWP框架的人工意识评估

Beyond Attention: Attention is NOT all you need


段玉聪(Yucong Duan)



DIKWP research group, 海南大学



The landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, with AI systems becoming increasingly integrated into various aspects of human life. However, one of the fundamental challenges in AI development is achieving a level of consciousness that aligns with human cognition. While human consciousness is known for its cognitive relativity, where each individual's awareness and experiences are unique, AI systems require a different approachone that seeks absolute standards. In this Nature paper, we delve into the concept of achieving absolute standards in AI consciousness and explore the essential role of the DIKWP language as a necessary component in constructing artificial consciousness.

摘要: 人工智能(AI)的快速发展已经彻底改变了我们生活的方方面面。然而,伴随着AI技术的广泛应用,我们也面临着一系列挑战,包括透明度、可解释性和伦理责任等方面。本文提出了DIKWP(数据、信息、知识、智慧、目的)人工意识评估标准,这一框架超越了以往对“关注”的简单理解,强调了数据、信息、知识、智慧和目的在实现AI系统人工意识方面的关键作用。我们将深入探讨DIKWP框架的各个要素,以及它如何帮助解决当前AI领域所面临的关键问题,推动AI技术朝着更为负责任和智能化的方向发展。













Attention is all you need》? NO

DIKWP 团队:《Attention is NOT all you need

For D : attenion is statistics

Data::= Attention     Yes

For I : attentions attention is

Information::= (Attention)2     NO

For K :attentions attentions attention is

Knowledge::= (Attention)3     NO

For W: Wisdom::=Information originates in human civiliation and culture.

For P : Purpose is description of human requirement and expection.

Purpose ::=<Input(DIKWP ), Output(DIKWP )>

Purpose driven: is the execution of DIKWP

The combination of Description and Execution of  DIKWP  ensures :

the conformance of the Human - Machine cooperation





































Beyond Attention: Attention is NOT all you need

Yucong Duan

DIKWP research group, Hainan University

Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com


Abstract: The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed every aspect of our lives. However, as AI technology becomes ubiquitous, it brings forth a series of challenges, including transparency, interpretability, and ethical responsibility. This paper introduces the DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) framework for assessing artificial consciousness, which goes beyond the conventional understanding of "attention" and emphasizes the crucial role of data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose in achieving AI system artificial consciousness. We delve into the elements of the DIKWP framework and how it addresses key issues in the current AI landscape, propelling AI technology towards greater responsibility and intelligence.




The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has profoundly changed our daily lives, work, and social interactions. From intelligent assistants to self-driving cars, AI systems have become an integral part of modern society. However, the rapid advancement of AI has also brought about a series of formidable challenges, such as ensuring the reliability and responsibility of AI system decisions, explaining the behavior of AI systems, and guaranteeing effective and transparent communication between AI systems and humans. To address these challenges, we need to establish more comprehensive and trustworthy AI assessment standards to ensure the controllability and trustworthiness of AI systems.


DIKWP: Redefining AI Cognition


Redefining Attention as Statistical Focus


Traditionally, the AI field has emphasized the importance of "attention," a concept widely applied for the first time in "Attention is All You Need." However, the DIKWP team proposes a radically different perspective, considering attention as a statistical component of data processing. In the DIKWP framework, data is regarded as the starting point of AI cognition, while attention is merely one statistical way of processing data. This redefinition helps us to comprehend AI's cognitive processes more comprehensively, moving beyond the concept of mere attention.


Information Is More Than Just the Square of Attention


Within the DIKWP framework, information is represented as (attention)², signifying that information encompasses more than just the square of attention. This viewpoint underscores the multi-layered nature of information, as its acquisition demands deeper abstraction and processing of data to align with human intent and needs. Information, within the DIKWP framework, is seen as the AI system's deeper understanding of the world.


Knowledge as Multilayered Comprehension


Knowledge, as a critical element in the DIKWP framework, goes beyond (attention)³. The DIKWP team posits that acquiring knowledge is a crucial step towards achieving AI consciousness. Knowledge's multilayered nature enables AI systems to gain a more comprehensive understanding and explanation of the world, propelling AI systems towards artificial consciousness.


Wisdom Rooted in Human Civilization


Wisdom, within the DIKWP framework, is rooted in the accumulated knowledge of human civilization and culture. Unlike relying solely on attention-driven algorithms, the DIKWP framework underscores that AI systems need to draw from the collective wisdom of human history to make ethical and responsible decisions. This viewpoint ensures that AI system decisions are not only intelligent but also ethical and responsible.


Purpose-Driven AI


In the DIKWP framework, purpose refers to the comprehensive description of human needs and expectations. Purpose-driven AI systems have a clear understanding of their goals when performing tasks, aligning with human intent and objectives. This ensures harmonious cooperation between AI systems and human users, making AI systems more practical and feasible.


Intersection of Description and Execution


The DIKWP framework emphasizes the synergy between description (purpose) and the execution of DIKWP components. This synergy ensures that the behavior of AI systems is interpretable and aligns with user expectations. The DIKWP team argues that relying solely on attention is insufficient; we need to include a comprehensive description of data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose to achieve AI system controllability and trustworthiness.




In summary, the DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) framework redefines the scope of AI cognition. It goes beyond the concept of mere attention, highlighting the crucial roles that data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose play in achieving AI system artificial consciousness. By encompassing these elements, AI systems can better emulate human cognition, addressing future challenges in ethics, interpretability, and reliability in the AI landscape.


Future Outlook


As AI technology continues to evolve, the DIKWP framework provides a promising path for developing conscious AI systems. Future research and practice should further refine and validate this framework to bridge the gap between AI and human cognition. The DIKWP framework represents a new direction for AI development, one that enables a more comprehensive understanding of and alignment with human needs, shaping a responsible and intelligent future of machines.





Attention is all you need》? NO

DIKWP 团队:《Attention is NOT all you need

For D : attenion is statistics

Data::= Attention     Yes

For I : attention’s attention is

Information::= (Attention)2     NO

For K :attention’s attention’s attention is

Knowledge::= (Attention)3     NO

For W: Wisdom::=Information originates in human civiliation and culture.

For P : Purpose is description of human requirement and expection.

Purpose ::=<Input(DIKWP ), Output(DIKWP )>

Purpose driven: is the execution of DIKWP

The combination of Description and Execution of  DIKWP  ensures :

the conformance of the Human - Machine cooperation



上一篇:AI 意识中的绝对标准追求:DIKWP 语言的关键作用
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